Chapter 51

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Author's note: OMG guys!!!! This book has been ranked number 1 in #JohnMayer, I am so happy, thank you for all your votes, comments, and reads!!! I really appreciate it!

Katy's P.O.V.

After staying a few more days up here in Montana, John and I decided to fly down to Hawaii and spend a few more days there, just the two of us to try and heal our relationship a bit quicker.

Everything's been great so far, but we want to make sure, we don't want to take anymore risks. John knows that a divorce could just about be the end of me, and I know that he's holding in a lot of pain from what I did, he's just not showing it to me. So I brought up Hawaii.

Once we were in the hotel, I put down my luggage and looked out the window. "I can't wait to go out to the beach, go on hikes, eat the amazing food here, and most importantly, shopping!!" I squealed like a three year old.

I felt very muscular arms wrap around my waist as I was looking at the beach, "That all sounds like a lot of walking, babe." He joked as he nuzzled his face into my neck, causing me to giggle.

"Well we are in Hawaii, which is going to mean quite some walking, honey." I turned around in his arms as I inhaled his scent. Just then, my phone began ringing:

K: Shannon what do you want?

S: Please tell me I didn't disrupt anything...

K: Yes you kind of did, now what do you want?

S: Well I miss you too.

K: Woodward...

S: Okay geez, since when were you guys going to freaking Hawaii? I thought you were just going to Montana!

K: Well obviously that's what I wanted you to think, otherwise I would have told you. I just wanted some peace and quiet without my monkey of a friend bothering me every five minutes.

S: Alrighty, well I'm getting lonely over here.

K: Don't you have Cedric to accompany you?

S: No, he kicked me out so I'm in my house now.

K: Wait WHAT???

S: What?

K: What do you mean he kicked you out? Who's watching him?

S: IDK but I mean Kate please relax, he's going to be fine, he's almost an adult for crying out loud.

I ended the conversation and turned to face John, "We need to fly back to LA right now, I feel like something is bad. And the last two times I felt something was wrong I ignored it, and both times Heather ended up in the hospital." He nodded and grabbed our luggage as I ran out of the hotel.

Cedric's P.O.V.

After kicking Shannon out of the house, I could finally get out peace. I literally just wanted some peace, that's the entire reason why I kicked her out. I made a huge bowl of popcorn that is probably going to make me gain ten pounds, some soda, and a small bag of gummies before plopping down onto the couch and opening the TV.

After about a few hours of watching TV, I heard the front door suddenly bust open, causing the popcorn to spill all over me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched mom and dad literally trip over each other to try and battle their way into the house.

"Um guys, are you okay?" I asked, causing both of them to freeze. After a few seconds, mom rushed towards me and threw her arms around me, "Thank goodness you're okay!" She said.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked, "Because Shannon said that you kicked her out! And I got a super bad feeling about it, so I thought that something would or might happen to you." She said, hugging me again. "Mom really, I'm fine, see?" Goodness woman.

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