Chapter 28

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He smiles at me getting out of the car as I get out as well as we switch places and I get into the drivers seat.

Jake- Alright you may want to adjust your seat

I laugh and look at him.

Erika- Oh really

I laugh as I am basically laying down and I try to adjust the seat but its not working well.

I look over at Jake who is laughing.

Jake- Michigan girl cant adjust a seat, first you cant open the Tesla door now this, you have a lot to learn

I laugh and look at Jake.

Erika- Helppppp meeeee

He laughs.

Jake- Alright look on the side there should be a button 

I nod and look and press it and nothing happens 

Jake- Erika you have to lean forward 

I lean forward and nothing happens. 

Jake- Oh my lord you have to lean forward while holding the button down 

I do as he says and the seat ends up going down farther as I am in a laying position  as Jake laughs.

Jake- Oh my lord you press the up arrow one 

I sigh trying to find it and then look at Jake.

Jake- Of for Pete sakes 

Jake leans over me pressing the button as I lean forward and going up so fast as I smash into him, and our faces are centimeters apart, as we are smiling.

Jake- Well you did it 

Erika- Thanks to your help 

He nods as I feel our eyes interlock and we both smile, Oh my god what is happening, are we about to kiss.... no this cant be happening. I see Jake smile wider as our faces get closer. 

Jake- So how bout that lesson now 

I laugh and nod as Jake goes back over to his side of the car and I sigh getting my hands on the wheel. 

Jake- Alright you know how to drive this is just like driving but with more speed. 

I nod as I move the gear into drive and lightly press off of the gas and turning back into the freeway as I start to pick up speed smiling as Jake is smiling at me. 

Jake- Your doing great 

I nod and get more and more speed until im up to 100 shocked.

Erika- How the heck, OH MY GOD JAKE THIS IS SO FAST 

He laughs at me.

Jake- Rik your fine just keep going your doing great 

I nod as I continue driving getting to 120 when I hear sirens and look to Jake terrified as he looks at me and then behind me mouthing cops. 


Jake's POV: 

We have been in the station for like an hour now just sitting in a back room at the desk, as Erika is completely silent and Im pretty sure feels like this is all her fault, which it is not. 

Jake- Erika there being asses, they should not be able to send us into the police station for just driving fast 

Erika looks at me and sighs.

Erika- I was going over 50 mph over the speed limit, and I did not have my license on me, and you do not have the stupid registration  papers in the car, those are three laws broke there

Jake- I did not realize you actually needed those stupid papers 

Erika- Yea well you do 

I look at her sad. 

Jake- Rik im sorry I did not mean for this to happen 

Erika- Its my fault I was the one driving 

Jake- No its not, I should not of told you to go so fast 

Erika- I did it though 

Jake- But I did not have the papers 

Erika- But I did not have my license 

Jake-  Well thats because I stole you from the house its not your fault you did not bring it 

Erika- I still was the one driving 

I sigh looking at Erika feeling horrible, and I grab her hands turning her my way as she stares at me and I squeeze her hand. 

Jake- Listen its not your fault, we would of just gotten a speed ticket if I had the stupid papers and you have your license dont worry, we can not get arrested or in trouble for this

Erika looks at me sad and nods.

Erika- I still feel horrible. I was going 50 mph over the speed limit for Pete sakes! 

Jake- I was going like 120 before you just got unlucky dont worry its fine 

She look at me nodding and I smile knowing im finally getting her to believe its not her fault. 

I continue to hold her hand as she smiles at me a little. I then see an officer come in and I continue holding her hand under the table as she smiles at me. 

Officer- So who was the driver 

Erika raises her other hand and he nods. 

Officer- You are aware you were going 50 over the speed limit 

Erika- Yes sir, Im very aware 

Officer- Why were you doing it were you just being careless 

Erika- Because it was my first time driving a Lambo and I was just being dumb 

He nods and looks at me. 

Officer- So are you the owner 

I nod and he looks at me. 

Officer - So Miss. Costell you do not have your licnse and you were driving a car with no papers am I correct 

I watch as Erika nods sad and I sigh.

Jake- Officer im the one that wanted to drive, and we rushed out of the house I forgot she did not have her license and the papers were my fault as well, I am sorry 

The officer nods at me. 

Officer- It is very well your fault as well, but Miss. Costell here was the one illegally driving 

I sigh and look at the Officer. 

Jake- Please dont blame her its all my fault

Officer- Well she is the one who was driving but it is your car meaning that all the blame does go on you 

Erika looks at me shocked and I sigh nodding. 

Officer- Well luckily Costell here were her first violations so, Mr Paul the ticket will be 3,000 dollars 

I nod at him as Erika's mouth drops. 

Jake- Got it 

Officer- Very well you guys are free to go, Jake there is the paper for the ticket going to be in your email 

I nod as I get up and Erika as well as we go out of the station and back into the car, and Erika immediately looks at me. 

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