Chapter 70

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Erika's POV:

Jake grabs both of my hands smiling at me as we are standing face to face as we stop right on the edge on the sand and ocean.

Jake- We met a bar and I instantly felt connected to you in more than just being bored kind of way *I laugh as Jake smiles* You have made me feel so amazing these past couple months and have helped me getting over someone I thought I never would. Of course there is always a little part of me that wont but the rest of me wants to be with you and that's what my hear is telling me. You are in no way a rebound and like I said no matter what I do, don't let me push you away because I don't know what I would do with my self if I pushed you away. I really do like you so much and am falling for you every second we spend with each other and Erika Costell will you be my girlfriend.

I look at Jake shocked and nod and then finally.

Erika- YES A million times Yes

Jake smiles at me and leans in kissing me as I smile kissing him back as I feel his hands go to my butt picking me up and spinning me around nuzzling his head into my neck.

Jake- I am falling so hard you have no idea

I smile against him, as I hear clapping and cheering and we pull away to see everyone smiling at us, and then see Dallas come running over to us smiling as Jake lets me down and Dallas smiles holding her arms up as I smile picking her up.

Dallas- Thank you Erika, for teaching my dad to Love Again.

I look at her smiling with tears in my eyes as Jake smiles wrapping his arm around me pulling me close as Dallas is in my arms.

Erika- Thank you, for accepting me Dall, it means a lot

Dallas- I just want to feel like a family again with a mom and dad and now I finally feel that love again so thanks for showing me to Love again as well

I smile at her as tears come down and Jake smiles pressing his lips against my head.

Erika- You don't know how amazing that makes me feel.


Jakes' POV:

We have all been hanging out for my birthday for the past couple hours and Im just about to finish opening presents when Erika hands me a box.

Erika- Looks like this is the last one

She smiles at me and I look at her opening it up as everyone is smiling and Erika looks nervous. I uncover the lid and look at it shocked and I look at Erika who is smiling at me.

Erika- Do you like it?

I look at her shocked and then look at the AP watch completely shocked.


I smile pulling her into my arms hugging the life out of her as she laughs, against my chest.

Jake- Erika this must of been so expensive like holy shoot

Erika shakes her head.

Erika- You deserve it

I smile down at her as she cuddles into me as I put the watch on.

Jake- I fricking love it so much

Dallas- I don't get it, it looks like a normal watch

Everyone laughs and Dallas looks confused.

Jake- You will understand when your older

Dallas groans- Why do I get to learn everything when Im older

Logan- What else can you not know till your older

Dallas- Obviously how I was made and Justin over there

We all laugh and Dallas groans.

Dallas- I don't get itttttt, one minute Justin was in Lydia's stomach and now hes in her arms life is confusing

I laugh at my daughter as she throws her hands up acting so much like a drama queen reminding me so much of her mom. Alissa was such a drama queen my god.

Jake- Don't start acting like your mom now

Dallas giggles looking at me.

Dallas- Oops

I smile at her as I feel my hands intertwine with Erika's as she smiles at me.

Pam- So who's ready for dinner

Logan- Where are we going anyways

Greg- Same place we have gone the past years

Jake- Oh man I love that place

Logan- Remember that scary employee who was hitting on you the whole time

Jake- That was fricking annoying, especially since Alissa was sitting right there next to me

Tessa- hopefully she is gone, I could not stand her

Chance- She was scary

Kade- I swear she drilled a whole into your brain

I laugh at everyone as Erika looks confused as hell.

Erika- I love not knowing what the heck you guys are talking about

We all laugh.

Jake- You don't want to know


Erika's POV:

We just got to the restraunt and lets say the workers are very overwhelmed, the whole team 10 squad is here, along with Jake's parents and then of course Dallas, we have a ton of people. And I am pretty sure everyone in the restraunt is staring at us, but then again when is everyone not staring at us...

The Employee comes over and I hear the guys groan and Tessa and Kenzie laugh.

Tessa- Oh this is so Karma

Jessica- Oh my god you guys are back I have not seen you in forever

Kade- Yea well we dont live here so yea

Kenzie smacks his arm and he laughs.

Jessica- Hey Jakey

Jake- Still dating someone please stop

Jessica- I thought Alissa died

Jake- Shut up and just take our order for pete sakes

I look at Jake and grab his hand as he takes a breath calming down.

Jessica- Well since she's dead that means you are available, and anyways Alissa was horrible anyways

I squeeze Jake's hand tighter but its to late for that.


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