Chapter 21

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Tessa- Yup, Ill go see if Kenzie has the clothes for you

Erika- Oh you dont have to

Tessa- Its fine I need to wake up Tristan and Nate's asses anyways, we have to go to some meeting for Team 10

I nod as Tessa gets up and leaves entering the house as I look at Jake and see him pat the spot next to him and I hop on the trampoline sitting next to him. 

Jake- So I completely forgot to tell you about this meeting, because well I completely forgot about it, If your busy its fine 

Erika- Dont worry its fine and like I said I have these next couple months off of modeling anyways so Ill be fine 

Jake- Alright awesome, so how is modeling you never really talk about it 

Erika- Its awesome its a ton of fun, I love it 

Jake- Thats good, is it like hard 

Erika- I mean its a lot of work to stay how they want to which is like tip top shape but the pay out is pretty good and I mean its like a dream job for me

Jake smiles- That is awesome, you know Social Media and like being an entrepreneur is my dream job 

Erika- Well I guess your living the dream then, I mean you are literally living the american dream, you are financially stable you have amazing family and friends 

Jake looks at me and smiles at me nodding.

Jake- You know I guess I am, I guess I always took it for granted after Alissa's death thinking that my life sucked 

Erika- So many people would love to have your life 

Jake- Yea I guess your right 

I nod as Jake looks at me and smiles and then gets up and jumps and I laugh as I roll over.

Erika- You butt, give a girl a warning 

Jake laughs- Alright lets play a game, get into a ball so your arms are folded around your legs and Im going to jump trying to get you to release your legs

I smile at him and do so, so my arms are wrapped tightly around my legs as Jake starts jumping around as I laugh going around the trampoline in random directions until I finally cant take it and my arms let lose and I end up flat on the trampoline as Jake laughs and looks at me.

Jake - I guess I won 

Erika- Oh we are so having a rematch Paul

Jake- Its so on Costell

I smile up at him and then hear Tessa's voice.

Tessa- Well Kenzie gave you clothes but your so small I dont know if they are going to fit you 

I laugh and get up so im sitting  up and grab the clothes 

Erika- Dont worry I will be fine

Jake- You can use the bathroom in the room you stayed in, Im pretty sure Tessa has a lot of whatever make up products and girl stuff in there for you to use 

I laugh and nod looking at Tessa who rolls her eyes.

Tessa- That girl stuff is crucial Mr. Paul 

Jake- Yea whatever, Brooks but we both know you dont need or Erika here or any other girl 

I smile looking at Jake as Tessa groans.

Tessa- Yea you need it 

Jake- Oh Brooks you messed up this time

I laugh and get off the trampoline.

Erika- Well im going to go before I have to be a witness to Tessa beating Jake up so bye 

Jake and Tessa laugh as I leave heading into the bathroom to change.


Jake's POV:

Erika just went into the house and Tessa smirks at me.

Tessa- Oh my Lanta I was watching you two for like 10 minutes you guys are so cute

I look at her groaning.

Jake- We are just friends 

Tessa- But you use to play that game all the time with Alissa 

Jake- So I play that game with you all the time as well, it means nothing, Tess trust me Erika and I are staying friends 

Tessa- What if she likes you 

Jake- Well she does not so it does not matter 

Tessa- Jake you and her and all of us are going to be living together in little less than a week, feeling develop when people live together trust me 

I look over at Tessa who entered Chance dream land and sigh playfully pushing her.

Jake- Hello Earth to Tessa you went into Chance land again

Tessa blushes slapping me.

Tessa - Idiot what if he heard you 

Jake- Oh yea because someone in Cleveland can hear someone whos in LA 

Tessa- Hey you never know Paul 

Jake- Whatever come on we have to drop Dallas off at Logan's first before we go 

Tessa nods as we head back into the house to see everyone else down at the door and I look at Erika who looks pretty damn good in McKenzie's outfit not going to lie. 

Tessa- Alright lets get this party rolling we have to hurry we are probably going to be late 

Nathan- First day back and were already late 

Kade- Would not be Team 10 if we weren't late to every single meeting ever 

Jake- Thats for sure alright lets go, Dall you ready for Logan's 

Dallas nod and I smile as we all head to the two cars we are taking and I end up going with Erika, Tessa, Nathan and then Dallas. I just went got back into the car after dropping Dallas off and start to drive to the meeting place. I eventually pull in and see the others just getting out of the car and then we get out as well heading into the meeting seeing what the future of Team 10 holds. 

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