Chapter 91

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Erika's POV:

"Please! Please Please! Please! Please!"

Feeling a nudge on my shoulder I look at Tessa. "What is Alissa begging Jake for now?" She asks. "To let Ricky come with us," I reply watching Alissa literally on her knees begging Jake right now.

"Why exactly?" Tessa asks. Oh. Defiantly not because Alissa could be possibly pregnant with his baby or anything. Nope not at all.

"Not quite sure," I reply. "Well that's good for Team Erika. Maybe Alissa likes Ricky," Tessa says nudging me. "Okay wait is this Team Alissa and Team Erika thing like a thing?" I ask.

Tessa smirks holding up a Team Erika sign. "Oh yes it is"

I roll my eyes. "You people are ridiculous," I mumble out. "And wait your on my team?" I ask confused.

"Jake and Alissa may have more history together but Jake would not have fallen in love with you if he truly loved Alissa," Tessa replies.

And I think my jaw just dropped all the way to the fucking core of the Earth. "Well damn," I mumble out looking at Tessa who sends me a smile. "By the way if you see Chance with Team Alissa signs kick his ass for me"

Rolling my eyes I send Tessa a thumbs up. "I got you," I reply. She smiles before walking off into the kitchen.

"Ugh! Fine! Just fucking shut up!" Widening my eyes I turn back to Jake and Alissa and immediately Alissa jumps up giving Jake a huge hug.

"Thanks Jakey!" She yells out before running out of the room excitedly.

Laughing a bit I look at Jake who shakes his head looking at me. "You are such an easier girlfriend to deal with," He mumbles out wrapping his arms around me and pressing his lips to mine.

Giggling a bit I pull out of the kiss looking at Jake. "Hmm. Should I make this a competition?" I tease. Jake's eyes widen. "Please don't," He whines out.

I giggle pressing my lips back against his. "You are lucky this time," I mumble out against his lips.

"I'm always lucky when I'm with you," He whispers. Smiling we pull out of the kiss again a huge smile on my face as I look up at Jake.

"I love you Erika so much," He whispers out. "I love you to Jake," I say.

"Have any more luck on the figuring things out with Alissa situation?" I ask. "It's close to being over with," He whispers out.

And for the first time through this whole thing a bit of worry comes to me. I really don't fucking want to lose Jake. Especially with me carrying his kid.

"And?" I ask worriedly. Jake sends me a warm smile. "Don't worry Rik," He whispers out pressing his lips against mine.

"I love you Jake"

"I love you to Erika"


"You know I shouldn't be helping you pack right now," I mumble out looking at Chance who gives me an innocent look.

And what did I say? I would have to help Chanthony's asses pack for the trip and I was totally right.

"I still love you," Chance innocently says. I roll my eyes and finishing zipping his suitcase up. "Why isn't your girlfriend helping you?" I ask.

"Cause she's being mad at me for being on Team Alissa," Chance replies rolling his eyes.

"Well that makes two of us," I tease out. Chance rolls his eyes sticking his tongue out at me.

"Erika! Erika! Erika!" Glancing down I see Dallas there. "What Dall?" I ask confused at this girls burst of energy at like 11 pm.

And wait shouldn't she be in bed?

"Bachelor! Happy! He picked the right girl!" She squeals out.

Laughing I smile. "I know! Finally a bachelor picked the girl we wanted to win!" I say high fiving Dallas who does a happy dance.

"Did you just watch it?" I ask. Dallas smiles nodding. "And man was it good," She says.

I smile nodding. "Come on we should get you in bed," I say. "Erikaaaaa"

"Dallassssss," I whine.

Dallas giggles as I pick her up before looking at Chance. "Can you handle packing your socks?" I tease. Chance rolls his eyes sticking his tongue out at me and then looking at Dallas. "Aunt Erika is being mean to me!" Chance whines out.

Dallas giggles more laying her head against my chest letting out a little yawn. "Come on you need a good nights sleep for tomorrows fun traveling day," I say exiting Chessa's room and heading to Dallas's room.

Putting her into bed I tuck her in seeing her smile up at me. "Night Erika," She tiredly yawns out. "Nigh Dall," I say turning her light off before heading to the door leaving it cracked open before I head to Jake and I's room when an arm all of the sudden grabs me and starts pulling me.

And somehow I find myself in Alissa's room. "You do realize your daughter was up at 11 watching the bachelor right?" I ask.

"Fucking Jake was supposed to put her to bed! I'm going to kill him," Alissa mutters out. Widening my eyes, Alissa's eyes soften a bit.

"Hehe oops," She says. "Anyways what's up? Why did I get dragged in her-"

And instantly I stop talking and looking down at what I'm holding in my hands. Quickly looking up at Alissa my jaws drop as she sends me a worried look.

"It's only been a week!" I squeal out looking at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. "Oh my god," I say looking at Alissa.

"Wow," I say still in shock.

Alissa just slowly nods. "I know," She says.

"God there are way to many positive pregnancy tests floating around this house now," I mutter out. Alissa laughs a bit nodding.

"Wait so it's for sure Ricky's?" I ask. She nods. "He's the first time in like over two years now so yea," She says with a sigh.

"Damn," I say. "Are you okay?" I ask worried handing her back the pregnancy test.

"I don't know how to feel," She whispers out. "Have you talked to Ricky yet?" I ask.

"I told him that there could be a tiny possibility he's going to be a dad in 9 months," Alissa whispers out.

"And? Please tell me there is a happy ending? Please!"

Alissa laughs a bit a smile forming on her face. "He just pulled me into a hug and told me everything was going to be okay, and I just fell asleep crying on him," She whispers out.

"Awww," I say being nudged by Alissa. "That's cute," I say.

Alissa smiles. "He's amazing Erika"

I smile. "Well this Bora Bora trip is sure going to go down in the books," I say.

Alissa quickly nods. "I'm terrified for the drama that's going to go down these next two weeks"

And honestly, I am to.

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