Chapter 3

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Jake's POV:
Erika and I have been talking for a good 15 minutes now and for the first time in 2 years I'm really enjoying myself being social. This Erika girl is really cool and I really want to get to know her even more.

I then see Tristan come over and stand next to me worried.

Jake - what's up bro you look worried

Tristan - Tessa is not feeling well I'm going to head back to the apartment

I nod at him.

Jake - Awe man tell Tess I hope she feels better and I'll see if after breakfast I can stop by I miss Tessa

Tristan nods at me.

Tristan - She misses you to she would probably be happy if you came over

Jake - then I will

Tristan- are you going to head back to your house

Jake - Yea probably

Tristan - ok see ya tomorrow Paul and bye Jake's friend

Jake - see ya Tales

Erika laughs- bye

Tristan then walks off and I look back to Erika who seems in thought.

Jake - you look like your thinking hard

Erika - yea I kind of am that Tristans guys last name is tales right

I reluctantly nod my head scared she's figuring it out

Erika- I feel like I have heard the name Tristan Tales before somewhere but I don't know

I just nod at her nod knowing what to say.

Jake - well I should get going it was really nice talking to you Erika

Erika smiles at me.

Erika- you to Jake

I smile and then we say bye and I walk away heading out of the bar heading to my car and driving home and wanting to just collapse in bed. 


Jake's POV: 

Jake- And then this little monster will get the two pancakes and sausage meal 

The waiter nods and leaves as Dallas laughs. 

Dallas- I am not a monster 

I look at her. 

Jake- Your mostly a monster 

Dallas pouts and looks away as Logan and I laugh. 

Jake- So Dallas were you good for Uncle Logan 

Dallas smiles- I was a perfect angel 

Logan laughs. 

Logan- You sure about that 

Dallas sticks her tongue out at him frowning. 

Dallas- Shh dont tell Daddy 

I laugh and look at Logan. 

Jake - Logan what did she do 

Logan- Its fine her and Kong were running around and they knocked over some vase that was probably 100 years old, dont worry bro its fine 

I nod and look at Dallas. 

Dallas- The vase was ugly anyways I was doing Logan a favor 

I laugh and Logan rolls his eyes.

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