Chapter 54

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A.N. Plesse Read!
Honestly when I first started this book I did not honestly realize how long it was taking to get to Jerika and I honestly am so sorry for the wait, and because of the super long wait how many of you would be down for a new Jerika story first chapter come out this Sunday? and yes dont worry this book is still continuing
Jake's POV:
Today is the day that we are leaving for the bahamas for my birthday. Im so hyped for it, it has been 5 days since Erika and I have kissed last at the NF concert and well we are not any closer to being together, which is unfortunate, 
but I told her she can have all the time she needs, so I have to stay to my word. 

We will get to the bahamas today and then in two days is my birthday. Everyone is

rushing to get everything into the cars that we are taking to the airport, and I 

spot Erika and Ash hug as Erika comes over to the car with some bags. 

Erika's POV: 

Today is the day we leave for the Bahamas. Im saying bye to Ash right now and maybe even more. 

Erika- Ash we need to talk 

Ashton- Yea, we really do need to 

I look at him confused as he sighs.

Ashton- Erika I am so sorry, Mia and I kissed and I-

I cut him off.

Erika- Jake and I kissed to 

Ash and I look at each other and laugh.

Ashton- Friends 

I nod smiling as he pulls me into a hug.

Erika- Best Friends 

Ashton- Ill see ya in a week Rik 

Erika- Bye Ash, and thanks

Ashton- No thank you 

I smile and grab my bags heading over to the car with a huge smile on my face. Anthony takes the bags for me getting them sitauted in the car as I take a seat next to Tessa. 

Tessa- So , you sad 

Erika- About what 

Tessa- Not seeing your boyfriend for a week 

Erika- I dont have a boyfriend, anymore 

Tessa looks at me shocked.

Tessa- Awe im so sorry what happend 

Erika- Were better off being friends and 

I whipser in her ear this part.

Erika- He kissed Mia, and Jake and I kissed 

Tessa looks at me and squeals. 

Tessa- OH MY GOD NO WAY!!!!! YES!!!!

I laugh covering her mouth as Kade looks at us confused, and we just laugh. 

Everyone else then gets into the car and Jake gets the last spot which is next to me and he gives me a smile as I smile back, grabbing his hand and sqeezing it smiling at him, as he looks at me happy and holds onto my hand as well. 

Jake pulls out his phone and goes on instagram scrolling through his feed, as my tied self rests my head on his shoulder as he smiles kissing my head going back to instagram. I smile as I feel my eyes close, I mean it is 4 a.m its way to early for this. 


Jake's POV:

Erika ends up falling asleep on my shoudler, I dont blame her its fricking 4 AM but Tessa said this is the only option we have, the next fligt would leave and we would not get to the Bahamas untill tomorrow. Which it already is going to be like 5 p.m when we get to the bahamas in bahama time because of the different time zones. Stupid time zones like why do we even have these, like what is the point. Luckily we got a private jet which is nice. My parents flew out to Logan's house last night and they will meet us at the airport along with Logan, Lydia and Logan and Lydia's little boy Justin. 

We just got to the airport and we grab a ton of carts and the guys push them as Tessa picks up a sleeping Dallas for me as I pick up a sleeping Eirka. Awe both my girls are sleeping. I mean well hopefully one day both of my girls. 

We got to the waiting area and I sit down putting Erika on my lap and we are just waiting on the plane to fuel up. I see Logan come running in holding Justin in airplane mode flying him around and laugh seeing Lydia yelling at him and my parents come in behind as well. 


Logan- Calm down Lydia he will be fine. 

I laugh as Lydia groands sitting across from me next to Tessa and my parents and step dad sit next to her as well, across from me. 

Lydia- At least one Paul bro has brains not to do that 

I laugh.

Jake- Hey Lyd, how you doung 

Lydia- Oh great 

Tessa- Jake's kid is sleeping even if he did want to do that 

I laugh glaring at Tessa, and look to my parents. 

Jake- Hey mom and dad and David(Pam's Husband) 

Pam Greg David- Hey Jake 

Pam- Awe and that must be Erika sleeping on you 

I nod looking down at the tired Erika who has her head and half of her upper buddy on me and then the rest of her body on Nathan. 

Lydia- So are you two together yet 

I glare at Lydia who puts her hands up in surrender.

Lydia- Im just going to go by Logan now 

I groan as Lydia laughs standing up walking over to Logan.

Pam- Oh my god, Jake you guys like each other 

I groan and give a slight nod.

Pam- Well thats great

Jake- Its not exactly the perfect love story, shes dating someone currently 

My parents look at me crazily and I see Tessa smile wide, and I give her a confused look as she mouths "Ask Erika". I nod.

Greg- So Eriak likes two guys then 

Jake- Yea, I guess so, but I told her to take all the time she needs 

Pam- Awe thats so cute 

I roll my eyes and think why Tessa smiled so wide. Maybe Erika and Ash broke up. Oh my god that would be amazing, I mean it sucks for him becuase hes actually a nice guy. After our conversation after the NF concert I started to hang out with Ash and hes an awesome guy, I can see why Erika likes him. 

Pam- So, does this mean you are over Alissa completely 

Jerika- Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now