Chapter 39

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Erika's POV:

The girls that are surrounding Jake do this to every one guy, they are basically the sluts of the model team we have because you always need those people. We walk up to him and I look at his face and he sees us mouthing help. Ashton and I laugh and Ashton starts to work his magic to get him out of this situation.

Ashton- Okay, okay calm down girls there's plenty of guys around here beside him that want to fuck you so leave him alone

The girls groan- Shut up Knight and go fuck Costell

I glance at Jake who looks shocked and see Ash mad.

Ashton- Leave us alone, stay the hell away got it from me Erika and Jake here

Girl 1- Whatever you guys are useless anyways

Girl 2- Call me later Jakey

I laugh as Jake groans and they walk away in there slutty walking patterns as I glance at Jake.

Jake - Thanks Ashton for the help

Ashton- No problem and call me Ash

Jake nods.

Erika- So Jake, do you mind if Ash comes over

Jake looks at me kind of sad.

Jake- Yea sure I don't care

Erika- Alright cool, Ash you just want to follow Jake

Ashton- Yup see you guys at the house then

We nod and we walk out of the building and I we head to our spot fun fact Ash's car is right next to my spot. He gets in his car and Jake starts the Tesla and pulls out as Ash follows close behind.

Erika- So what did you think of the modeling

Jake looks at me.

Jake- do you want the truth

I look at him confused but nod.

Jake- I thought you looked fucking hot

I laugh and smile at him.

Erika- Awe thanks

Jake- You're a really good model, the pics on Instagram don't do justice

I smile at him.

Erika- Awe Jake Paul is being sweet who would have known

Jake- Oh shut up, so how long have you and Ashton been working together

Erika- We met like 3 and a half years ago and have been working together since then, Mia managed him first and then started managing me and she saw that we had excellent chemistry since we got along right at the start so she put us together for the couple pictures and yea

Jake nods looking at me, it seems like he seems a little jealous but he could not be.

Jake- Wow sounds cool and wait couple pictures

Erika- Yea modeling has a ton of different genre things you could say so Ash and I do a couple one together and then solos as well

Jake nods- Sounds cool

Erika- Yea it is, its nice working with someone who is not an ass hole and that you can trust

Jake nods- Yea well I get to work with you and Team 10 every day so aren't I lucky

I laugh and look at him.

Erika- You love working with me

Jake- And you love working with me

Erika- Eh, I still have fricking packing peanuts in my room

Jake laughs at me.

Jake- Oops not my fault, Gotta do what you gotta do for the vlog


Erika's POV:

We just pulled into the house and Ashton got in no problem, which is surprising since our security is usually pretty tight and strict about it. Jake parks in the garage and Ash pulls up in front of the house. Jake and I get out and heading to the front of the house by Ash.

Ashton- Damn, Erika said it was a huge house but bro nice job

Jake- Thanks man, everyone says its bigger in real life than the vlogs

Ashton- It sure is

Jake- So you a Jake Pauler then

Ashton laughs- I mean sure why not, but Erika has shown me a couple of the vlogs

Jake- Awe thanks Rik the extra view always helps

Ashton laughs as we head to the front step and head inside as Ashton stops taking it all in.

Ashton- So like where's the map or tour guide for this holy shit

Jake laughs- No map but we can get a tour guide, it just so happens Mr. Paul is on duty

I laugh as Jake acts like a tour guide.

Jake- So here we have the main entrance with the magical staircase in front of us

Jake starts laughing.

Ashton- Wow excellent tour guide here

Jake- Oh yea im the best

I then hear a squeal and see Dallas running down the steps and jumps into Jake's arms.


Jake smiles- Awe I missed you to princess

I look at Ashton who smiles at them.

Dallas- Hey Rik

Erika- Hey Dallas

She then looks at Ashton

Dallas- Who is that

And that's my queue

Erika- This is one of my modeling co-workers and friend Ashton but Ash for short

She nods smiling at him

Dallas- Hi Ash im Dallas and im threeee

He laughs and smiles at her.

Ashton- Well nice to meet you Dallas, I love your name

Dallas- Thanks, Daddy picked it out if you could not tell

He laughs as Jake rolls his eyes.

Jake- You know Alissa agreed to it to not just me

Dallas- Yea, yea whatever, So Erika are you and Ashton like together or something

I look at Dallas and glance at Ashton to see him processing what she said. Great I have to deal with this by myself.

Erika- Nope we're just friends

Dallas- You guys look cute together just saying but, Like Tessa always says #JERIKA

I laugh as I see Ashton standing there awkward after she said Jerika and see Jake looking sad. What is up with him today.

Erika- Okay well I'm going to show Ash around see you guys later

Jake and Dallas nod and I grab Ash's hand getting him out of there as we head up the steps into my room, and I close the door and look at him.

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