Chapter 26

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Erika's POV: 

Nathan and I finally got to the kitchen after a couple missed tries when I hear. 

Tessa- Damn since when were you so jealous

I wonder whos jealous. 

Jake- I'm not I just I'm not, okay, I don't care who she dates or likes or whatever 

Jake's jealous... I wonder of who.

I then see Tessa look at me and smile.

Tessa- Oh come on sit down you two 

Nathan and I nod sitting down next to each other. 

Nathan- So Jake you jealous bro 

Jake looks at Nathan fast.

Jake- How much did you hear 

Nathan- Just Tessa saying you're jealous and then you defending your self 

Jake- Got it, its nothing I'm obviously not jealous of anyone I still fucking love Alissa if you guys could not tell, so just leave me the hell alone 

I watch as Jake gets up leaving the room in a mad walk and I see everyone shocked. 

Nathan- What the hell happened, why is he so pissed 

I look to see everyone sigh. 

Tessa- I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think he does maybe like someone a little bit of him 

I wonder who he likes, I mean there are no other girls here that are signal besides me but Jake and I are just friends, so it must be out of this friend group. 

Kade- Erika why don't you go talk to him 

I look at Kade confused, why me, I have known him the least. 

Erika- Why me, I don't know him nearly as well as you guys 

Nathan- That's the point he might open up to you better, and think you are more free to what he has to say 

I nod looking at Nathan. 

Erika- I guess, I can try, if I can find him, in this monster of a home 

Tessa- I think he went out the front check like his cars he's probably there 

I nod and head out of the kitchen finding the front door and going out to see the Lambo out and Jake standing there staring at it. I walk up to him and stand in front of him.

Erika- Hey 

He looks at me and looks away not saying anything... What is up with that.

Erika- So you want to help me understand what is going on 

He looks at me once again and growls.

Jake- Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend 

I look at him confused and then think..... oh my god is he jealous of Nathan and me.... oh no.

Erika- What are you talking about, like I said at the bar, I don't have a boyfriend 

He looks at me and laughs in a like yea right kind of way.

Jake- Oh yea then what is Nathan 

He is jealous..... wow 

Erika- He's just a friend, Jake, like I said I don't want to rush into a relationship anyway, Nate and I are just friends like you and me are 

He looks down sad not responding to that... Is he really this jealous and hurt about this. 

Jake- Whatever, I'm going around L.A 

Jake is getting into his car when I grab his hand and smile at him as he glares at me.... oh boy.

Erika- I have never been in a Lambo before, maybe you could give me a ride 

I give him an innocent smile and he growls. 

Jake- Looks like you are waiting longer than 

My mouth drops as he smirks at me and I sigh pissed off, all I wanted to do was help him, I turn around and start to walk away when I feel Jake's hand grab mine pulling me back to the car and turning me around so I'm facing his now saddened look.

Jake- I was just kidding, of course, hop in 

I smile at him and then smack him and getting into the other door and once I'm seated he looks at me hurt.

Jake- Why you do that 

Erika- Cause your an ass 

He laughs as he closes his door and starts the car and we pull out of the driveway. He gets on the back roads of the hills are house stands on as I look out at the beautiful scenery.

Erika- L.A is beautiful 

Jake- Well you are to 

I look over at him and see him focused on the road but can't help but smile at what he said.

Erika- Thanks Paul 

Jake- Of course, Costell, so we're going on an adventure 

I look at him confused. 

Erika - What kind of adventure 

Jake- I don't know I'm just going to drive straight and we will see where we end up 

Erika- What if the road does not go straight 

Jake- Then I turn Right 

Erika- What if it only goes left 

Jake- Are you really asking me this 

I laugh and nod.

Jake- Fine if you must know then I would go straight 


Jake laughs and nods.

Erika- You really hate left don't you 

Jake - Sure do I can't stand it 

I laugh as Jake smiles continuing to drive us on our little adventure, well at least that's what I thought at the time. 

Jake- So why don't we play a game get to know each other more 

Erika- Sure what should we do 

Jake- Never have I ever 

I look at him and sigh. I really don't like this game but I mean its only Jake and me right, Nothing bad is going to happen... I hope. 

Erika- Alright sure lets play 

Jake smirks and I already regret my choice of playing this game. 

Jake- Alright I start, Never have I ever had sex in an elevator

Yup, I regret this. I look at him as he smirks at me. 

Jake- Well have you 

Erika- NO JAKE 

Jake- Okay jeez

Erika- Have you 

Jake laughs and looks at me with an innocent face.

Jake- I mean it was not you know full on clothes all the way off but- 


Jake laughs and looks at me- Alright your turn 

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