Chapter 97

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Alissa's POV: 

"Ooo what if we just add on-" 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" 

Exchanging a look with Nick we both laugh at Jake's yelling. "He's so not cut out for this," I say with a laugh. "No. No, he is not," Nick replies. 

"I'm sorry! Don't kill me! Alissa helppppppp!" Widening my eyes I look at Nick who laughs that British laugh. 


"Alissaaaaaa!" And incomes Jake... 

Looking to my right Jake is sprinting over to us hiding behind Nick, as he's out of breath. "Damn you need to work out more," I tease.

Jake sends me a glare before hiding behind Nick once again. "I'm more in shape than you're ass," He replies.

"You calling me fat?" I ask. Jake rolls his eyes giving me a seriously look. "God don't you dare play that card on me, Violet," Jake replies. 

"So you are calling me fat?" I ask. "No! Of course, you're not, you're a fucking rail just like Rik and Tessa are," He replies. 

I smile. "Thanks, Jakey!" 

He rolls his eyes. "Yup," He replies. "Now are one of my best friends going to ask why I'm hiding or no?" He asks. Nick and I laugh exchanging glances. 

"Let me guess Erika's pregnancy?" I ask. Jake looks at me shocked. "How did you know?" He asks.

"Jake we literally went through this together, trust me I know," I reply with a laugh. "Oh yeah. We did didn't we?" He asks with a laugh. "Uh. Yup," I reply.

"Pregnant Erika is not fun by the way," He says. "No girls are fun when they're pregnant," I reply.

"Why are you being so much calmer than her then?" He growls out. "Well, first of all, I've been there done that, this is my second time," I reply. 

"Damn, you're right," Jake says. "I know," I reply with a smirk. Jake gives me an eye roll. "Well, I've got to vlog," He says slowly getting out from behind Nick's chair. 

"Wait! Before you go!" I yell out to Jake who stops and turns to look at me. "I know we've still got like 7 to 8 months and they won't need there own rooms till there probably closer to a year but what are we going to do, every room is basically used up?" I ask Jake who widens his eyes. 

"Shit I didn't think about that," He says running his hand through his blonde hair. "Damn okay we need to figure this out," He says with a sigh looking at me. "Yeah. I know. And I think our only option is adding on to the house," I say. 

"Well fuck," He groans out. "Okay, we'll talk later okay?" He asks. I nod as he heads out of the room. 

"We are so not talking later," I mumble out to Nick who laughs. 

"Yeah, Jake doing adult things is like Jake's baby coming out being able to talk." 


Jake's POV: 

Heading back upstairs after basically getting just a random assortment of food for Erika, my eyes land on a picture. Stopping and looking at the framed picture a smile forms on my face, looking to see my three girls, Alissa laying on the ground, with Erika on top of her, and Dallas on top of Erika. 

It's absolutely insane thinking about these past couple years. Three years ago I thought that my life was over when I thought that she died, and now well I'd still be a fucking wreck if anything were to ever happen to her, but it's Erika now. 

Glancing at the picture to the right of it I smile seeing it's one of Alissa and I's wedding day pictures. And hopefully, if everything goes well, that will be Erika and me within the next year. 

Walking back into my room, Erika's laying in the bed, and I immediately recognize my voice along with the other Team 10 members. Sitting down on the bed next to Erika, my eyes land on the TV realizing it's one of the old vlogs. 

"Here," I say handing Erika the food which she gladly starts to chow down on. "Thanks, Jakey!" She happily says. "Yup," I reply looking at the TV immediately recognizing the vlog as when we had Chessa's fake wedding. 

"We need to get fake married for views," I say nudging Erika. She laughs giving me a look. "Or get real married," She says with a laugh. 

"Or that," I say with a laugh. And man she has no clue what's coming for her. Hearing a Jake be squealed both Erika and I laugh looking back at the TV where Alissa is chasing me around. 

"I love being yelled at by past Alissa and present Alissa it's great," I say. Erika and I both end up in laughter as she falls against my side, my arm wrapped around her as we continue to watch some of the old vlogs, soon ending up watching Riverdale, not sure how that happened but I'm not complaining as long as I have Erika here. 

And man my life is complete whenever this girl is in my arms. Everything has fallen in place and it's the best feeling in the world. Being surrounded by my best friends, family, and the love of my life, this moment I could live in forever. 

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