Chapter 43

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Erika's POV:

I just said bye to Ash as he left and smile going up to my room when I swear I head a sniffle and follow it seeing I am standing in front of Jake's door. I sigh not sure if I should enter or not. I decide to wait a little longer but here the cries get louder and sigh knocking saying "Its Erika" I hear no response so I slowly walk in to see Jake on his bed laying on top of the covers shirtless with his pants a little bit lower so you could see his pink boxers. I almost laugh and then I walk over to him and sit on the bed next to him and rub his back slowly. After about 5 minutes I softly whisper.

Erika- How you feeling

Jake- Like shit

I look at him as his head turns and I look at him seeing tears come down his face. I sigh rubbing his tears away as he looks at me.

Erika- Jake why do you feel like this what's going on

Jake- Because of my idiotic thing with not getting over Alissa, Meanwhile Dallas is sad because she wants a real mom not Tessa

I look at him sadly.

Erika- Dallas is not mad at you yes she may be a little sad about not having a mom but most kids probably feel like that, it's not your fault, it's hard to get over someone you love

Jake looks at me giving me a small smile.

Jake- But she wants a mom and I cant give her that

Erika- Jake take all the time you need she's not going to get mad at you, she is a smart girl

Jake looks at me and smiles pulling me down so I'm against his chest hugging him and he's hugging me back. I smile into his chest as he kisses my head.

Jake- Thank you, Rik, for everything

I look at him and smile

Erika- No thank you, you have given me so many opportunities and an amazing job also letting me escape my dad and keeping my model job I could not thank you enough for that, I could never repay you

Jake's POV:

I smile so much as Erika is against my chest hugging me when I hear her say "I could never repay you" I then smile and think... you could teach me how To Love Again..... I mean.... oh boy... am I starting to like her more than just friends...

Jake- You being here and supporting me is perfect and our friendship

Erika- I feel the same way, Jake 

Jake- You're so amazing you know that like honestly you're incredible 

Erika- Jake you are amazing as well

Jake- No but your perfect Erika, I don't think you understand 

She looks at me with a smile on her face. 

Erika- You're so sweet 

Jake- You are

She smiles at me pressing her lips to my cheek letting them linger there while she mumbles against my cheek

Erika- So you ready to go to the carnival

I nod at her smiling as she gets up and I immediately feel sadden as I lost her... I just want her in my arms again.... oh boy I am starting to like her.

Jake- Alright Ill meet you in the Tesla let me get ready

Erika nods as she exits the room and I get ready as quick as I can grabbing a vlog camera and heading out to the garage, Is it bad I really do not want to vlog this at all.


Jake's POV:

We have been at the festival for like 2 hours now and I have finally finished the vlog segment and just got back to Erika after putting the vlog camera in the car. I spot her at a table and see a guy talking to her I walk up closer and see him grab her as she squeals but gets cut off and I quickly run over and smack the guy right in the face as he falls over and I grab Erika holding her close as she looks at me scared.

Erika- Oh my god thank you so much, Jake

She hugs me tight and I smile down at her.

Jake- Ill always be here for you

She smiles at me nodding.

Jake- Do you want to go home

Erika- No I don't want to ruin the day we just finished vlogging lets hang out

I smile at her nodding, as I want to grab her hand so bad but first of we are in public and second she's dating Ash. He seems like a nice guy it's just to bad. What am I going to do? We walk around and I see the biggest roller coaster and look at her and smirk.

Jake- We are so going on that

She looks at me scared.

Erika- I'm good the line is really long

Jake- Naw it won't take that long come on

I grab her hand this time dragging her to the line and we then get in it and I drop her hand not wanting to bring up more Jerika stuff. Soon we are in front of the line and are on the coaster in the front seats and Erika looks at me scared.

Erika- Jake I'm scared

Jake- don't worry it's not like we are going to get stuck on top

She glares at me like those are "my famous last words" as the ride starts and I grab her hand as she smiles at me as we go around the baby hills and she is perfectly fine, then we start to climb the big one and she looks at me scared.

Erika- Jake I don't know about this

Jake- Rik we are already like 100 feet in the air

Erika- Oh perfect just what I wanted to hear

I laugh as we are almost to the top and I see Erika look even more scared as I squeeze her hand tighter.

Jake- Nothing will happen when I'm here to protect you

She smiles at me and nods and the ride stops on top of the hill like it always does for the anticipation factor, but I then realize its been like 10 seconds and it should have dropped by now, I look at Erika whose eyes are shut tight and she then opens them and screams.


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