Chapter 11

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Heather's P.O.V.

"No, you're doing it all wrong! It's supposed to be run three steps, do a mid air split with the right leg pointing forward, and then you land on your pointe and do a half-spin, Heather!" My personal instructor, Lydia said in frustration. The rehearsal for the new ballet is going terribly, I made it as the main character again, which means a lot more work than the others.

The bad news is that they extended the rehearsal since they know how tight our schedules are once school starts, so instead of a one day rehearsal, it's now a five day rehearsal.

The good news is that I get to spend more alone time with mom, although I do feel bad for breaking up the family for a week, but sometimes it's worth the doing. While I continued getting scolded, mom was talking to the people who weren't training or just chatting around with the workers.

I knew that she occasionally glanced my way from my peripheral vision, which made my heart warm. And plus, I think she was getting sick of hearing lectures lol. "There you go, now was that so hard. Now for your duet, this is going to be your partner, Charles."

I shook hands with him, "It's nice to meet you, Heather." He said, "You too, Charles." As Lydia instructed him on where to stand, I continued practicing my jumps and splits, although I'm very flexible, I still need a lot of practice.

"Okay, she's going to run towards you, and you're going to grab onto her waist and raise her above you while Heather, you know your pose up there." Lydia said as I ran to the other side of the room, he better not drop me otherwise we will have a long chat.

I started doing my dance as I closed the distance between him and once I was close enough, I started picking up my speed as he placed his hands on my waist and raised me into the air, I then extended one leg up above my head as I bent the other one and arched my back.

Then I felt something trembling, my body. The next thing I knew, I hit something hard. He freaking dropped me while I was doing a very beautiful pose that took me like a hundred lectures to achieve.

"Oh my goodness sweetie are you okay?" Mom said, where the heck did she come from? "Yeah I'm fine." I said, as she helped me up. "Mom it's okay, this happens very often in ballet, which is why we have to do a lot of rehearsals." I laughed, although I was in quite some pain.

"Okay, as long as you're fine. Since you only have one hour left, I'm going to go call your dad." She said, giving me a kiss on the forehead before walking away. "Okay one more time, and Charles please, she's literally a skinny pole, she shouldn't be hard to lift up." Lydia said.

Thankfully this time he didn't drop me, I was able to dance the rest of my part before the rehearsal ended. My feet are so sore, but since I take good care of them, they aren't too bad, pain wise.

Once I changed into an Aeropostale hoodie and jeans, I slipped on a pair of uggs and walked to mom, who was talking to Johnny. "Hey mom, rehearsal ended." I said, "Okay, it was great talking to you Johnny, I'll see you tomorrow." She laughed as she looked at me.

"Wow, you're all changed." She said as we started walking towards our car, "Yep, speed is thing you gotta have in any type of performance, I'm starving, can we get some food?" I asked, "Of course, who do you think I am?"

"So I'm thinking about maybe taking you out to a fancy restaurant?" She said, starting the car. "Yeah, sounds great, honestly anything is fine because I am so hungry I could eat a whole cow." I said, "No honey you really couldn't." She laughed.

Katy's P.O.V.

It felt so nice to be just alone with my daughter, it has been such a long time since I've personally done anything for her, I just hope that this trip can mean something.

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