Chapter 93

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Jake's POV:

"I'm hungry," Erika whines out. "We just had sex and the first thing you say is your hungry," I mumble out.

Erika giggles looking up at me. "I didn't get to eat on the plane and then we went into fun time the second we got here," Erika innocently says.

"Your so fucking lucky your adorable," I mumble out.

Erika smiles kissing my cheek. "Thanks Jakey"

"Uh-huh," I say getting up quickly changing and heading downstairs to grab Erika some food.

Getting into the kitchen I roll my eyes. "Slut," I mumble out.

"Asshole," Alissa mumbles back sticking her middle finger up at me. "I can do that to," I say sticking my middle finger up at her.

"And let's not forget you have been cheating on me to," She says.

"Oh wow! Now you say I'm cheating you. That's fucking hilarious Violet," I mutter out digging through the cabinets for food. Thankfully my parents already made a run to the store to get a lot of food for us.

"Well you are," She says. I roll my eyes. "Can't believe I ever fucking loved you," I angrily yell out.

And for a slight second I feel bad watching Alissa's face drop but then I'm pulled back into reality remembering that she fucking got pregnant with Ricky's baby.

Watching Alissa dramatically stomp out of the kitchen I roll my eyes grabbing some Doritos before heading back upstairs.

Heading into Erika and I's room a smile comes to my face seeing Erika in my t-shirt only.

"Hey baby," I whisper out. Walking to the bed I sit on it next to her and handing her the Doritos which she quickly starts to scarf down.

"You okay?" Erika says after a couple seconds of silence.

I roll my eyes. "I ran into her," I mumble out.

"Oh now we are back to calling Alissa her?" Erika asks.

Giving Erika a playful glare she giggles a bit. "How the hell did you go from loving her to hating her within a hour?" Erika asks.

"She decided to get pregnant by some other dude," I mutter out. "Jake can I ask you something?" Erika whispers out worriedly.

I quickly nod looking at her worried. "Yea. What's up?" I ask pulling her into my arms.

"Were you going to pick me if that blow up did not happen between you guys?" She worriedly asks.

Smiling I nod. "I already told you, that your my future and have been since the second I layed eyes on you. Alissa was a faze that is fucking over," I whisper out.

Erika smiles nuzzling her head up into my chest. "Alissa and I got close over these past two weeks, I'm worried she hates me now," Erika says sounding like she's crying a bit.

Quickly lifting her head up I look at her. "Hey. Don't worry. If Alissa pushes you out because you are with me than it's her own fucking loss," I whisper out. "You are the most amazing girl in this whole world, and if she hates you cause your dating me then she's just a fucking jealous bitch"

Erika looks at me. "Thanks for the compliment but please stop taking a dig at her every chance you get," Erika whispers out.

I sigh. "Only for you," I whisper out.

Erika smiles. "I love you"

"I love you to"

Erika's POV:







"WHY DO I HAVE TO SIT IN BETWEEN THEM!" I scream out to Logan, Ricky, Chance, Lydia and Tessa who are also in the car with us.

And who's fucking idea was it to let Alissa and Jake ride in the same car?

"So they don't kill each other," Logan replies. I roll my eyes looking at Ricky who gives me a sad look. "Fix your girlfriend" I mouth out.

"Fix your boyfriend" He mouths back. Rolling my eyes I stick my tongue out at him before looking up front again as Jake and Alissa continue to go at it.

"Erika fucking kiss him already!" Chance angrily yells out.

Rolling my eyes I look at Jake who is glaring at Alissa. Leaning up I press my lips to his feeling him immediately kiss me back.

Peace and quiet. Thank you Jesus Christ! You truly are the fucking savior.

Pulling out of the kiss with Jake he sends me a little smile. "Please stop yelling"

He smiles. "Fine I'll be the bigger person and end this," He says smirking at Alissa. "Oh real mature Paul," Alissa replies.

This is going to be the longest two weeks of our lives.

Jake's POV:

"Serious? This is my fault?" I scream out. "Yea it is!"

"How the hell is this my fault-"

"Mommy? Daddy?" My eyes widen, hearing the whole living room become silent as I quickly look over to see a tired look Dallas there.

Shit, we must have woken her up.

"Why are you guys fighting so much?" Dallas sadly asks coming over to Alissa and I. "We aren't," Alissa quickly says.

I nod. "Yea Dall we were just messing around," I say.

Dallas looks at us with sad eyes. "No you weren't. Why don't you love each other anymore," Dallas cries out before sprinting up the stairs.

And my face immediately drops, exchanging a sad look with Alissa.

"Now you two really fucked up," Logan says. Rolling my eyes I send Logan a glare.

"This is your fault," I mutter out turning to look at Alissa who's mouth drops. "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me Paul. This is my fault!"

"Yea. Yes it is!" I yell out. Alissa rolls her eyes. "I can't believe you right now"

"Well I can't believe you," I fire back.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Widening my eyes, I quickly turn to look at my mom who looks very mad.

"Alissa what's that on your finger?" My mom asks. Glancing at Alissa's finger my eyes sadden at the sight of her wedding ring still on.

"A wedding ring," Alissa whispers out. "And who was it from?" My mom questions.

"Jake," Alissa whispers out again. "And Jake what's that on your finger?"

I sigh. "A wedding ring"

"From who?" My mom asks again. "Alissa," I whisper out.

"You guys have gone through to much to let this get between you. Dallas needs both parents in her life. And she needs parents that don't hate each other. So you to better figure this out, and figure it out fast," My mom says before leaving the leave without another word said.

Exchanging a look with Alissa we both sigh staying quiet.

"Come on let's talk to Dallas," Alissa whispers out.

I nod. "Good idea"

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