Chapter 49

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Katy's P.O.V.

The moment I found out from Cedric that John left, I began to panic. Sure I didn't really care before, but now I do, which is what matters. I immediately called Troy and found out that John was flying to Montana, I knew that if he stepped foot into that plane, we would be done.

Once I made it to the airport, I saw him walking towards his plane. So I screamed, "JOHN!!!" I screamed it so loud that everyone had to cover their ears. When he stopped walking, I ran towards him.

I threw my arms around him as I started sobbing, "John I know I screwed up, but we have a family together, I already lost my daughter, please don't let me lose my husband as well." I cried, it was hurting me so much.

"You didn't lose me, I'm just leaving for a while." He said, but I didn't let go. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I'm not leaving until I get him to stay with me.

"Katy let go, you know that this isn't going to work this time so I don't know why you're still trying, I have a plane to catch." He said, trying to shove me off. I let him, but I ran towards his plane and blocked off the entrance, I watched as he sighed and threw his luggage down.

"Katheryn!" He yelled, "I don't care, yell at me all you want, we've made it all the way to now I'm not letting something I did destroy it! If you're not going to think about me, think about your son!" I snapped.

"I did, which is why I did not file for a divorce. You put yourself in my shoes, how would you have felt if I cheated on you? You would have filed for a divorce, it's not something anyone can just accept! Oh, my wife cheated on me and I'm totally okay with it, yeah no." He said.

"I don't expect you to be okay, but we both know that if you leave, you will never come back, don't even try to argue with me on that one." I yelled, there were tears circling my eyes, but I didn't dare let them fall down.

"I know you still love me John, somewhere in that heart of yours you want to stay with me, you don't want to leave because you know how much love we had. The family we created, all the memories we shared and made, are you really going to leave that behind?" I asked softly.

"Don't try and guilt me into staying, I've already told you, no matter what you say or do, I'm leaving." He said. "Fine, then you leave me no choice." I said, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

I turned around and walked into his plane, sitting down on one of the seats. "Katy if you don't get out of that plane, I will have my security forcibly take you out if it comes to that." He said, crossing his arms. "And then I'll sue them for harassment, either way John, you're not getting rid of me."

"So that's your plan, to just fly with me to Montana?" He yelled, "If that's what it takes. It's up to you, we can talk here or we can talk in Montana, your decision." I said, crossing my legs and looking at him.

I heard him sigh deeply before looking at his security guards. Now it was my turn to let out a sigh in relief as the doors closed and we were preparing for takeoff. I quickly called Cedric:

C: Mom are you okay, are you with dad?

K: Yes darling, we're about to fly to Montana right now.

C: You guys are doing WHAT???

K: That's where your dad was headed to, and I sorta also got onto the plane, but I just wanted to let you know that we're going to be in Montana for a while, have Shannon come over okay?

C: Wow that was so last minute you guys, not cool!

K: I'm sorry sweetheart, but if that's what it'll take to mend our relationship, then that's what I'm going to do, please understand.

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