Chapter 62

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Erika's POV:

We stop in front of a big opening little pool of water. And the stairs that lead up probably 50ish feet and a waterfall as well, with a diving board. I then see a rock by the water that has a picnic basket on it and looks at Jake shocked. He smiles looking at me.

Jake- Welcome to Paradise Baby.

I smile looking at Jake shocked and put all my emotion and just hug him as he smiles hugging me back.

Jake- So shall we go swimming.

I look at him.

Erika- I don't have a bathing suit

He smirks at me and starts to take his shirt off.

Jake- Trust me we are the only ones out here in the middle of the forest. You will be fine.

I watch as Jake throws his shirt over to where the rock is and also taking his shoes and socks off putting them on the rock and then sliding his shorts down to reveal his Calvin Klein boxers and putting his shorts on the rock, and looks at me.

Jake- You going to get undressed or just stare at my amazing six pack.

I laugh at him taking my shirt off making his jaw drop as I laugh throwing my top on the rock as well and then taking the rest of my clothes off putting them on the rock as Jake is frozen solid.

Erika- You going to get in the water with me or just stare at my amazing six pack

He laughs at me grabbing my hand and leading us into the water, we both jump in and smile coming up as I look at him scared and he laughs.

Jake- Let me guess you cant touch

I look at him nodding as he laughs and I swim to him swinging my legs around his waist and his hand goes around my back holding me up as I smile at him as we are on equal eye level. He smiles at me and then smirks as he starts walking towards the waterfall as I look at him scared.

Erika- Jake Paul don't you dare

He smirks and walks so we are almost under it and looks at me smiling and pressing his lips to mine and I smile back kissing him as I feel the water down pouring on me, realizing we are under the waterfall, but I don't even care as we continue to kiss underneath the waterfall. We soon pull away and Jake gets out from under the waterfall as I smile at him and he smiles at me.

Jake- Now that was fun

Erika- I agree with you for once

He laughs at me as one of his hands move from my body to his hair fixing it so it's not in his face. I smile at him.

Erika- That looked so hot

He smirks at me.

Jake- Oh did it now

I laugh and nod as he smiles at me.

Jake- I will remember that 

I roll my eyes as he smiles at me. 

Jake's POV: 

We have been swimming around for a good half an hour now and we decide to get out and eat. We get out of the water and I grab my shorts putting them on and then sitting next to Erika wrapping my sweatshirt around her as she smiles at me cuddling up to it, and then lays her head against my shoulder as my arm wraps around hers. 

I pull out the food and Erika smiles looking at it.  

Erika- Pizza, cheese, and chips my favorite 

I frown looking at her and she laughs.

Erika- I love it, Jake, it's simple but thoughtful 

I smile at her as she gives me a nod and I put the food on the plate as we start to dig in. 

After about 15 minutes we finish eating and we are just sitting here in a nice silence enjoying each others company. 

Jake- So how you liking our first date 

Erika smiles looking up at me, 

Erika- I love it 

I smile feeling so good. I am so happy she likes it, I have not done this for years. 

Jake- So let's get to know each other better 

She looks at me.

Erika- Alright what you want to know Paul

Jake- I am not sure if you want to talk about it 

Erika- If it's my family then your right, but I have to talk to you about it eventually so why not 

I nod looking at her feeling good that she does want to tell me about her family more 

Jake- Before you start did you happen to ever live in Ohio 

Erika looks at me confused.

Erika- Nope never, I don't even think I have ever been in Ohio 

I nod. I guess that dream was completely fake then, but it seemed so real for some reason. 

Erika- So my sister is older than me and her name is Marie after my mom disappeared she did to, but she left on her own leaving my dad and I a note saying it's for the best or whatever 

I look at her sad. 

Jake- Were you and her close 

Erika- I mean yea, we were sisters, we got along really well and always hung out 

I look at Erika who looks down sad and I sigh bringing her closer and giving her a nice hug. 

Jake- I'm here if you ever need someone, you know this 

She looks up at me and smiles nodding kissing my cheek. 

Erika- And I'm here for you if you need someone 

Erika gives me a smile and I return it. She really is an amazing girl, but does she really want to date me, like I have a kid already, does she really want to date someone knowing they have a kid that is not biologically theirs. I sigh and look at Erika who is smiling off into the distance. 

Jake- Erika can I ask you something 

She looks at me and nods. 

Jake- Do you really want to date me even if I already have a kid, that is not really your's biologically 

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