Chapter 33

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Please Read:

I just want to quickly address the backlash about the whole Jalissa thing. Listen it's part of the story, Jake has a past with Alissa and getting over her is not easy for him. I understand you guys want Jerika and well Jerika is in the title, it's a Jerika story, Jerika will come but I want to spice the book up, and by spicing it up it means I have to write some Jalissa. I understand some people have stopped reading because of the whole Jalissa thing, and well if you want to stop reading go ahead, I do this for my own fun and am not worried about how many reads I get. It's just a fun downtime for me, that I enjoy to do. So if you have read all of this thank you so much for not skipping it and thanks to my fans that are sticking with me even if they may be upset about Jalissa.

Also I realize that the pace of this story is like slow, but I really want to build it up to Jerika, like I hate when stories 3 chapters in make the characters get together already, and I understand people like that and no hate to people who do make them get together after 3 chapters. But I honestly find it easier to write and come up with ideas when they are not together, I know it's weird but it is easier for me for some bizarre reason. Just know Jerika will be coming very please just hang around and read, but if you want to just leave then no hate against you, I get it's a Jerika story but come on there has to be some drama.

Also comment ideas for new jerika books in the future 😁😁 I'm thinking about starting a new jerika book very soon

Now enjoy the story


Jake's POV: 

It has been 2 weeks of vlogging and its been 1 week of "Its Everyday Bro". I am literally the happiest I have been in over 2 years. Coming back to vlogging was what I needed, its the only other thing besides Dallas that makes me so fricking happy. The fans have been so supportive and actually the hate is very small. I barely get any which is insane since I use to get so much. Everyone is very upset about Alissa's death, because we never actually explained it, so currently Erika and I are actually going to be going on the Ellen Show to talk about Team 10, since I am the leader and Erika is the behind the scenes leader. Erika and I are a pretty damn good team, and its been awesome. Erika and I have hung out so much in these past 2 weeks, we have stayed up late editing and watching movies, we are going a ton of places for vlog content, and then being clean up crew with each other after my dumb pranks. Life is turning out pretty damn well. 

And I'm starting to realize that Erika is turning into more than just a friend to me...we have fallen asleep watching movies together and she ends up cuddled up to my chest in the morning and it's an amazing feeling...but I can't be falling for my best friend again....can I....?

Erika and I just pulled into the Ellen studio and I park the Tesla and we head out walking into the building being guided to our room. We then get in and sit on the couch. 

Manager Dude- You are on in 15 

We nod and he leaves closing the door as Erika looks at me glowing and smiling. 


I laugh and smile at her nodding as she acts like a little kid. 

Erika- Who knew meeting at a bar would lead to this 

Jake- Well it just "Happens Like That"

She smiles at me.

Erika- Your quoting a song arent you 

Jake- Oh you know I am 

Erika laughs and shakes her head.

Jerika- Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now