Chapter 60

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Jake's POV:

I just left Erika and I's room, oh man that feels good to say. Anyways I look around for her and smile seeing Logan and Lydia passed out on the couch, Justin in Lydia's arms and Dallas in Logan's. I smile poking Logan, and he looks at me confused.

Jake- Im going to put Justin to bed then grab Dallas, just letting you know so you don't freak out when you wake up

He nods at me and smiles.

Logan- Thanks bro, see ya in the morning

I nod picking up Justin carefully out of Lydia's arms and bringing him up to there room and lay him in the crib and then heading back down grabbing Dallas picking her up, and walking back into my room seeing Erika scrolling through Netflix, I give her a smile and then walk into Dallas's room putting her down on the bed tucking her in.

Jake- Night Dall, I love you baby girl

I kiss her head and then leave closing the door leaving it open a crack and then leaving the room and going over to the bed laying next to Erika as she smiles at me, turning over to her side and smiles at me.

I look at her and smile pulling her closer, as she cuddles into my chest.

Erika groans- I need to take a shower but don't feel like moving

I laugh.

Jake- Just take one in the morning before we go

Erika- When are we leaving

Jake- Im thinking like 11

Erika- As in 11 AM like in 13 hours

I laugh and nod at her as she groans.

Erika- I am going to have to wake up so early

Jake- Just go casual, I love the way you dress

She smiles at me kissing my cheek.

Erika- So what about The Walking Dead

I smile and nod at her as I get it on and then get comfortable as Erika lays against me, half her head resting on my chest, as we fall asleep watching The Walking Dead.


Erika's POV:

I woke up and see Jake still snoring away, and look at the time and see its 9:30. I smile and realize today is the day, Jake and I go out for the first time, I smile looking over at him. I then see his eyes open a little and he looks at me confused it seems like and says something that makes me look at him shocked.

Jake- Alissa, I just had the weirdest dream

His eyes then open all the way as he looks at me with guilt in his eyes as I look at him not knowing how to take the fact he called me Alissa. His eyes soften.

Jake- Erika oh my god, I don't know what happened, I just-

Erika- Its fine don't worry, I should get ready

I get up and grab clothes heading into the shower to get ready for the day leaving Jake there.


Jake's POV:

Jake's Dream:


I laugh as I continue to tickle her as she screams.

Jake- Never, Until you admit im the hottest guy ever

Alissa- NEVER

Jake- Then your never getting up I guess

She groans and I smirk at her.

Alissa- Fine your the hottest guy ever

I smile at her leaning down kissing her as she smiles up at me.

Alissa- So Erika is coming over today

I look at her confused.

Jake- Who's Erika

Alissa- A friend that we knew in High School but she moved to Tennessee when her parents got divorced but she lives in Michigan before she moved to Ohio

Jake- Damn that sounds confusing

Alissa laughs looking at me.

Alissa - Oh shut up and be nice, don't scare her away

Jake- Oh trust me she will not be scared away

Alissa rolls her eyes punching me.

Alissa- Idiot

Jake- Wait I don't remember her, what was her full name

Alissa- Erika Costell

I think over and over and no name comes to my brain.

Jake- Guess I was just to head over heels for a girl named Alissa Violet to remember her

Alissa laughs rolling her eyes.

Alissa- Wow so smooth Jake

I laugh nodding.

Jake- I know right I should be called Smooth Paul

Alissa- Nope im good with us being Mrs. and Mr. Jake Paul and not Mrs. and Mr. Smooth Paul

I laugh and look at her, and then hear Dallas cry and groan as she laughs pushing me off her as she gets up to go get Dallas.


Jake's POV:

I wake up completely confused and open my eyes a little seeing it does not look like Alissa but I must be super tired.

Jake- Alissa, I just had a weird dream

I then open my eyes completely, and see a shocked Erika there. Oh boy, what have I done, how the hell did I call Erika, my dead wife's name. Oh boy I am done for. And on the day of our first date.

Jake- Erika, oh my god, I did not mean that I-

Erika just shakes her head.

Erika- Its fine, im going to get ready now

I try to say something but nothing comes out and she already is off the bed and getting clothes leaving into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on.

I sigh thinking what the hell was that dream. Erika told me she never lived in Ohio so why did I dream that, Alissa defiently did not know an Erika in high school and I probably would of remembered her, or Chanthony. I sigh, what the heck was that dream, why did that happen, what is going on in the dream world.

I hear the shower turn off and like for what seems like forever, Erika finally comes out and I smile at her as she gives me a slight smile. I look at her outfit and smile seeing her hair straightend, but still a little wet from the shower, and then a cute hollister shirt and then jean shorts, and sandels. I give her a smile and she sends me a smile back putting her dirty clothes in the clothes hamper.

Jake- Erika listen I-

Erika shakes her head coming over to me sitting in front of me on the bed.

Erika- Don't worry, lets not let that ruin this day, this is our day, our first date, im not going to let that ruin it

I smile at her grabbing her pulling her into a big hug as she laughs against my chest.

Jake- Your amazing. I hope you know that

Erika -You have told me that a couple times

I smile at her as she lifts her head to look at me.

Jake- Good, I just want to make sure you know I truly do like you and your not just some rebound

She smiles at me and I feel her lips on mine and smile back kissing her. We soon pull away and I smile at her.

Jake- Well time for me to get ready I guess

She nods as I get up and head to get some clothes and then into the shower as Erika lays on the bed on Instagram.

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