Chapter 37

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Jake's POV: 

I look around the set more as Mia talks to me about some of the stuff and things they do here, and then we sit down at these chairs that give us a basically front row scene of the modeling that Erika is going to be on I think. A guy is out there right now probably waiting to start when I hear a squeal and then hear him yell and see ..... HOLY FUCK.... I see Erika run over to him in the most amazing outfit ever I cant even describe it and I see her run up and hug him as he wraps his arms around her bare back..... why cant that be me. I feel that jealousy come back as they are still hugging and look at Mia who rolls her eyes. 

Mia- Okay love birds break it up come on we have to start 

They laugh pulling away smiling and standing facing Mia and I. Erika smiles at me and then looks at the guy.

Erika- Oh Ash this is, Jake one of my good friends from Team 10 

So his name is Ash. The guy looks at me and smiles walking over shaking my hand. 

Erika- And Jake this is Ashton or I call him Ash for short, hes my modeling partner and one of my good friends

I nod and shake the guys hand 

Ashton- Nice to meet you, I have heard a lot about you the past couple weeks on the news 

I nod.

Jake- You to, well nice to meet you to 

He nods and then we stop shaking hands  and we walks over to Erika slinging his arm around her as she pretends to fall over. 

Erika- Jeez you trying to kill me

He laughs rolling his eyes at her. 

Ashton- Whatever Weakling 

I watch as Erika groans and gets into the most adorable boxing potion ever and starts punching his stomach as he laughs.

Ashton- Like I said weak 

She groans. 

Erika- Your just to strong 

He smirks. 

Ashton- Awe Costell called me strong 

Erika- Shut up, Mia is it time to start

Mia- Yes alright you two get into the first position 

I watch as they both stand where the red dot is and Erika in front of him as he stands behind her wrapping his arms around her bare waist as she smiles at the camera leaning side ways a bit both them showing off whatever they are showing off really well. I watch getting even more jealous watching them. More and more as they get into more and more positions each one a little bit more sexual. 

Mia- Alright water break and changing time while we get the set ready 

They both nod and Erika smiles coming to me with Ashton behind her. 

Erika- Im going to go change ill be right back

I nod as she walks away and I see Ashton with her as they are both laughing when they turn the corner and I cant spy on them any more. 

Erika's POV:

Ashton and I are walking to our dressing room which just so happen to be next to each other when we turn the corner to the hallway to them I feel Ash's eyes on me and I look at him as he smiles at me pulling me into a hug as he crashes him lips onto mine, I get shocked but soon find myself smile and kiss him back. After a little make out you could say we pull apart and his arms around my waist holding me as my hands are in his hair as we look at each other and all I can do is smile.

Ashton- So wanna go out

I look at him shocked at first...holy crap...he just asked me out...we just kissed....but what about Jake....wait what am I saying? Jake thinks of me as just a friend... he's just a friend....he would never like me...I look back at Asher as I smile at him nodding my head.

Erika- Sure

Ashton- What about tomorrow after the shoot 

I nod smiling. 

Erika- Sounds perfect 

He smiles at me as we he stands in front of his dressing room door. 

Ashton- See ya in a couple minutes 

I smile nodding as we both enter our rooms and I smile leaning against the closed door. 

I always found Ash so attractive since the second I saw him. It was an instant connection between us, but we met like 3 years ago so I don't think we were both ready for a relationship. But now that I think about it, how I of not thought about Ash when I was complaining there are no good boys in L.A I mean come on, he's a fricking model, physically and literally. I smile as I look at my next outfit and see its a swimsuit, oh yea, we are doing that summer line. I smile as I get into it and then put the cover-up on that we wear while walking around and then exit my room to see Ashton leaning against the wall across from my room, shirtless with fricking pink swim trunks. I smile at him as he looks at me. 

Ashton- Why don't you look beautiful 

I smile at him and look at him trying to avoid the fricking six pack. 

Erika- And you look handsome as ever 

He smiles at me walking up to me. 

Ashton- I know you want to look at the six pack, I would to if I was a girl 

I laugh as I smack his six pack and he smiles at me grabbing my hand as we walk back to the set. I see Jake sitting there talking to Mia and we get to the set and I see Jake's eyes on me. I mean I am only in the cover-up right now plus the bathing suit but you cant see the bathing suit right now. I then swear I see his eyes land on Ash's and eyes hands but I don't think so. 

Mia- Perfect you two look great alright you two time to start 

We nod as I take off the cover and hear Ash Whistle as I slap his chest again putting the cover-up on the rack and then walking over to the set which is a beach theme and I see Jake staring at me, with his mouth dropped. 

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