Chapter 75

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4 Day's Later:

Jake's POV:

Sorry I got a walk way in like 2 minutes. I promise we can talk later tonight, Im sorry im so busy...

I sigh looking at the message. It's been 4 days since I have seen Erika and the team is saying im going back to how I was without Alissa, which blows my mind. But I guess they are right, Erika keeps me grounded, I am way to connected to her this cant be happening can it. How the heck do I have such strong feeling for her.

I sigh Erika and I have not talked for 2 days now she has been so busy but apparently Mia texted me after Erika did not respond for 10 hours because of the modeling thing, but basically she said that the scouts are super impressed by her which is awesome, but also means she has to work a lot harder.

I am laying in bed staring at the fish's swimming in the fish tank as I think I just want to see her again.


Alissa's POV:

Jake's Birthday was almost 2 weeks ago now, I really wanted to see him so bad and get away from this hell hole but I literally could not even get by a door without being looked at like I was crazy. I see Angel sitting on the couch watchin T.V and sigh as I sit next to her as I listen to some stupid news report when I hear his name, and my attention goes right to it.

Newscaster- Jake Paul the leader of the very popular Group Team 10 seems to have found love again according to this picture at the airport was taken of them hugging very close and looks to be them kissing but we can not make it out to see for sure. Has Jake finally gotten over Alissa Violet. And to make the whole thing better he has found love maybe again with none other than Erika Costell his fellow Team 10 member. Are these to together we do not know since Erika is down in Miami being scouted for her modeling.

I sigh as it turns to a commercial and see Angel look at me with sad eyes.

Angel- You think he's finally moving on

Alissa- It's been 2 and like a half years I would not be surprised, he thinks im dead, I just wish he knew somehow I was alive

Angel- I know but there's no way for us to show him your alive without Dennis finding out and losing his god damn mind

I look at her, we have literally tried to many things to see if we could get Jake to know im our here but nothing is working. My eyes then go wide as I look at Angel.

Alissa- Oh my god is Dennis home

Angel shakes her head.

Alissa- I have an idea.

She looks at me a little nervous as I grab the controller turning the Xbox on and going on it logging into the account and then going over to see Instagram and smiling.

Alissa- You know his password right

Angel- Yea I found out yesterday why

I smile nodding logging out of his account and logging onto mine hoping to remember the password and I see it works and I smile.

If you are thinking why did I not do this before well I did not have access to the Xbox and TV till a couple months ago and we had no clue what his passwords so we could not log out and message anyone.

I then go to my DM's and smile clicking on Jake Paul and seeing the last thing he messaged me was I love you, exactly like 2 years and 4 months ago... wow.

I look at Angel who is shocked at me and I start to type.

Jake... im alive... please help me... I will explain everything soon but for now please just contact the police... I love you Paul

Angel looks at me and nods as I send it and smile seeing it delivered and then log out quick as Angel types Dennis's account back in and logs on it and then logs off the Xbox as we turn the news back on as I hear a door open and see Angel's eyes widen... oh my god that was close.

I see him come in the room.

Dennis- Hey you two

Angel- Hi

Alissa- Sup

Dennis- Listen Alissa, I know how hard this must be for you but I want you to know that I did not want to have to do this

I just nod, not wanting to start a fight with me. He has tried to apologize to me so many times but I wont ever believe him.. if he was really sorry he would turn himself in and I could go back to my life that I was once living. I hope I get out of here soon I can not stand this anymore I have not been outside in over 2 years Im starting to lose my mind im pretty sure.


Jake's POV:

I am laying in bed on Instagram when I see a DM show and look confused.. I never get those on Instagram anymore I shrug and click on the DM's and my eyes pop open seeing who is was... I see her name and look at it checking it like 15 times seeing Alissa Violet.

I click on the DM fast and look at is completely shocked to see what it says.

Jake... im alive... please help me... I will explain everything soon but for now please just contact the police... I love you my All- Star

I look at it not knowing what to say... This cant be her she would not of just contacted me now. It probably is the fucking team playing a prank on me those assholes. I can no believe them. I throw the phone and see it landed in the fish tank. Well fuck. I yell and see Team 10 run in my room to see me and I glare at them.

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