Chapter 22

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Jake's POV: 

I wake up and smile 'ITS MOVING DAY BRO', oh man im excited we get to live in the mansion again, I am so ready for this, but at the same time not sure how well I am going to react to the house since I have not really been in there since Alissa's death so there probably is still all her stuff in the house like her clothes and beauty products and just maybe the bags in the fridge that say Alissa on them but I ate anyways. The moving truck already brought most of the heavy and big furniture yesterday we are just moving a ton of boxes today. The moving truck is coming to my house first to get Dallas's , Kade and McKenzie's stuff from my house and my stuff and then I think we are going to the Tale's and Brooks household and then Erika's who does not want us to come but I mean I dont want her to have to do it by herself. 


2 Hours later: 

Jake's POV:

We just finsihed getting all of our stuff in the truck and the truck and Tristan are going to the house right now along with the others while I drive over to Erika's in the Tacoma truck to help her with her boxes. I pull up to the address im pretty sure is hers and see a decent looking house, it is missing some shingles here and there but hey its cool. I park the car and walk up to the door knocking when some older guy comes to the door looking mad , im guessing this is her dad? 

Jake- Hello, Im Jake im friends with I think your daughter Erika Costell, im here to help her move her boxes 

The guy looks at me not saying anything.

(Erika's Dad's name is Denis im pretty sure so im going to use that) 

Denis- Oh and you think I am just letting my daughter move in with some guy that is a complete idiot, yea right 

I look at him shocked not knowing what to say

Denis- How bout you just leave and never come back, Erika is not going to be living with you and being part of whatever team you guys are doing 

I look at him not knowing what to say...I mean I cant argue with her dad right? That would be rude and not right.

Jake- Um okay Im sorry, I had no idea 

The guy looks at me nodding.

Denis- Well bye and dont ever come back 

I sigh turning around and walking away when I hear the door close I look and see its closed so I run over to the side of the house and looking through windows when I see a bedroom that is probably Erika's and then I look closer and see Erika there lying on the bed..... it looks like crying.... oh my god. I lightly tap on the window and her head lifts up looking around and then going back down not seeing me. I sigh as I tap louder this time which causes her to look up in fear and then she sees me and her fear turns into a light smile. I smile back pointing to the window as she laughs and gets up opening the window as I climb in, as she goes to the door probably locking it. I look at her as she looks at me with tears going down her face.

Jake- Hey shh whats up 

I walk to her embracing her into my arms holding her close. 

Erika- My dad thats whats wrong 

Jake- Is this why you never wanted me to bring you home because of this 

She nods looking up at me scared.

Erika- Yup pretty much 

Jake- Erika your 25 you can make your own choices if you want to move out you can

Erika shakes her head looking at me.

Erika- He gave me the money to start modeling, he said if I disobey him he will ruin my modeling career so I am stuck here till I get enough money saved up to the modeling without him 

I look at her sad and then a thought appears.

Jake- Well I mean I am going to be paying you obviously and I could always throw in extra money if you need it, I can help you just come live with us get out of this hell hole

Erika looks up at me smiling as bright as the sun.

Erika- Would you really do that 

Jake- Of course 

Erika smiles- No I cant take your money Jake

Jake- Just think of it as an early Christmas or birthday present

She smiles at me and nods.

Erika- I promise I will pay you back

Jake- No need, our friendship and you working for the team is good enough for me 

She smiles at me wide and kissing my cheek as she dances around smiling and then I smile putting my hand where she kissed my cheek and feel my face get red and smile. I then hear a loud knock.


I watch as Erika stops in her tracks looking at me and pointing to the window. I nod as I lift her up helping her out and then getting out my self just as the door slams open and I see Denis come running at me as I get out and we start running to the Tesla. I get in and start the car pulling away just as I hear a gun shot and see Erika's dad at the door. I hurry up and press the gas more getting out of there as Erika is looking at me in fear. 

Erika- Oh my god, Jake I am so sorry 

Jake- It's okay, we are both safe and thats all that matters 

She smiles at me nodding as I continue to the mansion thinking how the hell Erika dealt with this for 25 years. I guess she has more of a backstory than I thought she did. How could such a sweet and innocent girl go through all this...

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