Chapter 73

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Erika's POV:

I look at them nodding and getting up opening the back door to see him staring off into the ocean.

I walk up behind him wrapping my arms around him he turns his head a little so are eyes lock and he gives me a smile bringing me to his front so im standing in front of him, as we are smiling at each other.

Jake- Im sorry you had to watch that-

Erika- Jake, I understand I knew coming into this relationship you still love Alissa and I am okay with that, and maybe one day if we last I can help you learn to Love Agian, but untill that time, im here for you and im not going to get jealous over watching you guys through a computer screen

I dont have time to react when I feel his lips on mine and his arms around me holding me close as I smile putting my arms around his neck holding him close.

Jake- I fucking like you so much

We pull away a little and I smile at him.

Erika- Me to Jake, me to

Jake- And... I think you are that girl that is going to teach me to Love Again... it may of already happend

I look up at him as he gives me a cute grin.

Jake- You mean so much to me and all I think about is not wanting to hurt you and to hold you close to me, I like you so much you have no idea

I smile up at him

Erika- And I like you so much to, I really do

Jake gives me a cute little smile.

Jake- Want to just hang out here, It's so nice out

I smile nodding as Jake sits down pulling me in between his legs as I lay back against his chest closing my eyes smiling enjoying every last second of this.

I open my eyes when I feel Jake's mouth on my neck as he gives me a cute little looks as I smile at him giving him a peck on his cheek.


The Next Day:

Jake's POV:

I wake up to see the son shining bright on me and open my eyes to see im laying on the sand and feel and see Erika laying on top of me as well. I smile and realize we must of fell asleep out here last night.

I glance at Erika as she starts to move and I smile as her beautiful eyes open and she looks scared and confused at first but her eyes then land on mine as I give her a smile, and she returns it.

Erika- Dang we fell asleep out here

Jake - Guess we did

Erika- So what do you have planned for us today

Jake- Im not sure, what you thinking

Erika- I don't know we have already done so much and have been here for like 3 days now.

Jake- Want to just sit back and relax

Erika nods smiling at me.

Erika- But first I need a shower this sand is so itchy

I laugh and groan.

Jake- Says the one whose half her body is on mine, im the one fully in the sand

Erika laughs looking at me sighing.

Erika- Oops, thanks Pillow Jake

Jake- Wow im just a pillow now, gee thanks

Erika giggles that amazing laugh that makes me want to go crazy. I smile at her as we are just sitting in comfortable silence looking at each other trying not to smile but we both end up smiling as we laugh.

Erika- Okay Im going to shower then we can have our lazy day adventure


Jake's POV:

Erika and I have been laying in bed for like 3 hours now hanging out watching movies and talking about random things.

Erika- So what are the others doing

Jake- I am pretty sure Chessa took Dallas mini golfing, and Kade and McKenzie went out and the others im not sure I think they are hanging out by the pools

Erika nods as she cuddles up to me a little more and I smile. This has been the most amazing vacation ever and its not even close to being over. I am so happy right now, I am as happy as I think I was before Alissa's death maybe just a little less but still, that's an amazing accomplishment that I thought I would never reach. After Alissa's death everything felt like it crashed down and my world ended but here I am laying in bed with my girlfriend and life could not be better. Team 10 is doing so good and everything is slowly falling back into place.

Of course it will never be the same no matter how hard I try, there will always be a part of me that loves Alissa more than anything but at the same time I really so feel like I am falling for Erika so hard and I am scared. How is that going to play out, I know Alissa would want me to be happy but I am just scared for the future. If Erika and I don't work out I don't know any other girl that could possibly make me feel like she has and like Alissa did.

I am pulled out of my thoughts to Erika's phone ringing she looks at it and smiles getting up heading to the balcony on the way out mouthing "Mia and Ash", I nod as she heads out on the balcony closing the door behind her as I pause the movie. You are probably thinking aren't you jealous of Ash, well I mean I would be but he is dating Mia so I am pretty sure I have nothing to worry about.

A couple minutes later I hear Erika scream and then yell bye and then come running back into the room smiling at me as I look at her confused.

Jake- What's up-


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