Chapter 48

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Jake- I set the thing up on the roof, not Tessa

Everyone besides Erika looks at me shocked including Tessa who is probably wondering why I fessed up.

Ashton- Who did you do it for

I look at him, I mean what do I care if he gets mad at me. I mean are they even together.

Jake- I did it for Erika, as an extra Christmas Present

Team 10 awes and I smile as Erika smiles as well.

McKenzie- Awe that's so cute

Jake- Yea well, I am a cute guy

Anthony- Damn my boy making moves

I glance at Erika who blushes and I just shyly nod as I see Ashton look a little sad. I mean he has no clue what we did, or that we stayed out there all night.

Chance- Sounds like fun, what did you do

Jake- Just watch a movie and hung out

Ashton- And you had to do it on the roof

Erika- It was super adorable, it was better than just watching it in Jake or I's room

I smile at Erika who is protecting me and smile at her.

Ashton- Right got it okay, so Erika want to exchange gifts

I look at Erika who smiles and nods as they get up and leave the room, I sigh as they walk out and everyone looks at me.

Chance- Bro, Ash totally thinks you like her now

Jake- I know I just did not want you to get mad at Tessa or anything it seemed like you got upset

Chance- She could have just pulled me away explaining it you did not need to rat your self out

Jake- I don't even think they are together I think they have gone on like 2 dates, it does not mean they are together

Tessa- So do you like her then

I nod shyly as they smile at me.

Chance- Awe my bro has his second crush

Jake- I think its more than a crush.... guys... I think im falling in love with her slowly but surely

They all look at me shocked.

Dallas- Who are you falling in love with!

I look and my mouth drops as I see Dallas standing there with her arms crossed....... Oh boy.....


Ashton's POV:

Erika and I headed upstairs to her room and sat on her bed.

Ashton- So what happened between you and Jake

I look at him thinking of what to say, I cant say we kissed since, well ash and I are kind of a thing. I mean he asked me to be his girlfriend but I said I needed time to think. Why do I need time to think... oh yea because I think I like Jake but I don't know. But then again Jake will never like me, he still loves Alissa...

I look at Ashton and smile.

Erika- Yes

He looks at me confused

Erika- Yes, I will be your girlfriend

A huge smile forms on his face and he smiles wrapping his arms around me pulling me close kissing me, I smile kissing back wrapping my arms around him. We soon pull away smiling.

Ashton- Damn after 3 and a half years, I can finally say Erika Costell is my girlfriend

I smile at him.

Erika- And I can call Ashton Knight my boyfriend

He smiles at me nodding, and then his eyes go to my neck and he sees the necklace and looks at it confused.

Ashton- Damn that necklace looks expensive, who got you that

I look at it smiling.

Erika- Jake got it for me

He nods looking at it.

Erika- Don't be jealous Jake and I are just friends, but we are super close and you have to understand that, for this to work, because I am not choosing between you and Team and him

Ashton smiles at me nodding.

Ashton- I trust you, And I would never make you choose, im, not a bad person you know this

I smile at him nodding. Technically we were not together when Jake and I kissed last night so I did not cheat which makes me feel so much better about this. He then smiles at me handing me a box and I smile opening it.


Dallas's POV:

I was walking down the stairs into the living room to find my dad, cause Im hungry like always and walk in to hear...

Jake- I think im falling in love with her

I hear everyone gasp and I look at them shocked and look at my dad screaming.

Dallas- Who are you falling in love with!!!

I see everyone look at me shocked and I see my dad look at me with a worried face. He comes over to me quickly picking me up and then sitting me down on his lap.

Jake- Dall, let me explain

Dallas- Do you not love Mommy anymore!

My dad looks at me.

Jake- Your mom will always have a special place in my heart 

I look at my dad smiling.

Jake- But, like you said you want a sibling and me kind of want a son one day, and in order for me to get to that point, I need to try to at least date other people and see if I can find someone I like or even fall in love with

I smile at my dad nodding and then say the question.

Dallas- Who are you falling in love with

My dad looks at me with worry and I see everyone else look worried as well.

Jake- Dall, I will tell you but right now I have no clue if she even likes me back

I look at him and sigh.

Dallas- Okay but just so you know, I really like Erika and I would not mind her helping you get me a sibling

I watch as Jake and the rest of Team 10 laugh and I see my dad smile.

Jake- Well aren't you in luck

A smile on my face forms.

Dallas- You are falling in love with Erika!!!!

Jake covers my mouth.

Jake- Shh, she's upstairs she cant hear you say that

Dallas- Why don't you want her to know

Jake- I don't know if she likes me, I have to find that out first

I nod sighing.

Dallas- Fine

Jake- You can not tell her please, I want to figure out the perfect way

I nod understanding as my dad smiles at me.

Jake - Thank you, Dall, your the best

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