Chapter 53

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NF- Alright Ill catch ya guys later then 

Jake and I nod and we say our byes and then head to the car, and Jake starts driving home. I glance at him as he is focused on the road, since we are right at rush hour. Stupid L.A. we are going to be here for a while. Jake glances in my
direction when we stop again and smiles at me. 

Jake- So how did you like the concert 

Erika- I loved it so much, thank you so much Jake, for everything you have done for me, I really do appreciate it

Jake gives me a smile.

Jake- Of course, but you dont have to thank me.

Erika- Also thanks for the laptop again, that was really nice of you, and you know I could of bought it 

Jake- Just think of it as a late Christmas present 

I give him a smile.

Erika- Speaking of presents, we are leaving for your birthday week in a couple days 

Jake smiles nodding.

Jake- It's going to be so lit, this is the first time in 2 years im celebrating my birthday besides going out to eat with my parents and Logan 

Erika- Im happy that you are happy for your birthday Jake, I really am 

Jake- Me to, its been a while since I have been, its going to be weird still, but 

I am happy and greateful that I have Team 10, my family and you to celebrate with 

I give him a smile. 

Erika- So Logan is coming right 

Jake nods- Yup, I cant wait, Logan and I are going to have such good vlog content

I laugh.

Jake- Oh and also you can meet my parents for the first time, since they have both have moved back to Ohio since im doing a lot better. 

I give him a smile.

Erika- Oh yea, I kind of forgot about that 

Jake- Yup, oh and my step dad will be there as well

I give him a nod.

Erika- I cant wait to meet them, do you think they will like me 

Jake gives me an amazing smile.

Jake- They will like you as much as I do, and thats a lot 

I smile and turn red a little as Jake smiles at me. 

Erika- Awe your so sweet 

Jake smiles at me as a car honks its horn and Jake sighs pressing the gas moving up like 3 more feet.

Jake- This is going to be a long trip home.

I look ahead at the traffic and nod sighing.

Jake- So what should we do lets play a game 

I laugh at him.

Erika- What the hell are we going to play in a Lambo on the free way in traffic 

Jake- We could, hmmmm, good question 

I laugh at him as he has the adorable thinking face on.

Jake- We could set up your laptop, since we put data on it

I shrug and Jake grabs the laptop from the little room that is in the back part of the car and starts to open the box. 

As he is opening the box cars are honking. 

Jake- Rik, can you steer the wheel, ill press the gas im kind of got my hands full

I laugh nodding reaching over my hands over and put my hands on the steering wheel

as Jake lightly presses the gas as we start to move. Soon we stop again and I remove my hands sitting back down in my seat.

Jake- Alright I got it open, hmm 

Jake tosses the box in the little space we have in the back again and turns the laptop on pluggin it into the outlet that is in the car. 

Jake- Alright here you go set up your accounts and everything 

I nod and he hands me the laptop as I start to personalize it. 

Erika- We are going to have to transfer the Icloud storage when we get home 

Jake- Oh yea we can do that later 


Jake's POV: 

I finally after like 2 hours pulled into the Team 10 dirve way and I park the car in the garage, and close the garage and then head into the house with Erika. 

I head up to my room with the laptop as Erika goes into her room to get her old one, A couple minutes later she comes back in with the laptop and sits next to me on the bed. 

After about 20 minutes we finally finish switching the Icloud storage over, and 

I put the laptops on the night stand as I look at Erika who looks to be deep in thought. 

I poke her and she looks at me confused and then gives me a smile.

Jake- Whats up Costell

She sighs looking at me.

Erika- Im a horrible person 

I look at her confused now.

Jake- What no your not 

Eirka- Jake im dating Ash, and I kissed you at the concert, I cheated on him, Im just as bad as so many other people out in L.A im just like them 

I look at her sad.

Jake- Rik your not like those other people in any way, I was the one who kissed you, yea you kissed back but your not like those other people

Erika- Im a cheating bitch yea I am 

I give her a serious look and grab her hand. 

Jake- No your not, its my fault, I kissed you first also, unlike those other people you feel bad for doing it, which already makes you better 

She sighs looking at me. 

Erika- Jake im scared 

I look at her worried.

Jake- Rik why are you okay 

Erika- I do like Ash, I do, but at the same time I like you and I dont know im confused 

I give her a smile pulling her close allowing her head to fall against my chest. 

Jake- It's okay, im not going to rush you, take all the time you need, just know

I do like you, and would love to see where we could take this 

She looks up at me and smiles kissing my cheek.

Erika- Thank you Jake, your amazing you know that 

I give her a smile nodding. 

Jake- Of course I am but you are to 

She gives me a grin.

Erika- Lets watch something 

Jake- Alright what are you thinking 

Erika smiles- The Office 

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