Chapter 23

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I then hear a loud knock.


I watch as Erika stops in her tracks looking at me and pointing to the window. I nod as I lift her up helping her out and then getting out my self just as the door slams open and I see Denis come running at me as I get out and we start running to the Tesla. I get in and start the car pulling away just as I hear a gun shot and see Erika's dad at the door. I hurry up and press the gas more getting out of there as Erika is looking at me in fear.

Erika- Oh my god, Jake I am so sorry

Jake- It's okay, we are both safe and thats all that matters

She smiles at me nodding as I continue to the mansion thinking how the hell Erika dealt with this for 25 years. I guess she has more of a backstory than I thought she did. How could such a sweet and innocent girl go through all this...

Erika's POV: 

Jake sped away from the house as fast as he could and I sigh in relief knowing were safe... for now at least. I look at Jake who seems to be having a mini debate in his brain.

Erika- How you feeling 

He looks at me with that cute face.... wait what, I did not mean that in that kind of way... right. 

Jake- Could be better but Im just happy were both okay and alive 

I nod at him, and examine him as he looks very confused.

Erika- Whats going on in that brain of yours Paul

He looks at me with a chuckle putting the Tesla in auto drive.

Jake- I just dont understand someone as sweet as you could go through this 

I nod and give him a slight smile.

Erika- It was not always this bad, he was actually super supportive of me and proud, both of my parents were actually 

I stop and sigh not knowing if I could go on as Jake looks at me grabbing my hand.

Jake- It's okay take your time you dont have to tell me

I look at him shaking my head.

Erika- You deserve an explanation, So I am going to give you one

He nods at me squeezing my hand a little watching me intently. 

Erika- So it all started about 1 week before I was going to move to L.A and so were my parents. It was about 7 p.m and my mom was outside I think getting the mail while I was on the steps drawing with chalk when a van pulled up grabbed her and sped away before I could do anything. I quickly ran in the house telling my dad and he called the police right away. I have not seen my mom since that night that happend 8 years ago now, I dont know if she is dead or alive I have no idea. 

I glance up from watching my feet to see Jake with sad eyes.

Jake- Oh my god Erika im so sorry 

Erika- It does not end there either, after that my dad started to kind of abuse me in ways saying its my fault mom got captured and stuff and he just has not been himself. 

Jake- Wait I thought your parents got divorced and your mom moved to Tennessee 

I sigh looking at him. 

Erika- They were divorced for 4 years already but my dad was visiting us in Tennessee, the plan was for us to all move out to L.A and for them to get there own houses and myself probably an apartment

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