Chapter 40

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Heather's P.O.V.

I clung on to my closet as I started crying into my pillow, trying my best to muffle my crying sounds because I didn't want Sofia to get suspicious. Covering my face with a pillow and then shutting my closet door should be the best I can do to cover up the sounds.

I just want my mom, how hard is that? Holly just texted me that mom has one of the lead roles in Shannon's new movie, well, not lead role but pretty close to that. I know she's trying to further her career, but this has gone beyond ridiculous.

We just went through hell, and now she basically just throws me away again. If it weren't for one of my teachers at school, I wouldn't even be alive right now. I'm not suicidal, but I mean mentally alive.

The past events have triggered me to the point where I wouldn't smile at all, where I wouldn't even bother with the fake smile. If my teacher hadn't saved me, pulled me out from the deep water, I would have most likely died.

The fact that mom is lying to me about what she's doing in Anaheim is so stupid, if she just told me that she was filming a movie I wouldn't be this pissed off. Maybe I'm just being way too nice to her.

I mean, what kind of mother leaves their own flesh and blood with someone else while they go off and chase their dream? Then only visit them once in the next 11 years? And when they are finally reunited, and have gone through so many things together, still leave her daughter?

Welcome to my world, maybe mom really thinks it's okay. I never once, besides the whole pregnancy thingy, yelled at her. Maybe she thinks everything is fine because of my amazing fake smile and acting skills, maybe I don't want to be strong for her anymore.

But some part of me just cannot do that, I can't go full on harsh mode towards her because she is my mom. But what she did to me, how she ruined my childhood and is still continuing to ruin my life, is unacceptable.

Speaking of mom, she was calling me, I just let it go straight to voicemail. Holly is in LA with her dad right now in Anaheim right now to see her Aunt, who has stage four cancer. And coincidentally, she passed by Shannon's set and saw mom dressed like a freaking blue clown.

And of course if I tell dad about this, he's just gonna defend mom or just tell her the moment he leaves me. Fourth time she's calling me now under a minute, my goodness this is getting ridiculous, so I picked up:

K: Heather are you okay?? Why weren't you picking up, you had me so worried!

H: I don't always have to pick up my phone.

K: That's sorta the point of a phone, Heather.

H: Why are you calling me?

K: I just wanted to check up on you.

H: Again?

K: What's wrong with a mother checking up on her daughter?

H: Nothing.

K: Why the tone and attitude?

H: Because this is the third freaking phone call you've made to me in the past hour and nothing big is going on, I have a life okay, I can't sit by my stupid phone and wait for you to call all day long.

K: That's not what I meant!

H: You obviously never know what I mean.

K: Okay what the hell Heather, I called to check up on you and this is what I get in return?

H: You can stop it okay, I know you're a great actress, but just stop. It's getting so sick and annoying, stop pretending!

K: Pretending what?

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