Chapter 85

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Jake's POV:

"Well that just happened," I say with a smirk looking at Erika who is fixing her shirt.

"You are ridiculous Paul," She mumbles looking at me.

"You loved it," I say smirking to see her roll her eyes.

"Ridiculous," She teases out again as we head out of the truck heading back into the hospital room. 

Heading back into the hospital room I now see the rest of Team 10 here talking and laughing with Alissa. My eyes meet with Alissa's who face turns to a smirk when I realize she's looking at my hair. Giving her a 'shut up' look she giggles a bit going back to talking to Anthony. 

Sitting on the couch I sit between Erika and Tessa. "I can't believe she's alive," Tessa whispers to me. Smiling I turn to look at Tessa "I know," I whisper out with a smile seeing that Alissa is laughing her ass off with Chance and Anthony. 

"What are we doing now?" I hear Tessa ask. "Honesty I don't know," I say shrugging my shoulders looking at Alissa "Obviously she's coming back to the Team 10 house," I say seeing Tessa nod. 

"ALISSA!" I immediately turn my head my mouth dropping at the sight of my parents coming into the hospital room. "GREG! PAM OH MY GOD!" Alissa squeals out probably breaking the eardrums of every single fucking person on this planet... but it's okay. 

Smiling I watch Chanthony get up a bit allowing my parents to hug the death out of Alissa. 

"Hey," I whisper out my head landing on Erika's shoulder who is currently talking with Tristan. "Hey," She says turning a bit smiling at me. "Oh, Jake. Kade, Nathan, and I were thinking, why don't we have a special little Alissa montage and then at the end of it she does some crazy stunt thing and surprises the hell out of the world" 

"I think that's a genius idea," I say looking at Kade who gives me a thumbs up. "We already have a decent amount of montages of Alissa saved up so once Alissa is up for it we can have her dramatic comeback," He says. 

Smiling I nod still shocked at the fact that my apparent dead ex-wife is actually alive. 

Hearing a small knock at the door I look up to see a guy come in looking nervous while holding flowers. But not any guy Ricky Banks.

"Ricky!" I hear Alissa's happy voice say. Watching Ricky smile he walks over to Alissa giving her a little hug, as they start talking, and hands her the flowers.

"Isn't that Ricky?" I hear Chance ask tapping my shoulder. I look at Ricky nodding, and then looking at Chance.

"Seems like him and Alissa hit it off," He says. Looking at Alissa, she has a huge smile on her face as she looks at Ricky with those eyes that I know way to well. "Yea," I say. "It does," I whisper out.

"My own husband didn't even bring me flowers"

Glancing up, I look at Alissa who is looking right at me. "Oops," I say watching her roll her eyes, looking back at Ricky, continuing to talk with him.

And a smile forms on my face looking around the room, the whole team is finally back together, and we picked up a new member on this journey... everything is finally back to normal.


"Well what now?" I slowly ask looking at Alissa, it only being us in the room.

She sighs. "I have no idea"

"It's been almost three years," I whisper out. "I know"

"No matter what happens I'll always love you Liss," I say my voice cracking a bit.

"And I'll always love you Jake," She whispers out. I sigh reaching over and squeezing her hand, our eyes locking.

"I'm not going to lie, and not trying to be a bitch about it" I hear Alissa whisper out taking us out of the silence. "But it did kind of hurt seeing you and Erika kiss before they all left," She whispers.

Looking at Alissa slowly I nod. "If we are being honest here, it stung a bit watching Ricky and you act like how we used to," I whisper out.

"All I wanted for over two years was to see you again, be with you again, and now that your actually here everything feels so much more complicated," I whisper. "I feel the same," She whispers out looking at me.

"Again not trying to be a bitch but for the sake of both Erika and I's happiness you are going to have to choose, and choose fast," Alissa whispers.

I look at her sighing. "I know, but either way I'm hurting one of you," I whisper. "By not choosing you are just going to continuously hurt us both though," Alissa says.

"I fucking hate it when your right," I mutter out, watching a little grin form on Alissa's face. "I feel like a fucking asshole"

"Jake it's not your fault you tried to move on-"

"No not about moving on, the fact that I should just be able to choose you right away, for fuck sakes Alissa we have been there for each other since we were like three, and here I am thinking about choosing a different girl over you, you must hate me," I mutter out.

"Jake," Alissa whispers out squeezing my hand. "I could never hate you first of all, and second of all love is a crazy thing, the looks you gave Erika are the same looks you gave me, it's obvious you are crazy for that girl"

I give Alissa a sad smile, slowly nodding.

"I feel like the fucking bachelor," I mutter out hearing Alissa giggle a bit.

"Aww. Can we watch that when we get home?"

I laugh a bit nodding. "We can watch anything you want," I reply, seeing Alissa smile.

"Jake," Alissa very nervously whispers out. "Hmm?" I ask looking up at her.

"There's something you should know"

"What?" I ask a bit worried. "I-I-I was pregnant"

My jaw drops looking at Alissa. "W-W-what?"

"The night I got in the crash, I was going to tell y-y-you"

Watching the tears start to flow down her face I quickly sit on the bed and pull her into my body, hearing Alissa let out a big sob soon hearing her break down in my arms.

"I-I'm here," I whisper out.

And all I can do is hold her, and be here for her...

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