Chapter 15

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Erika- So tell me about each one what are they like

Jake- They are both awesome and dare devils just like me. Oh and they are both like super big on gaming. So dont even think about touching there games or they might just kill you.

I continue as Erika laughs.

Jake- Also they are both super nice and sweet, they may seem like douches at first but really mean the best, and well im not going to go into there physical appearance Ill leave Tessa for that

Erika laughs. - Well ill have to ask her about that 

Jake-Or you could just go to JakePaul vlogs and watch them 

I laugh and look at him.

Erika - So was like Tessa and Chance a thing I know when I was hanging out with Tessa yesterday we were watching a couple of your vlogs and they seemed like they always messed around and were super playful 

Jake- Yea, the two of them since they met each other were like that, they never actually dated but I know catched feelings for each other and im pretty sure they were about to finally admit it when we found out about Alissa's death and that was the end of that and everything else 

Erika nods at me.

Erika - Yea, sounds like her death really left an impact on you 

Jake- Yea it really made me realize not to take anything for granted because everything could be lost at a given moment, I mean it could of been so much worse, the whole team could of been in that car, more of us could of died 

I stop talking then and there letting tears fall as I can feel Erika's eyes on me as I feel her finger on my face wiping the tears. 

Erika- Jake, I did not mean to make you talk about it, only tell me when and if you are ready, I will be waiting 

I smile at Erika and nod. 

Jake- Thanks your the best 


Jake's POV: 

We just got to target and I grabbed a cart as we walk to the back to get the steak. And Erika stops at the make up and I come up behind her and sigh.

Jake- You know you dont need that 

She turns around and smiles at me as are mouths are like 3 inches apart and I can feel her breath on me as we smile.

Erika- Yea but I do 

Jake- No you dont, your beautiful already dont let those models tell you otherwise 

She smiles at me and nods putting in down as I grab her hand and we go back to the cart and head to the meat again. I then look at her and smile.

Jake- Get in the cart 

She looks at me confused.

Erika- Huh 

Jake- Get in the cart come on it will be fun 

She laughs.

Erika- Yea im good 

Jake- Oh come on pleaseeee 

She sighs and looks at me and groans getting into the cart as I smile and start running pushing it as she squeals holding onto the sides for dear life as I go full speed to the food section. I then see theres a turn and she squeals as I turn it really fast almost tipping the car over when we make the turn she slaps me. 


I look at her sad and stop pushing the cart and walk away as she calls my name but I just run down some aisles trying to escape. I can hear Alissa and I's voice through my head. 

Alissa- Come on we have to go pleaseeeee 

Jake- Liss I already said I have to finish the vlog take someone else 

She sighs sad at me. 

Alissa- Fine ill go myself 

I look at her sad as she is about to walk away I pull her back smashing my lips to her and we pull away after a little and out foreheads touch. 

Jake- I promise I will come next time 

She smiles at me and nods. 

Alissa- I love you Jake 

Jake- I love you to Liss 

I sigh and run faster not wanting to stop when I run into someone and the guy looks at me mad and then smirks. 

Guy- Oh look its Jake Paul 

Jake- What do you want 

Guy- Um you ran into me first of all

Jake- Whatever 

Guy- Loser like usual, I bet Alissa is so much happier not having to deal with you anymore 

I look at the guy mad. 

Guy- Awe did I push one of your nerves its not hard to do that is it Paul 

Jake- Just stop 

Guy- You know I always knew Alissa did not love you but her killing her self to stay away from you it must of been bad 

 I groan as I slam the guy into the wall.


Guy- Alissa probably cheated on you she hated you, you were nothing to her and not worth her time I have no idea why she was with you 

I let out a yell and slap him so hard and start kicking him and yelling as I then let him fall to the ground with blood around him and then see Erika standing there shocked. I sigh and run away but can tell that Erika is hot on my trail....

Erika's POV: 

I did not mean to upset him by saying that... I feel really bad now... I remember Tessa telling me yesterday when we were hanging out that you have to keep chasing after Jake even if he says not to since it has been hard for him. So I sigh and start running after him trying to find him. I then hear a yell and then Jake's voice and run in that direction to see Jake beating some guy up and then drop him to the ground in a pile of blood. Jake then sees me and sigh and runs away and I sigh shocked as I run after him. 

I am chasing him for a while but get tired and he runs just to damn fast and I lose him once again. I sigh as I walk around trying to find him...I then hear crying it sounds like and go in the direction to see Jake against the back wall in a ball crying his eyes out. I sigh and go next to him sitting next to him and putting my hand on his back he pulls away and then I do it again and he looks at me this time and sighs crying into my shoulder. I sigh as I wrap my arms around him.

After about 10 minutes he finally calms down a little and lets his head up from my shoulder and looks at me. 

Jake- Sorry, I just, Im really sorry 

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