Chapter 58

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Bonus Chapter!

Also I need ideas for new Jerika books. Give me some suggestions!


Jake's POV:

Jake- Erika Costell, will you go on a date with me 

She smiles nodding.

Erika- A million times Yes 

I smile pecking her lips as she smiles laying her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her lower back. 

Erika- Who knew, that, us meeting at that bar would lead to this 

Jake- It was an Unforgettable Night thats for sure 

Erka- You could say that again 

Jake- So wait what happend with Ash, I was just way to happy about that 

She giggles that amazing laugh and smiles at me.

Erika- Ash and Mia kissed as well who would of known on Christmas and realized they liked each other. I told him that I liked you and well we agreed to being friends. 

I smile at her and nod.

Jake- So hes not like mad at me or anything 

Erika- Nope, he really does like hanging out here, I hope you dont care 

Jake- Naw, hes a cool guy especially since hes dating Mia now 

Erika smiles at me and pecks my lips as I pout.

Jake- Oh come on give me more 

She laughs and smirks.

Erika- Later roomie 

I smile at her as I hear the door open and see Dallas come in looking at us and then looking around the room seeing all the clothes. Well this does not look good, clothes everywhere, even though we are fully clothed but, Erika is laying basically on top of me. I see a smile form on her face. 


Erika and I laugh.

Dallas- I was told to say that Chance ordered pizza and its here but it seems like you guys are busy, come down when my brother is made 

Dallas leaves the room and Erika is bright red and I laugh getting red as well. 

Jake- You heard her come down when my brother is made 

Erika- Your brother is already made

I pout and she laughs.

Erika- Come on Paul im hungry, and pizza sounds so good right now 

Jake- What about Jake Paul 

I feel her slap me as she gets up and I laugh getting up as well and grabbing her hand as she smiles holding onto mine as well as we head downstairs. We eventually fine the kitchen and see the pizza on the counter as everyone is sitting out on the porch that goes right onto the beach. I smile and hand Erika a plate as we grab some pizza and some Pepsi and head out to the picnic table sitting next to each other as everyone looks at us smirking. 

Tessa- So a certain someone tells us that a little brother was being created 

I roll my eyes and look at Dallas.

Jake- I wish a little brother was being made 

I hear everyone laugh as Erika slaps me and I laugh looking at her. 

Erika- Idiot 

I smile at her wrapping my arm around her bringing her to my side.

Jake - You love me 

Erika- Sure whatever you say now let me go I need my pizza 

I laugh as she slaps my arm away eating her pizza.

Pam- Wait, I thought Erika had a boyfriend 

Jake- They broke up decididing to be friends since he liked someone else and well obviously Erika likes someone else 

I smirk at her as she groans turning red.

Erika- Remind me to not come on these trips anymore 

I laugh at her. 

Pam- Well I guess thats good, Erika your okay 

Erika- Yea Im fine we were better off being friends, we only dated for a couple weeks, im fine 

Pam- Well as long as your okay 

Erika smiles and nods. 

Chance- So what was going on up there, Dallas says Erika was laying on you Paul 

I roll my eyes and glare at Dallas who laughs with an innocent smile on her face.

Jake- So she was laying on me big deal, she was doing that the whole flight as well

I see everyone but Dallas give us a really look and I laugh.

Jake- So maybe it was more than laying but there are young at the table, we dont want Justin being repulsed by this 

Everyone laughs.

Logan- Yea I dont want my boy having to hear about my brothers love life 

I laugh rolling my eyes at Logan. 

Jake- So what do we have planned for tomororow 

I regret saying that because Tessa starts to go off on all the cool things she has planned, as I zone out looking at Erika and smiling at her. This is going to be an amazing vacation I can feel it. 


Erika's POV: 

Jake and I are on the couch watching the Cavs game when Pam and Greg come in with bags of groceries. 

Jake- Need a hand 

Pam- Nope we are good 

They set them down and sit on the couch.

Jakes- Wheres David 

Greg- We forgot a lot of bags hes getting them

We nod as they look at the TV.

Greg- Lets go Cavs 

Jake- There doing great 

Pam- So Erika tell us more about our future daughter in law

I blush as I hear Jake groan. 

Jake- Mommmmmmmmm 

Pam- Jake shush its Erika's turn

I laugh as Jake rolls his eyes. 

Erika- Well what do you want to know 

Pam - Do you have any siblings

I sigh looking at her and I can tell Jake felt me tense up a bit. Jake does not even know about my sister. 

Erika- I actually do, a sister named Marie, I have not heard from her in like 5 years though she disappeared when my mom got kidnapped. 

Jake's parents look at me shocked with sad expressions. Jake also gives me a sad look, I did not event tell him about my sister, but I guess it never came up.

Pam- Oh dear I am so sorry, I had no idea 

Erika- It's okay dont worry about it, and like you said you did not know 

She nods and looks at me sad. 

Greg- Wait so when did your mom disappear if you dont mind me asking 

Erika- Nope its okay, it was years ago when I was about to move out to L.A about 4 years ago

Pam- Im so sorry to hear that Erika 

Erika- Yea, I have no clue if she even is alive its a mystery  

I feel Jake wrap his arms around me tighter and I smile letting my head fall on his chest cuddling up to him. 

Greg- So what about your dad 

I sigh not knowing what exactly to say.

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