Chapter 17

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Tristan- Dont say sorry to us say sorry to Tessa

I nod and get up heading outside catching a glance of concern from Erika as I walk out and see Tessa with her feet dipped into the pool staring into space. I sigh and sit down next to her dipping my feet in as well and bump my shoulder into hers as she looks at me and say the thing I said the first time I met her....

Jake- Oh oops sorry you were so short I did not see you there, im Jake Paul

I see a smile form on her face as she says the first thing she said to me...

Tessa smiles at me - I see your to good for the normal population aren't you Super Star

I smile at her and wrap my arms around her hugging her tight as she cries into my chest.

Jake- Im so sorry, I did not mean to yell, I had a run in with a hater today and he talked about her saying awful things and I lost my cool and beat him up and Erika saw me and I yelled at her and then she calmed me down and then I come home and yell at you guys. Why do I hurt everyone I love

Tessa looks up at me and smiles.

Tessa- First of all I forgive you, I know its been hard since her death and we all miss her I miss her so much Jake. 

I nod at Tessa smiling. 

Jake- No matter how many times I may push you away, I always want you to know that I will love you no matter what, your my best friend and have been here for me the whole time when everyone else was to scared to deal with me, and I cant thank you enough 

Tessa nods smiling at me. 

Tessa- Im always going to be here whether you like it or not so you better get use to me being here cause I aint going anywhere 

I nod at her smiling. 

Tessa- Oh and the second thing is you said why do I always hurt the people I love and you said you hurt Erika so does that mean- 

I groan and push Tessa in the pool. I laugh as she comes up glaring at me. 


I laugh and run away into the house to see Tristan Nate and Erika staring at the window who were watching us. 

Erika- Wow she must be pissed 

Jake- Oh trust me she is 


Jake- Gotta go tell her I moved to actually dont tell her where I moved to 

I run away from her but she catches up jumping on my back causing us to slam onto the couch. 

Tessa + Jake- owwwww 

We look at each other 


I hear the others laugh and Tessa and I smile at each other. 

Nathan- Man you two are the best 

Tristan- Literal friendship goals right there 

Tessa and I laugh as she gets up from me and I stand up as well.

Jake- Well thanks to Tessa now we have to change 

Tessa- WHAT, Thanks to Jake we have not change, your the one that pushed me in the pool

Jake- Yea whatever , im changing 

Tessa- Me to give me something 

Jake- Yea nope im good 

Tessa- Im coming with you 

Jake- No your not

Tessa- Yes I am 

I sigh as I go up to my room to have Tessa in my room with me and I glare at her as I throw her sweats and a hoodie. She smiles at me and leaves the room probably going to change in the bathroom as I sigh pulling out sweats and a hoodie for myself and then walk downstairs to see Tessa laying on the couch already with her feet on Nathan and her head in Erika's lap as they are laughing. I sit on the couch next to Tristan. 

Jake- Whats so funny

Tessa- Just telling Erika here the story about the lagoon, she saw some footage in the old vlogs and wanted to know more 

I  laugh and nod and then look at her sweatshirt and smile and she looks at me confused and then looks at it and smiles. 

Tessa- Haha oh my god its the Jessa Merch  (Just pretend for this story that they made Jessa merch ... Thanks :) 

Jake- Dang I have not seen any of the merch in a long time

Tessa- Me either wasn't it all left in the mansion

Jake- Im pretty sure 

Erika- So sorry to interrupt but whats Jessa 

Tessa- Oh well technically its Jake and I's ship name but it was more of a friendship ship thing 

Erika nods and smiles.

Erika- Cool the merch looks pretty cool

Jake- Yea we had so much fun designing it 

Tessa-It took forever 

Nathan- Thats your guys fault you could not agree on anything 

Jake- But what we did agree on his sick 

Tessa- Yea, Jake im keeping the sweatshirt 

Jake- I mean I could give you a smaller size that one is a little bit big dont ya think 

I look at it and see it like past her knees 

Tessa- Its cute and comfortable 

Jake- Whatever you say 

Tessa rolls her eyes and looks at the TV. 

Tessa- This game is still going on its been like 16 hours 

Nathan- Really 16 hours

Tessa- Your right more like 17 

Tristan- My god you really need McKenzie here dont you 

Tessa- Um duh I mean I need my girls back no offence Erika but we need more girls 

I hear Erika laugh and nod.

Erika- Oh I agree more girls definitely 

Jake- Hey were not that bad

Erika- Key word that 

I roll my eyes 

Jake- Whatever Costell 

She gives me an innocent smile and her eyes go onto the TV and I see Tessa smirk at me and sigh sticking my tongue out at her as she laughs and we both direct our attention to the TV while we wait for Kade, and McKenzie to show up.

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