Chapter 82

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Author's Note:

Would you guys want to see another Jerika story maybe starting early next year? Or should I just focus more on this one? Let me know.


Jake's POV:

Jake- I fucking missed you so much Little one you have no fucking idea

I start crying as Alissa smiles at me crying as well as she falls into my arms crying against my chest making my shirt wet as fuck but I could care fucking less right now. I just wrap my arms around her hugging the life out of this girl. I then lock eyes with Erika and look at her giving her a smile as she smiles back at me.

She is such an amazing girl.. how the hell did I get so the hell did I get in a situation where... I think I'm in love with two girls.....

What the heck am I going to do?

Alissa lifts her head up and our eyes lock and I feel myself lean in and I see she is leaning in as well. Our lips soon connect and I smile into the kiss remembering everything from the past. We soon pull away and she is smiling at me and I smile back when I see Erika looking at us with tears in her eyes.... Oh boy.... I just cheated on her in front of her with my ex wife that is technically not my wife since we are actually not divorced so actually technically I have been cheating on Alissa this whole time since she has been alive so we are still married and well... this is fucking confusing oh fucking lord. I pull away from Alissa a little more as she looks at me.

Alissa- I love you Jake Joseph Paul so fucking much, You have no idea how long I have been waiting to say that to you again

I look at her smiling seeing Erika watching and sigh...

Jake- Alissa I-I-I *I sigh taking a breath* I love you to Alissa I always have

She smiles hugging me and I smile as I look at Erika mouthing " I am so fucking sorry. I need time to think". She just nods at me.

Alissa and I pull away again.

Jake- Um Alissa I think you should meet Erika

Alissa looks at me confused and then I turn her around and she looks at Erika and smiles.

Alissa- Oh I had no idea you were there I'm so sorry, I would have introduced myself

Erika shakes her head- Don't worry you were just excited to see your husband again

I look at Erika sad.

Alissa- Yea I guess so, it's really nice to meet you I have been watching some of the vlogs seeing you on them

I smile at Alissa.

Jake- Awe still a Jake Pauler I see

Alissa- I am forever going to be the number 1 Jake Pauler or just Jake Paul

I look at her laughing and see Erika, and walk over to her wrapping my arm around her as Alissa looks at me confused.

Jake- L-l-liss this is my girl-

Erika- Just friends Jake and I are just friends

Erika sends her a sweet smile and Alissa nods back and I look at Erika confused and she just shakes her head.

Erika- I'm going to head back to the house Jake, you and Alissa should catch up

Jake- We drove together and I am not letting you uber back at all no matter what you say it's not happening

Erika- Ill just walk it's not that far

Jake- Its fricking almost 1 am I am no way letting you walk the back streets of L.A back to the house your insane

Erika looks at me sighing.

Erika- Ill be fine I promise-

I smash my lips against her at first she resists but soon sinks into it as we both smile and then pull away.

Jake- You are not walking home, taking an uber under no circumstances unless it's me driving or a team 10 member got it

She laughs nodding as I hug her cuddling her into my side as Alissa looks at us shocked and I sigh.

Jake- Alissa, Erika and I are together

Erika looks at me and I just not saying its okay, as Alissa looks white as a ghost.

Alissa- Oh... really

Jake- We got together like a month ago, Liss listen I love both of you I really do, I need time to comprehend all this, I was not really expecting my I thought Dead Wife to not actually be dead, its a lot to fucking take in

I rub my hand through my hair as Alissa nods at me and Erika just smiles at me.

Erika- Alissa I did not mean for this to happen I would have never got with him like this if I knew you were alive

I look at Alissa nervous about what is about to go down when I see her smile.

Alissa- I figured you to were together I mean everyone figured you guys were, I just was not 100% sure you were

Jake- Liss I'm so sorry, I hope you know I still l love you

Alissa- I know Jake and I do too but it seems you found someone else

I look at Erika and shyly nod a little looking at Alissa still not believing she is here.

I then feel Erika's head on my shoulder and look at her to see eyes closed and laugh to see her sleeping. I look at Alissa whose eyes are wide open.

Alissa- She was just awake like damn I wish I could fall asleep like that damn girl

I laugh at Alissa and pat the spot next to me as she sits next to me as I let Erika's head fall into my lap as I lay my sweatshirt on her covering her up, to keep her warm.

I see Alissa smile at me.

Alissa- Awe Paul is as sweet as I remember

I laugh as I smile wrapping my arm around her bringing her close as her head falls on my shoulder.

Alissa- Jake-

Jake- Don't say no whatever you do I have not felt you or hugged you for 2 and a half years just fricking hug me, girl

Alissa laughs resting her head on my shoulder as I smile as her eyes closed and I smile looking at the two girls I am in love with, Erika is laying in my lap and Alissa is resting on my shoulder... What the hell am I going to do...

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