Chapter 84

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Jake's POV:

Walking into the hospital room I hear laughing seeing Alissa on the bed, Erika next to her on the chair as they are watching Erika's phone, with Dallas asleep curled up to Alissa... how cute. My three girls...

"Foods here," I say seeing Alissa, and Erika both not react continuing to watch the video.

"How am I the one feeling like a third wheel like what!" I say confused as hell seeing Alissa wave me off "Yea shut up Jake no one cares," She says laughing more at whatever is on Erika's phone.

"It's fine I didn't want any love anyways it's totally Fineeeee," I say.

"Okay," Erika says. I roll my eyes "I can't believe this," I mutter sitting down on the couch in the room taking out my burger starting to eat it.

"Oh my god he's so hotttttt," I hear Alissa say. "I knowwwwwww," Erika squeals. "Excuse me boyfriend slash husband is sitting right over here," I say.

"Yea no one cares Jake," Alissa says. "You guys are so mean," I mutter continuing to eat my burger watching Alissa and Erika laughing, and smiling... at least they get along.

"Oh man that's so good," Alissa says as Erika puts her phone away "I know right,"

"You get kidnapped for 2 and a half years and miss so much," Alissa mumbles looking at me. "JAKE WHAT THE HELL WHY DID YOU NOT SAY YOU HAD THE FOOD," She yells making my mouth drop.


"Oh my god just shut up and give me the food"

"I swear you are trying to make me hate you," I mutter handing them the Mc Donald's bag watching them grab food and starting to eat it.

"Thanks, Jakey!" Erika says. "Your Welcome Erika. See Alissa that is how you treat the guy that just went to-,"

"Thanks, Jakeyyyyyy. There better," Alissa says cutting me off "That was not a nice thank you," I say seeing her roll her eyes.

"Oh my god, Jake thank you so much for getting me Mc Donald's you're the best husband in the whole wide world that I love so much. There better?" She asks. I roll my eyes "That was so insincere I don't even know where to start," I say hearing her laugh continuing to scarf down the food.

"Tessa texted me they will be here any minute," Erika says finishing her burger.

"Eeeeeeeeek Tessaaaaaaaa," Alissa squeals smiling continuing to eat the burgers.

"My lord Alissa which burger is that?" I ask hearing her laugh looking in the box. "Uh I got two left," She says making my mouth drop "I GOT YOU 10 YOU HAVE 2 LEFT ALREADY!" I yell hearing her laugh.

"I'm hungry okay," she says. "If I didn't know better I would say your pregnant," I say rolling my eyes seeing her roll her eyes. "Yea defiantly not pregnant," She says with a laugh.

"How you feeling," I ask. "A lot better," she says looking at Dallas.

"She really missed you," I whisper. "I really missed her too, and some other dumb team 10 members," She says looking at me.

"Hmm wonder who those are-"

"ALISSAAAAAAAAA," I hear two voices ring through the hospital.

"TESSSAAAAAAA. CHANCEEEEEEE," Alissa squeals so happily Tessa and Chance running over to the hospital bed.

"Oh my god you're alive your really alive," Tessa says tears in her eyes side hugging Alissa. "I know," Alissa whispers tears in her eyes hugging Tessa, soon hugging Chance.

"Good ole Sutton,"

"I missed ya Liss," Chance whispers his voice shaky. "Awwww Chance, I missed you to like crazy," Alissa says hugging him soon pulling away.

"I missed you all so much," Alissa whispers her arm wrapped around Chance as he leans over on the bed a bit being careful of Dallas. 

Smiling I sit on the couch Erika soon coming and sitting next to me while Chessa catches up with Alissa. 


"Why are we-" 

Cutting Erika off I press my lips to hers feeling her smile through the kiss feeling her kiss back immediately. Smiling I quickly wrap my arms around her pressing her against my Truck as we don't break the kiss. 

"Fuck Erika," I mutter out feeling her hands start to run through my hair. 

"Mhmm," She mumbles against my lips our lips still not daring to break the kiss.

"It's been so crazy these past couple days," I mumble against her lips her pulling away a bit nodding at me "I know," she whispers looking up at me. 

"I want you," I mumble slipping my hand under her shirt playing with her bra strap.

"Jake we are in the hospital parking lot," She mutters.

"Chessa has Dallas, and Alissa is asleep," I mutter seeing her look up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. 

"And we have my truck," I whisper seeing her gulp while she looks up at me.

"Why can't I ever say no to you," She mutters. Smiling I quickly open the back door of the truck lifting Erika up into her and then getting in myself closing the door and locking the truck up quickly pulling Erika down in the backseat smashing my lips to hers and getting on top of her. 

"Jake," She giggles through the kiss. 

"We have a good 30-45 minutes," I mumble seeing her look at me and soon her lips are back on mine as I smile through the kiss, immediately kissing her back. 

Erika really means so damn much to me... She has been there for me to help teach me how to love again, and I really couldn't thank her enough. This girl has gone through hell honestly, I have put her through hell with not being able to get over Alissa... but honestly, I think I needed to just see Alissa again to finally be okay with everything... I just needed closure

I think I finally realized that Erika is totally my future, and I only see a future with Erika as my girlfriend... of course Alissa will always be such an important part of my life, but Erika is my future, Erika is the girl I want to wake up next to every morning and fall asleep next to every night...

I love that girl so damn much...

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