Chapter 11

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Jake's POV: 

It has been 3 days since our last "play date" with Erika and well Erika and I have been texting non stop about the most random things. We have really gotten to know each other over text. She is so easy to talk to and she is so understanding. I have decided to send Dallas to school this upcoming school year so I got 3 more months with her before my little girl is pre school. Oh man. Tessa,and I are heading to the school right now to talk about our concerns with her going to the school since even know I have not vlogged in 2 years I am still very well known around the planet and I show up in Logan's, Tristan and Tessa's vlogs all the time. Maybe I should start vlogging again. I just am not sure if I could do it knowing that I could not prank Alissa every day in them and mess with her all the time. Tessa and I just got to the school and we head in and go the main office and see the principle there I cant really remember her name though. 

Tessa- Hello Shelly nice to see you again. 

Oh thank god Tessa remembers her name and we were here yesterday so that Dallas could meet the principle and some teachers and be shown around the school so she has a head start. 

Shelly- Hello Tessa and of course Jake nice to see you two again, make your selves comfortable 

Tessa and I glance at eachother and sit down on the couch as she sits across from us.

Shelly- So we are so excited to have Dallas here, the results from the test she took yesterday and she nailed it she got out of 100 she got 98 questions right which is the highest this school has seen ever. 

Tessa and I smile at each other. 

Jake- Really thats incredible, she has always been a smart girl, not really sure how though her parents are kind of idiots 

Shelly laughs- Well she is a very smart and talented girl, so Jake you are the father and the mother is dead correct 

I sigh and look at her nodding.

Jake- She did a little over 2 years ago when Dallas was 1. 

Shelly nods- I am so sorry so normally we have 2 parents for these kids for safety and contact information so who would you like to be the other parent for her, this other parent can pick her up, or take her home whenever he or she decides

I nod and think for a second and then look at Tessa.

Jake- Tess you want to do it, I know you and Tristan are trying to stay in L.A more 

Tessa smiles at me.

Tessa- Are you sure what about Logan 

Jake- No, Id like it to be you, I mean you have stuck with me for so long now and you came back to me after I pushed everyone away. I really want you to be her I guess fake mom 

Tessa smiles at me and nods.

Tessa- Alright looks like im doing it 

Shelly smiles- Perfect alright Tessa we need to get all your information down...


Jake's POV:

Its been 2 hours and we finally finished getting all of Tessa's information down for this. Thank the lord. 

Shelly- Well thats the end of it, sorry guys I did not realize how long it was actually going to take

Jake- Dont worry about it its fine

Shelly nods- Well you two are free to go, have a good rest of the afternoon and cant wait to see you guys at the start of the year 

We smile at her and say bye and then get into the car and sigh.

Tessa- She was way to smiley and happy 

Jake- Tell me about it 

Tessa- And she was giving you some pretty non professional looks

I laugh at Tessa.

Jake- Yea well I can assure you 1000 percent there is noting going to happen between me and that creepy lady

Tessa laughs as I start the car and we head back to Tessa's and Tristan's house where Dallas is. 

Tessa- So have you hung out with Erika again since the day at the park

Jake- No but I did get her number and we have been texting a little 

Tessa gives me a questioning look and I sigh.

Jake - Fine maybe a little bit more than a little 

Tessa smiles- Awe thats awesome Jake, so Nate is going to be here tomorrowwwww I cant wait I miss him so much

I smile at her nodding.

Jake- Yea I miss that Speiser boy he was awesome

Tessa nods at me smiling and I look at her and smirk.

Jake- Does someone have feeling for the younger speiser brother 

Tessa looks at me and looks away fast her face getting a little red.

Tessa- Whatttttt psh nooooo

I look at her and she sighs.

Tessa- Nate and I may kind of maybe be dating in a way 

I almost slam the breaks on as I look at Tessa.

Jake- Oh my god seriously 

Tessa- I mean we have been talking for the past couple months and Tristan and I kind of visited them a couple months back and Nate and I may have kissed a couple times and I dont know we admitted we kind of like each other. Im just not sure yet so please dont say anything to anyone 

I look at her and smile.

Jake- Awe Tess Im so happy for you and my lips are sealed, you know who would be squealing and jumping up and down right now.

Tessa and I both look at eachother and sigh.

Tessa and Jake- Alissa

We both look at eachother and laugh.

Tessa- Oh my god she would of crashed the car and jumped over into my seat hugging the life out of me 

Jake- Thats so true

Tessa- Alissa was the best 

Jake- She really was, remember your 18th birthday party and she found out you and Chance kissed 

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