Chapter 96

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Authors Note: 

Guys I'm sooooo sorry about the lack of updates but I've kind of lost the inspiration to write this book at this moment. Those of you who write yourselves know the feeling if you are not feeling it then you can't write at all, so I'm not sure what to do. I'm trying to come up with ideas but nothing is coming to me. Let me know what you guys think/want me to do. Thanks. 

Jake's POV: 

"Tell me again how the hell I ended up helping my soon to be ex-husband pick out an engagement ring for his current girlfriend?" Alissa asks for the fiftieth time while she leans against the counter. 

"Because you love me sooooooooo-" 

"Woah that is way too many o's," Alissa teases. I roll my eyes playfully nudging her. "Cause I've had to put up with you're shit for 23 years," I tease. 

Alissa rolls her eyes. "I've had to put up with you're shit for 23 years as well. Please never forget that" Alissa whines out. I roll my eyes. "I say it's a fair trade-off." 

Alissa shakes her head. "Yeah. In no way, shape, or form have you had to deal with me more," She replies. "You fucking came to me when you got your period! Me! You're guy best friend! Let me say this again! A guy!" I scream out to Alissa who just gives me an innocent look. 

"You know our daughter is going to be doing that in like-" 

"Don't fucking remind me," I mumble out. Alissa giggles patting my back. "And dating-" 

"Alissa Violet shut up! She's not dating." 

"She's going to hate you." 

"To bad. She's not dating, and that's final," I reply. Alissa rolls her eyes. "Well we know who her favorite parent is going to be," Alissa replies. I roll my eyes. "Whatever," I mumble out looking back at the engagement rings. "Now fucking help me," I whine out. 

"You've done this before you know?" Alissa says. "Yeah and you hated it," I say looking at Alissa who gives me a you did not just say that look. 

"First of all, it was too big-" 

"Okay, please. If I hear this rant about the damn engagement ring one more fucking time I'm going to lose my mind," I mumble out. "Second of all-" 

And today marks the day that Jake Joesph Paul loses his mind, thanks to his ex-wife. I just love life. 

15 Minutes Later...

"You done?" I ask with a yawn. "And now you have the audacity to yawn while I'm yelling at you! Oh, I am so bringing this to Twitter," Alissa whines out. 

I roll my eyes. "Happy wife happy life," I tease out. Alissa rolls her eyes nudging me. "Idiot," She mumbles out. "Now can you please help me find an engagement ring," I ask with the puppy dog eyes. 

Alissa groans giving me an eye roll. "Ugh fine. But for Erika's sake only," Alissa replies.

Finally... Only took us two hours of standing here to actually start looking at the damn rings. 

But that's Jalissa for you...


"What if you come in on a wrecking-" 

I quickly interrupt Chace. "I swear to God if you finish that statement you're sleeping on the street tonight." 

"How rude," Chance whines crossing his arms. I roll my eyes. "Any good ideas?" I asked glancing at Nathan, Kade, Anthony, and Ricky. 

"This might sound crazy but what if you just ask her?" Anthony asks. "Do you ever want to get a wife? You don't just ask a girl to marry you. You have to do it in some stupid overly dramatic way," I reply. 

Anthony gives me an eye roll. "Alissa said yes," He says with a shrug. "I also proposed with fireworks that said will you marry me, on live TV! She had no choice but to say yes," I reply. 

"Okay then just propose on live TV again," Chance says.

"I can't do that for both of them, I have to make Erika's special," I reply. 

The boys roll their eyes. "You are impossible," Chance mumbles out. I roll my eyes looking at Ricky, Nathan, and Kade. "Please tell me you guys got any ideas?" I ask. 

"Honestly the wrecking ball idea-" 

"Ricky!" I scream out, both of us ending up in laughter. 

"What if you propose underwater?" Nathan suggests. "Nate are you drunk?" I ask looking at Nathan who laughs. "Nope." 

"Are we sure about this?" I ask. 

Nathan rolls his eyes. "Chance suggested you propose on a wrecking ball, my underwater idea is like sober as fuck compared to his." 

I shrug glancing at Chance who rolls his eyes tossing a pillow at Nathan. "Damn we suck at proposals," Kade says.

"Gee thanks for the support Kade," I tease. He laughs giving me a playful eye roll. "What if we just set up the backyard all nicely, and you propose with the backdrop of LA behind you guys?" Ricky asks.

My jaw drops looking at Ricky. "Wait. That's not actually too bad," I reply. "I know. I'm a pro at this," He replies. I roll my eyes. "Okay Cocky calm down," I tease. 

Ricky gives me an eye roll. "Alirght well what are we waiting for lets do this." 

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