Chapter 46

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Erika's POV:

We had a nice dinner and finished presents a while ago and Jake wanted to surprise me so he led me up to the roof where I look shocked at a little lights hanging up by some poles on the roof and then a screen projector with one of those old projectors with a movie about to come on. I then look at a little nice love seat with a side table with some drinks. I look at Jake shocked and see him smile at me.

Jake- You like it

Erika- I love It are you kidding me its like midnight

Jake- I wanted to make sure you have the best time ever

I smile at him as we walk to the little couch snuggling up on it together, oh we also changed into sweats and shirts as well. I then see Jake start the movie and see it is The Notebook and look at Jake shocked.

Jake- I know you cant stand to watch it alone so here I am

I smile at him resting my head on his him more cuddling to him as we watch it smiling.


Jake's POV:

The movie just ended and I smile at Erika as she looks at me with tears.

Erika- That movie is just to beautiful

Jake- Your just to beautiful

I see a smile form on her face and I lean in and she leans in as well. I then soon feel my lips against her and smile as we both kiss smiling. After about 15 seconds and my arms around her holding her close and her hands making there way in my hair we pull away keeping our foreheads touching staring at each other smiling.

Erika - Jake I-

Jake- Shh, just enjoy the moment

She smiles at me and I pick her up laying down on the couch, and laying her in between my legs as she leans her head against my chest as we stare up at the stars.

Erika- This has been the best Christmas ever

Jake- And each Christmas you spend with me will just get better

She turns and looks at me smiling laying her head side ways on me smiling as I wrap my arms around her protectingly after I put a blanket over us. I watch as her eye lid close and I smile kissing her cheek.

Erika's POV:

I lay against his chest and turn side ways so I am kind of facing him and he wraps a blanket around me and then puts his arms around me holding me tight to me, as my eye lids slowly close when I feel his lips on my cheek and here him whisper something I thought I would never here him say

Jake- I think im falling in love with you baby

I keep my eyes closed shocked thinking about what he said and fall asleep with a smile on my face.


Jake's POV:

I wake up to a bright light on my face, and open my eyes to see the sun shining bright and then look to see someone on me and smile seeing Erika laying against me still asleep. I smile kissing her head as she moves. I see her eyes open and look confused at first and then she sees me and smiles, a smile forms on my face as she looks at me.

Jake- Morning Rik

Erika- Morning Jakey

Jake- How did you sleep

Erika- Pretty good saying were on a couch

Jake- Im just really comfortable

She laughs and lays her head back on my chest looking off into the Cali landscape as we talk, and I look down at her.

Jake- So last night was fun

I see a smile form as she nods.

Erika- It was defiantly the best Christmas ever 100%

Jake- Im glad that our first Christmas was your best, and there is many more to come

I see her smile and nodding.

Erika- Its going to get more crazy each Christmas

Jake- You know it, what time is it

I watch as Erika shifts grabbing her phone and turning it on, and I smile looking at the background its a picture of me holding her bridal style in front of the Lambo. Its pretty cute picture if you ask me. I look at the time seeing its already 1.

Erika- Wow we slept in

Jake- We were up till like 2 A.M. to be fair.

Erika- True, im hungry can we get food

I laugh nodding as we get up and I will clean this up later as we get off the roof and head into the kitchen as we look through cabinets. I look at her sighing.

Jake- Want to order post mates

She laughs nodding at me as we go to the stairs and sit down pulling out my phone.

Jake- So what should we get

Erika looks at me shrugging.

Erika- I don't know, it does not matter

Jake- Oh yes it does, what do you want Costell

Erika- Hmm I don't know

Jake- Taco Bell

Erika- Sure why not

I click on Taco Bell and order our normal order.

Jake- Alright done now we just wait

Erika- Im hungryyyyyyyyyy

Jake- Its orderddddddd

Erika laughs and I smile.

Jake I need to vlog, what do I vlog

Erika looks at me thinking.

Erika- Good question

Jake- Ughh there's nothing to do

Erika- Yes there is, you just need to use that small brain of yours

Jake- Oh wow I see how it is

Erika laughs- I feel like we have this conversation every day

Jake- Because we do

Erika laughs.

Erika- What if we go to the grove do some dares maybe

I look at her and smile.

Jake- Sounds awesome here go on twitter, and tell the fans to tweet us dares.

Erika nods and we both go on our phones going on Twitter and I tweet

@JakePaul- Doing your dares in the grove today use #JerikaDares to send us some

@Erika Costell- Going to the grove doing your guys dares tweet us some with #JerikaDares

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