Chapter 81

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911- Police are moving out right away, Jake please stay on the phone and head down to our office right now to show us all info you have

Jake- Got it I will be right there

I look at Erika who opens her eyes confused.

Erika- Who are you talking to

I look at her and sigh.

Jake- I am like 99% sure Alissa is alive right now

She looks at me shocked.

Jake- I have to go down to the police station, Ricky Banks or Faze Banks gave me an address to the house he thinks she is in I have to go

She looks at me nodding looking nervous.

Erika- Can I come, or do you want me to come

I look at her smiling and nodding.

She nods and gets up putting on a sweatshirt and changing out of those short shorts and putting sweatpants on as I toss a shirt on and sweatpants as we head out of the house fast still on the call with the 911 person.

911- Mr. Paul you still there

Jake- Yes I am on the way right now

911- Very good I just got word the police arrive and are about to head in

I cant get a word out she nodding even thought he cant see and I feel Erika's hand on my thigh as I give her a smile and continue heading to the police station.

We soon get there and I rush in with Erika right behind me and I see a police offer come up to us.

Police- Jake Paul

I nod fast and he nods looking at Erika.

Police- Who is she

Jake- She's with me don't worry she can come in

He nods.

Police- Follow me please

I nod and we follow him as I am like sweating and Erika grabs my hand giving me a good smile saying its going to be okay and I nod as we get to a decent sized room and we sit down.

Police- Okay so they have not contacted us yet but we need to see these messages

I nod and hand him my phone showing the messages and he nods looking at it.

Police- Thank you very much Jake, Ricky will be here in a little to explain his side of the story all of it and I need yours

I nod looking at Erika as she squeezes my hand as I explain what I thought happened....

........about 15 minutes later

I finished explaining my side and Ricky had come in and explained his side I am completely shocked and so is Alissa. Ricky is free since he got blackmailed into doing it and could not really do anything about it since Denis threatened his family.

Ricky just left to talk to some other police about the situation as the police officer is still here when I hear on his walkie talkie.

Alissa Violet is confirmed and is in the car right now and we are heading to the station right now I repeat... Alissa Violet Paul is alive

I smile so wide as I look at Erika who smiles at me and I hug her as she smiles hugging me back as tears are coming down my eyes.

Jake- S-S-hes alive

Erika nods smiling at me.

Officer- Well looks like she is alive congrats Mr. Paul

Jake- T-t-hank you sir thank you for everything

Officer- Its our job she should be here soon

I nod as tears continue to fall as I am laying on Erika's shoulder smiling against her. I lift my head up to see her thinking really hard....

Jake- You know that I still love you right

She looks at me sad shaking her head.

Erika- Its okay Jake, I know you love Alissa, your about to see her again your feeling are going to rush right back over to her

I look at Erika shaking my head.

Jake- That's where your wrong, Erika I love you I really do, and yes Alissa coming back may cause some slight problems but just because she is coming back does not mean I am completely giving up on us... Erika you helped me when I needed someone the most, you gave me a reason to smile, you gave Dallas a mother figure and you taught me how to "Love Again".

Erika smiles at me with tears coming down her eyes as our lips connect and I smile as we kiss. We soon pull away and she looks at me.

Erika- I love you Jake Paul

Jake- I love you to Erika Costell

She smiles at me as we pull away a little as I anxiously sit back against my chair when I hear the door open and I turn my head rapidly to see Erika looking at her already and I look at her shocked.... she's really there... oh my god...

Alissa looks at me and smiles tears falling from her eyes as I get up running right up to her picking her up spinning her around as she smiles giggling as her arms wrap around me hugging me back. I soon set her down as we are staring at each other.

Jake- A-A-Alissa

Alissa- J-ake

I look at her absolutely shocked not even knowing what to say.

Alissa- I have so much to tell you

I look at her nodding not knowing what to say then finally let it out.

Jake- I fucking missed you so much Little one you have no fucking idea

I start crying as Alissa smiles at me crying as well as she falls into my arms crying against my chest making my shirt wet as fuck but I could care fucking less right now. I just wrap my arms around her hugging the life out of this girl. I then lock eyes with Erika and look at her giving her a smile as she smiles back at me.

She is such an amazing girl.. how the hell did I get so the hell did I get in a situation where... I think im in love with two girls.....

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