Chapter 92

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Erika's POV:

"If you two don't fucking shut up right now, I'm going to lose my mind! Chance screams out to Jake and Alissa who are in the middle of a very fierce argument while we wait to board the Private Jet.

"It's not my fault he's being an asshole!" Alissa yells.

"Oh so now I'm being the asshole!" Jake yells back.

"Yes. Yes you are!" Alissa yells. "Well you are being a little bitch!"

"That's it. I'm so fucking done with you Jake fucking Paul! At this point just fucking pick Erika I'm done with your shit! Oh and by the way I'm pregnant with Ricky's baby!" Alissa screams out tears streaming down her face as she runs off.

And instantly a silence forms. Watching everyone's jaws drop, my eyes widen seeing Jake going right at Ricky. Jumping up I go to Jake grabbing his arm. "Jake stop! Don't be stupid!" I yell out.

"Erika get the fuck off of me!" Jake yells out sending a punch right at Ricky's face which he quickly dodges.

"Jake man I don't want to do this," Ricky says jumping up himself and backing away. "Oh but the damage is fucking already done!" Jake screams out.

"Jake please stop! Alissa just ran off crying her heart out and your here fighting with Ricky!" I scream out trying to pull him back once again looking at Chance and Anthony for help. They both instantly jump back and grab Jake's arms pulling him back.

"Let me fucking go!" Jake yells. "Sorry bro. We can't," Anthony says.

And my jaw officially drops when I watch Jake punch Anthony in the gut quickly kicking Chance and getting out of both of there grip before landing a punch right into Ricky's face.

And fear instantly forms in my eyes as I back away from Jake and Chance and Anthony who both just fell on the ground in pain.

Looking at Ricky he now has a bloody nose, as he falls back into the chair holding his nose. Quickly look around at the rest of team Tessa jumps up going to Ricky giving him a tissue as Kade and Nathan check to see if Chance and Anthony are okay.

And thank the fucking god Jake's parents have Dallas right now since they took her to the McDonald's in the food court.

Jake slowly turns around and looks at me. "Erika," He whispers out looking at me. Shaking my head I look at him.

"I can't believe you," I whisper out. Turning around I spot Logan and Lydia who are looking around very confused. They must have just gotten back from getting Starbucks, and man there timing is just impeccable.

"Restrain your brother, I need to go find Alissa," I quickly say to Logan before running off hearing Jake's yells in the background but I ignore it continuing to run around the airport.

This is totally not going to go well. I'm looking for one person in a huge ass airport. I really should have thought this out.

And after about ten minutes I hear crying from the bathroom. Quickly walking in, there in the corner is a crying Alissa. Quickly going to her I sit down next to her wrapping my arm around her and hearing her immediately break down into tears on me.

"Your boyfriend is a fucking asshole," She cries out.

Staying quiet I just sit here with her trying to ignore the fact that many people are giving us confused looks since this a public bathroom and the airport is very crowded right now it of course being Los Angeles.

After about ten more minutes of this I glance at the time. "Alissa are plane is leaving," I whisper out.

"I'm not going with him," She whispers. "Alissa come on," I say.

"No. He's a fucking dick. I'm not going," She cries out.

"You always wanted to go to Bora Bora don't let Jake's stupidity ruin it for you," I whisper out.

Hearing Alissa sigh we eventually stand up and start to head back to the waiting area. Getting there Ricky immediately stands up and runs over to Alissa pulling her into a huge hug, and Alissa is once again crying.

This trip started off fantastic.

Looking around I see everyone with sad looks on their faces with Logan right next to Jake who has his head buried into his hands is looking at the ground.

Luckily Dallas is asleep right now on Lydia so that's a good sign. And everyone else is just sadly sitting as well.

Walking over to the Paul Brothers I sit on the other side of Jake grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. Watching him immediately look up our eyes lock.


I shake my head putting my finger to his mouth. "Don't apologize to me. It's Alissa you should be saying sorry to"

Jake rolls his eyes. "Yea right. Like I would do that," He mutters out.

Confused I look at him. "Why won't you?" I ask very confused looking at Logan who sighs.

"I'm done with her just like she's done with me. I could care less about her and that fucking little baby she has," Jake says.

"Jake," I whisper out sadly. "It's over. Her and I are history," Jake says emotionless. "You have a daughter with her," I whisper out. "I'll see her in court," Jake emotionlessly replies again. And my jaw drops.

And god I really hope he's not being serious about this whole thing.

"Jake you can't be serious right now," I say. "I am. And god Erika why are you so worried about this. You should be happy," Jake says looking at me confused.

"I love you so much Jake but destroying Alissa like this is not the right thing to be doing right now," I whisper out.

"Well she's the one that destroyed us"

"And here you go playing the blame game again," I say with a sigh. "God Erika are you even fucking team Erika?" Jake asks madly.

I look at Jake sadly. "For two years you cried over Alissa, and said how much you missed her and now, and now that she's here you are ruining everything with her. Please just think this through," I whisper out.

Watching Jake sigh he looks at me. "She's pregnant with his baby. It won't ever be the same"

I sigh nodding. "If that's how you feel," I say.

"It is," He says.

Resting my head against his side I feel his arms wrap around me and pulling me into his lap.

"Your my future Erika. And you always have been since the first second I saw you at the bar that night," Jake whispers.

And a smile instantly forms on my face. "I love you Jake"

"I love you to Erika"

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