Chapter 76

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PLEASE READ!!! Especially for those of you who read my Chessa stories

I made a huge flipping mistake and I'm literally so upset right now. Last night I was planning more stories and getting rid of some story drafts I decided not to use and in the process I deleted Chessa splitting up. I literally dont know what to do right now. I had such a great plot line for that book and now it's gone. I need your guys help on what to do now. There's multiple roads we could go down, so tell me what you think we should do about the book. Choices could be try to remake it, or forget about it and come up with a new idea, or I could try to make a whole new story with a different ship. Tell me what you guys think

Jake's POV:

I click on the DM fast and look at is completely shocked to see what it says.

Jake... im alive... please help me... I will explain everything soon but for now please just contact the police... I love you my All Star

I look at it not knowing what to say... This cant be her she would not of just contacted me now. It probably is the fucking team playing a prank on me those assholes. I can not believe them. I throw the phone and see it landed in the fish tank. Well fuck. I yell and see Team 10 run in my room to see me and I glare at them.

Tessa-Why did you yell and why you glaring at us-

Jake- That is not funny guys so fuck off and stop pranking me like that, that is so fucked up its not even funny how fucked up it is

They all look at me shocked and confused as I roll my eyes.

Chance- Jake what you talking about

I roll my eyes... wow they are really doing this, I look for cameras.

Jake- Where are the fucking cameras you ass's

They all look at me confused again.

Anthony- Bro you good what's going on

Jake- The fucking DM on Instagram from Alissa yea right I know you guys know her account we all know each others account so which one of you assholes did it

They all look at each other speechless and then I hear.


Tessa comes running over to me and I sigh grabbing the phone out of the fish tank as they all look at me confused.

Jake- Don't fucking ask how it got in there

They shake there heads as I see Tessa look at it with tears coming down here face.

Tessa- J-J-Jake she's out there, Chance was right

I look at everyone as they have tears in there eyes.

Jake- How do we know this is not a prank some person that hacked her account is doing this guys think of it.

Everyone looks at me and sighs.

Kade- Guys he has a point, people have done this when we first found out she died, this could be another

Chance- Guys I feel like its actually her though I feel like she's out here some where, what does it say.

Tessa- It says Jake... im alive... please help me... I will explain everything soon but for now please just contact the police... I love you my All- Star

Everyone looks at me as I sigh a tear rolling down my face.

McKenzie- Jake it has to be her, she is the only one that ever called you that and only Team 10 members know that and its none of us

I look around at everyone as smiles form on all there faces and a smile forms on mine as well. Is she really out there alive...

Jake- Okay guys we are going to solve this but whatever you do absoultely tell no one other than the people in this room, and especially not Dallas, we need to find out if this is real before we do anything about it

Everyone nods at me.

Tessa- You going to tell Erika

Jake- Not untill I find out more and see if its actually real and Im not sure I want to make sure this is 100% real before I do anything

Tessa nods at me as I stare at the text not knowing how to even react. How does one react to there old wife who they thought died 2 years and 5 months ago, and find out they might be alive...

I look at the phone nervously.

Jake- Do I text back

Tessa- I would find out if it really is her this time

I nod and look at the phone shakily typing.

Alissa, I need to know if this is really you what the hell is going on. If it's really you then what is the nick name I give you that only I call you when we were alone... Also if it is really you which I hardly doubt just know I always have loved you, and never stopped...

I click send and see it delivered and sigh as I look to Tessa who smiles at me.


The Next Day:

Erika's POV:

I am sitting down as they do my make up talking to Mia and Ash when I see them smile at something, as Im about to turn my head I feel someone's lips against my cheek and I turn around quick and smiling seeing Jake there. I stand up shocked looking at him as I wrap my arms around him as he laughs grabbing me picking me up as I wrap my legs around him, as his hands go to my butt holding me up as our lips connect. Jake's back hits the wall and we laugh pulling away as I look at him and he smiles at me.

Erika whispers- I missed you so much

Jake- I missed you to so fricking much

I smile, I have not seen him in 4 days and that's a lot saying that I have seen hum everyday for the past like 6 months. It's weird to not Jake around or Team 10 after being with them for 6 months

I am pulled out of my thoughts when Jake kisses me again and I smile kissing him back as we soon pull away, and I see him smiling at me.

Erika- What are you doing here, how are you here what im so confused how did you even find me

Jake laughs and looks at me.

Jake- I got here on a plane and I texted Ash and he told me where you guys were.

I look at ash and he gives me a smile and a thumbs up.

Erika- Thanks Ash

Ashton- Of course, I could not stand you not shutting up about him any longer

I blush as Jake smiles at me.

Erika- Well I have a photo shoot and then we can hang out later

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