Chapter 14

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Jake's POV: 

It has been 3 days since we decided to try Team 10 again I have been talking to the house guys and Tristan, Tessa, Nathan, Kade, McKenzie, Erika and I will be moving in, in a week from today. Thats right Erika decided to move in with us which I am really happy about and so is Tessa she is happy to have a girl and McKenzie cant wait to meet Erika. Kade and McKenzie will be arriving at my house in like an hour. Right now Tristan Tessa Nathan Erika and I are wating in the living room hanging out while Dallas is in her room. 

Tessa- So Jake, have you talked to Chance and Anthony yet or Nick 

Jake- Nick should be coming in like a month or two he has to get his VISA and stuff sorted out again since it has been over 2 years and Chance and Anthony should be here move in day I am hoping. 

I look at Tessa and she nods excited. I wonder if she still likes Chance or if her and Nathan are a thing or whats up with the whole thing. 

Jake- Hey Tess can I talk to you real quick

Tessa looks at me and nods and I get up and she follows me into my room.

Jake- So I cant help but wonder whats going on between you and Nathan.

Tessa looks at me- I think we are going to stay friends for now at least, we dont want a relationship to ruin Team 10 right at the start, and plus I think he likes some girl back in Michigan 

I nod at her sad. 

Jake- You sad about that 

Tessa- Honestly no I think we were just seeing if it could happen and obviously we got our answer 

Jake- So what about Chance 

Tessa looks at me and smiles a bit.

Tessa- Jake I have not heard his voice in over 2 years and I have not texted him for probably 2 months now. I have no idea where we stand, for all I know he has a girlfriend 

I look at Tessa nodding and then she smirks at me.

Tessa- What about Erika I mean you two seem pretty close 

I look at her knowing I cant lie she will know if I do so I sigh.

Jake- Yea we have gotten pretty close for only knowing each other for like a week but I trust her shes not like other girls I have come across who throw themselves at me. I think her and I could become super good friends 

Tessa frowns at me.

Tessa- Just friends 

Jake- Tess I really do not want a relationship on the team again look what happend last time we all separated for two plus years, I dont want that again, I dont want to mix relationships with work again 

Tessa nods at me and sighs.

Tessa- Yea I get it, I mean who knows you may just fall in love 

Jake- I highly doubt it she is a super famous model and I just hold a vlog camera all day shes not falling for me 

Tessa gives me a look.

Tessa- What if she does and you end up in love with her what do I get 

Jake- If Erika and I end up in love Ill buy you a Lambo 

Tessa smiles at me and jumps up and down.

Tessa- Oh man Jake lets go 

Jake- Its not happening 

She smirks at me as we shake hands to seal the deal.

Jake- Oh and dont even think about telling Erika to pretend to fall in love with me 

She sighs.

Tessa- Dont have to you two are so falling in love 

I laugh as we head back to the couch and sit down. I sit down next to Erika and she smiles at me as Tessa smirks and I roll my eyes. 

Erika- Whats that about 

Jake- Just Tessa being a butt

Tessa- I heard that! 

Jake- You were suppose to 

Tessa laughs and we go back to watching the TV. 

5 Minutes Later: 

Dallas comes running down and I look at her worried.

Jake- You okay Dall 

Dallas- Yes I just really want steak and we dont have any 

We all laugh and I sigh.

Dallas- Please kade and McKenzie are coming over we need to have steak 

Tessa - I swear you are Alissa in disguise 

Dallas giggles and I smile.

Jake- Fine Ill go get steak 


She then runs upstairs before I can say.

Jake- If you come with me, danget to late Paul 

Tristan- Yea a little late there 

Tessa- I would come but im really in a lazy mood 

Jake- Gee thanks, Erika you want to come 

I look at Erika and she shrugs. 

Erika- Eh sure why not 

I smile and she gets up and I look at Tessa who smirks at me and I roll my eyes. 

Jake-We will be right back dont break anything or set the house on fire or- 


I laugh and Erika laughs as we head out to the Tesla and get in it as I start the car driving away.

Jake- Your becoming a pro at opening that Tesla door 

Erika rolls her eyes- Oh shut up Paul 

I smile at her as I put the car in automatic drive and we head to the store. 

Jake- Yea, whatever Costell 

Erika laughs- So tell me a little bit more about Chance and Anthony's story with Team 10 

I smile and look at her.

Jake- Where do I start with those two just like Alissa I knew them since I was young and we went through high school together being the 3 most bad kids in the school. Soon Alissa and I moved out to LA and about 2 months later they moved out with us and soon enough joined Team 10. They are both super awesome and I am sure you all will get along fine. But the Team was not sure about them at first Tessa and them would constantly argue about the stupidest things and Nick was not keen on them either but they grew on us and eventually became a main part of the family. 

Erika nods smiling at me. 

Erika- So tell me about each one what are they like 

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