Chapter 29

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Katy's P.O.V.

As John and I were putting away the groceries, Heather came into the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, how was your first day back at school?" I asked, handing her a banana, which she put back into my hand, okay, I'm going to guess she doesn't like bananas anymore.

"It was pretty good, saw some faces I wish I would have never seen but I mean, all in all good. I'm going to guess that you guys went grocery shopping?" She said, "Oh geez, how did you know?" I replied sarcastically.

"Wow, you guys really did buy the entire freaking store." She said, running towards the food, of course. "No thank you to the people who actually brought this food home?" I said as she dug out a bag of skittles, those are mine!

"Oh, thank you to the most amazing parents a girl could ever wish for, SKITTLES!!!" She screamed before running out of the kitchen, "Heather, those are MINE!" I yelled, running after her, only to be brought into the air and then spun around.

Once I was set back down, John started attacking me with kisses. "I guess your kisses are better than my skittles." I said, giving him a wink as he sealed my lips with his once again.

"Yeah I leave you guys for like five seconds and you're already about to make out, please at least wait until I like have my earplugs in and have my room locked and on full music blast, ugh, parents these days." Heather mumbled before walking back upstairs.

John and I started laughing, "Well, isn't someone in a mood today." He joked as we started organizing the food again, "What should we have for dinner then?" I questioned as John started taking out some vegetables.

"No I HATE vegetables." Heather said from out of nowhere, why does she keep on appearing every now and then, it's starting to freak me out. "Heather honey, why don't you like vegetables? They are very nutritious and good for you." I said, wrapping my arms around my little girl. Only she's not that little anymore, she's 15 and already in high school.

"Well Sofia always makes the vegetables taste so bad but I mean, I can't really tell the truth to her. And you're known for like...not being able to cook and idk about dad but I'm gonna guess he's not that much better either." I gasped, "Heather that is not nice."

"Well it's the truth, so I'm probably just going to go out and eat with my friends tonight, see ya!" She said before leaving the house, leaving John and I once again, dumbfounded. "She's beginning her rebellious phase." We said at the same time.

"I can't even control the nice Heather, how on earth am I supposed to control the rebellious one now?" I snapped to myself, "Well we will do this together, I'm pretty sure that we can take charge of our own kid."

I quickly grabbed my purse and John grabbed his keys, we only got one month to turn her terrible behavior around. He stepped on the gas pedal very hard, so hard that it slammed me into the seat. But soon enough, we caught Heather sitting in the back of a seat, thankfully it was all girls.

"Um honey, don't you think that they might realize that it's us following them?" John said slowly, I did not think this through. "Swerve in front of their car and I'll jump out and grab Heather." I said, "Are you crazy??" He yelled.

"Oh well mister you think of a better plan then." I snapped, he just rolled his eyes and continued following them. "Wow these kids are dumb, not once did they look into the mirror, we got lucky." My jaw dropped as I realized where the hell they were, a BAR??

John and I looked like we just saw a freaking ghost, and not the good type, if there even is a good type. Before Heather could walk in with her friends, I stormed in front of her, she looked so scared at that moment.

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