Chapter 31

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Jake's POV: 

It has been 4 days since that outburst I had on Nathan. If you were wondering him and I are cool now I guess he was jealous that Erika was out with me all day, but he realized her and I were just friends. I feel a feeling in my stomach I should not being feeling, its like jealousy going on that Nate likes her. Oh boy. We are just wrapping up the final touches on the video and Im so proud of it, its amazing and I cant wait to show it to the world. Especially Alissa's part it is really emotional and special showing a rewind of her 22 years on this planet and also best moments in Team 10 and Jalissa best moments and a little death memorial also explaining the crash at the end. It truly is a remarkable video we created, also Erika's part is dope the shots that we took of her are awesome, and im so happy to finally reveal to the fans who she is. She has been seen out with almost all of us so the press is getting suspicious as well as fans as to who she is. 

The girls are all out shopping now so it is a Dallas and Daddy kind of hang out day which I am grateful for. We are in Dallas's room sitting on her bed playing with these stupid princess things, like come on whyyyyy. 

Dallas- Arent you having so much fun

Jake- Oh yea these are the best days just you and me 

She smiles at me sitting into my lap as I smile at her. 

Jake- So you ready for Daddy to vlog again

Dallas- I cant wait its going to be so much fun 

Jake- Good im glad 

Dallas- Dad on a scale of one to 10 how much do you miss mommy

Jake- I broke the scale 

Dallas laughs and looks at me. 

Jake- What about you 

Dallas- The highest number I know is like 1 million or something so that one 

I laugh at her as I sigh looking around Dallas's room. It probably has the most pictures of Alissa in it whether its just Alissa and I or us with Dallas, Dallas horded them all. 

Dallas- You think mommy is happy your vlogging again 

Jake- She always told me to do what I love and I love this so probably 

Dallas nods at me sighing. 

Dallas- What would you be doing if mommy showed up here right now 

I laugh and look at her saying this in the most kid friendly way as possible. 

Jake- We would be hard at work making you a brother or sister 

Dallas squeals at me. 


I laugh at Dallas

Jake- I wish it worked like that Dall 

Dallas- I really want a sybling 

Jake- I would love for you to have a sibling and me another kid as well but it just wont happen, or at least not for a long time 

Dallas nods sad. 

Jake- Dall I am sorry I really am but Lydia and Logan are going to have there boy in less than a month now , you and him can play 

Dallas - Yea, but he cant play till hes older 

Jake- Im sorry Dall

Dallas- Can you promise me to have another sibling one day

I look at her, I cant promise that no way, That means I have to love someone else but Alissa.

Jake- I will try okay, No promises 

Dallas nods sighing as we continue to play princess or whatever its called.... It would be nice to have a son.....


Erika's POV: 

Tessa- Oooh this is so cute, Erika you should totally try this on

I look at the clothes Tessa has in her hand as Kenzie squeals. 

Kenzie- Oh my god Rik you have to 

I sigh grabbing the shirt and going to the dressing room as they follow behind waiting for me. I get into the shirt and smile it actually looks nice. I walk out and the girls smile at me nodding there heads. 

Tessa- Oh yes that is the one

I smile at the shirt nodding.

Kenzie- You totally need it 

Erika - Yea I like it 

They nod as I go back into the dressing room changing out of it and my normal shirt, and then heading to the counter to pay for it. 

Tessa- Alright so, what should we do next 

Kenzie- I vote food 

Erika- I second that vote

Tessa- I third that vote 

We laugh as we get back into Kade's car and head to Buffalo Wild Wings. We just ordered and our sitting down talking about random things when I hear Tessa. 

Tessa- So whats going on between you and Jake, Erika 

I look at her. 

Erika- Nothing, we are just friends 

Kenzie- Oh come on there as to be something 

Erika- Nope, Friends trust me, and also even if I did like him hes still not over Alissa 

Tessa- Hes not over Alissa because hes not trying to get over her 

Kenzie- If he actually considered dating someone he probably would have a better chance to get over her 

Erika- Well we are not together and I dont like him so yea 


Tessa's POV: 

We just got back to the house and I hear laughing and squealing coming from upstairs as I give Tessa and Kenzie confused looks as they shake there heads and we head upstairs to see Jake tickling Dallas as she squeals and he laughs. I smile at them and then hold up the bag of wings. 

Tessa- We got wings for you to 

Jake's smile forms so big as he runs over to me spinning me around.

Jake- Oh my god I love you so much 

Dallas then comes over.

Dallas- Your literally the best 

I smile and laugh as Jake lets me down and I hand him the wings as him and Dallas runs out of the room to probably eat the wings.

I see Tessa and Kenzie laugh.

Kenzie- No fair we got them to 

Tessa- You guys dont get no love 

Erika- Apparently not 

I laugh and I head into Chance and Anthony's section of the house to see Chance live streaming and smirk.... this should be fun to mess with him. 

Authors Note:
Would you guys be down for a Jalissa story or no?
I know some of you have been asking so if you want it let me know

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