Chapter One

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Looking into his eyes I feel like someone and that I belong but I can't tell if he feels something too. Does he? Will he ever? It's been 4 years and I can't help but to get hypnotized by his deep enrapturing blue eyes, his husky enticing voice. I can't help it, but I'm just making myself suffer I can't stop.

I'm just watching him. I can't stop looking. Why am I watching? We are supposed to be signing autographs but I can't help but to watch him as he talks. Am I a bad person for wanting him this way? I'm filling my head with all these things Ashley stop it. STOP IT.!!

"Hey you want to go get some coffee you looked hungover dude?"
Was Andy really talking to me?
"Sure, of course."

I'm so scared what's going to happen? This has to be a dream. I have to really be hungover.

As we got up and told the guys we were going to get some coffee they asked for some coffee for themselves.

"Make sure it's Starbucks I don't want none of that other knockoff shit."
Of course CC wanted Starbucks he'd marry that store.
"I want a iced coffee with caramel." Jake called after us.
"What do you want Jinxx?"
Andy asked as we made it to the door.
"You know what just get me a beer or just coffee with 2 shots of cream, they both have the same affect on me."

As we both made our way down the streets of Pennsylvania we walked two blocks to the nearest Starbucks. as we entered the shop my heart started pounding as fast as ever as not only am I with Andy getting coffee he might need to talk to me. Maybe about my staring issue. He ordered the coffee and paid. I just watched, it was all I could do.

"Ashley, bro why don't you sit down?"
I sat.
"So what's up you looked kind of bummed out."
"Nah man, you know me just tired from partying."
"Ohhh okay man just checking."

He turned his head away and started biting on his lip ring and I just loved it because he'd bite on it whenever he was nervous. It was the best quality he had and I loved it.

"So, you ready for tomorrow's concert?"
I asked knowing of course he is. He practices everyday trying to calm down because he's soo excited.

"I guess man, but lately my mind has been wandering."
"Oh I see."

I wonder what he's thinking about. I saw him place his hand I wanted so bad to place my hand on top of his, but I couldn't it's forbidden.

"Order 23? your coffee is ready."
The cashier yelled.
"That's us man."

He said patting my shoulder. I absolutely wanted to melt.
We got up he got the coffee and we started making our way back to the bus since we were done with autographs already.

"Andy? Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you took a chance and did something risky?"

He looked back at me and stared into my eyes. I just couldn't hold my gaze so I started looking away.

"Of course man, but life is about taking risks good or bad."
He looked at me waiting for me to reply and suddenly smiled.
"Come on risk taker let's head back to the bus"

He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders. we walked the block back to the bus laughing all the way. I wanted to know if I take that risk what would it cost me? If I took that risk I could be heartbroken, embarrassed and lose my friendship with him. I wish I knew what he was thinking.

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