Chapter 44

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Jake's POV:

Jake- Nothing will happen when im here to protect you

She smiles at me and nods and the ride stops on top of the hill like it always does for the anticipation factor, but I then realize its been like 10 seconds and it should have dropped by now, I look at Erika whose eyes are shut tight and she then opens them and screams.


I look at her scared and look behind to see it looks like another couple freaking out and the guys talks to me.

Guy- So this is suppose to happen right

Jake- I wish

The guy sighs and I look at Erika who is about to pass out I think. I look at her grabbing her face so we lock eyes and she looks at me terrified.

Erika- Why could it not be like the movies and all cliché and we could of gotten stuck on top of a innocent Ferris wheel why a roller coater

I laugh at her and sigh kissing her head seeing her smile

Jake- It will be fine I promise

I then hear an announcement

Announcer- Everyone who is on "roller coaster" please sit tight and be patient we are working on the ride right now, remain calm please

I look at Erika who looks pissed.

Erika- Oh yea stay calm while were 20 million feet in the air alright thanks bud

I laugh at her as she rolls her eyes.

Jake- Im sorry Rik

She looks at me confused.

Jake- If I did not make you come on this would not of happened

Erika- But if I did not come on you would of came on by your self and then you would of been stuck up here by your self which now I am thinking about it would be much better

I glare at her as she laughs.

Erika- Just kidding at least were together I would of freaked out more if you weren't here

I smile at her knowing I help her stay calm.

Jake- Listen we will get down soon okay everything will be okay

She nods at me and rests her head on my shoulder. I honestly don't know how since the bars are here but I smile as my head falls on her. I feel as we are a couple and let me tell you, its an amazing feeling. I then look around realizing the amazing view and whisper in her ear.

Jake- Look how amazing the view is

She looks up and smiles looking around, we can see the whole LA from up here, I might see Cleveland from up here. Wow its amazing. I then look at Erika and she smiles at me looking at me. I feel myself lean in and so does she. I am about to closet the gap when we jump apart hearing.

Announcer- The ride will be starting in 5 seconds please get ready

I literally groan and look at Erika who is blushing and I probably look as red as a tomato as well. I grab her hand again as the ride starts and she squeals for the rest of the ride. It finally stops and we get off as Erika gets on the ground hugging it.


I laugh picking her up dragging her out of there and we get to a bench and sit down facing each other.

Jake- Well that was fun

Erika- Oh yea sure was

Jake- So do you want to talk about -

Erika- We were both caught in the moment don't worry about it

I look at her sad but don't show it.... I guess it meant nothing to her not that anything happened.

Erika's POV:

I said we were caught in the moment and I see Jake's face turn sad a bit and I sigh. I did want to kiss him I am not going to deny it, it would of been good I feel. I just we cant like each other right... we are just friends.


Erika's POV:

We just got back to the house after an exciting day. No it was not awkward between us it was a little less physical but I think we are both trying to comprehend that we were about to kiss. I then remember that Christmas is less than a week ago and I have done no shopping yet and then Jake's birthday is less than a month away and I have no clue what to do, he has everything he could want really, besides a GF. I sigh going to Tessa.

Erika- Hey I need to do Christmas shopping want to come

Tessa- Oh yes thought you would never ask I do to lets go get Kenzie as well

I nod and we go get Kenzie and head to the store for literally 10 hours it is literally 2 am as we pull back into the Team 10 House. Im so tired but I got gifts for everyone besides Jake, I still need to finish his.


Jake's POV:

I have shopped for everyone for Christmas besides Erika. I want to get her something really special but don't know what to do. I want to make it special not just some necklace. I sigh laying in bed thinking really hard when it comes to me and I smile calling Logan as we head out to the mall and I smile as he helps me get the perfect thing for her.

I soon get back to the house and get it all ready for her to open Christmas morning. I need to make this special, this is her first Christmas with the Team 10 family.

Also this is the first Christmas for Logan and Lydia's little boy who is actually 2 months old now and his name is Preston. I think its an awesome name and it fits him very well. I love every moment I spend with him. I really wish I could have a boy of my own one day. Maybe one day....

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