Chapter 1

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GUYS JERIKA STORY INBOUND AHHHH IM SO EXCITED. This one is a good one and I have an egg- cell-ent plot for it... See what I did there... it was Easter yeterday... right I should just go now.... Anyways first of all if you do celebrate Easter then hope it was a great one for you... and now.... let Jake and Erika take the floor..... Tune in to the end for more information on the book

Jake's POV: 

Hey im Jake Paul. Im 24 years old and live out in L.A in a nice sized house you could say. I live with my 3 year old girl that literally is my world she is the only one that keeps me going. Her name is Dallas. I know what your thinking Dallas as a girls name well Alissa and I wanted something unique and we went to Dallas once and loved it there so we went with it. It has been hard since my girlfriend Alissa Violet died in a car crash about 2 years ago. Dallas always talks about her asking me what she was like. After Alissa's death I went into depression I stopped vlogging and ended what many call Team 10. Everyone split up and went back home besides Tessa and Tristan who started traveling for Tessa's dance. My parents ended up moving to Cali to help me raise Dallas. Logan as well has been a huge help in making me smile and laugh and helping me move forward. I miss Alissa so much but I know she's up there watching me wanting me to do my best and counting on me to raise our child. Trust me Alissa im going to do my best... I promise you. 

I have not really got out much these past 2 years. I have been you know doing dad things mostly going out for Dallas taking her to the park and hanging out with her a ton. Logan has been bothering me about looking for another girl but no girl will ever replace Alissa or want a single dad that has a three year old. Im never going to find someone. But tonight Logan said he will watch Dallas for me while I go do something a normal guy would do. I dont really know what im going to do. Tristan and Tessa are in town so I think Tristan and I might go to the bar and hang out a little. I really do miss everyone on Team 10 its been 2 years since I saw everyone. I have talked to everyone a little but not much. The only people I have saw are Tristan and Tessa. I miss everyone. I do have plenty of money still I have like 100 million saved up from Team 10.I know its a lot but if I want to not have to work a normal job I need to use the money wisely making sure Dallas can get into a nice college and still have enough for me to live until im old. 

Well thats my life story for the past 2 years basically now time to get Dallas to Logan's. I walk into her room to see her on my laptop watching old Team 10 videos. I smile and am very thankful I vlogged for like 2000 days straight so she can see her mom and learn where she came from. I go and sit on her bed with her as she continues watching smiling and laughing. 

Dallas- Daddy you guys were so funny 

I smile as I watch the videos smiling and almost tearing up at the memories. I smile watching Chanthony and I smash holes in the walls as Alissa and Tessa yell at us trying to get us to stop. 

Dallas- You boys really did not listen to mommy and Aunt Tessa did you 

I laugh and look at Dallas picking her up tickling her. 

Jake- No we did not, but they still loved us 

Dallas smiles as she is giggling as I tickle her. 

Jake- So I am going to go out with Uncle Tristan today, are you cool with going over to Uncle Logan's for the night. I will come over first thing in the morning and then Logan you and I are going to get breakfast and hang out 

Dallas smiles at me- YAY UNCLE LOGAN LETS GOOOOO

I laugh as my daughter jumps out of my lap getting up and grabbing her backpack that we always have packed for Logan's house. I smile as she runs out of the room and I follow her grabbing my phone and keys and then picking her up as we head down to the garage to the car which I kept the Tesla and the Lamborghini lives at Logan's house because I just could not get rid of it Alissa loved that car so much. I smile as we get to the Tesla and I buckle Dallas up and put her backpack in the other seat and then getting into the drivers seat and head to Logan's house. 


Jake's POV:

I just left Logan's house and am driving to the bar that Tristan told me to meet him at. I get there and pull in and park the car and then getting out and look around the parking lot when I spot his car and walk over and knock on the window. Tristan looks and smiles getting out of the car and giving me a hug. 

Tristan- I missed ya Paul

Jake- Missed you to Tales 

Tristan- So you ready for an epic night 

I laugh as we start walking over to the entrance of the bar. We have a mini conversation while the bouncer checks out ID's and then we get in fine and head inside. I look around and look at Tristan as he smirks. 

Tristan- You ready Paul 

Jake- Honestly I dont think so 

Tristan- Just let loose you will be fine trust me 

I nod and Tristan and I walk around for a bit and then I see Tristan get pulled away by some girls as I laugh as he reaches for me mouthing help. Soon enough he disappears in the crowd and I go over to some tables to see them all filled up when I see one table that only has a girl that has nice brown long hair and she looks like she does not want to be here at all. I walk over to her. 

Oh man... is that girl Erika... I mean I bet she is but maybe shes not... anyways I hope you enjoyed the fist Chapter I am not 100% sure on a schedule yet I need to see how much school I have since it is getting close to the end of the year. Anyways I am hoping for 2-3 uploads a week and we can go from there. So if you guys want to see more than pleae show this book support by voting for it and commenting saying yout thoughts on it... Thanks Guys... See you soon.

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