Chapter 90

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Erika's POV:

Packing my bags for Bora Bora, it's been a three days since I found out I was pregnant and nothing has really changed. Jake and I are still together and are honestly very happy, and Alissa and Jake are still trying to figure things out which honestly could be going a bit better.

Jake and Alissa are constantly fighting about literally the stupidest things. Jake yelled at Alissa for not wearing his merch and Alissa was yelling at Jake for putting the peanut butter back on the wrong shelf. I swear those two act like siblings most of the time at this point.

We leave for Bora Bora in a couple days which means I'm going to pack my bags now so that when Chance and Antony are still not packed with two hours till we leave I can help them pack.

Hearing the door burst open and slam shut I quickly turn to see Alissa running over to me a worried look on her face.

Oh god. It's just problem after problem.

"Erika! Erika! Erika! Erika! Alissa squeals out running her hands through her hair as she paces back and forth to the side of me. "Yes?" I ask in a questioning voice.

"What can Doctor Costell do for you today?" I teasingly ask receiving a glare from her. "Continue with your freaking out," I mutter out watching Alissa go back to pacing back and forth.

Closing up my second suitcase I turn to look at her. "You are going to break a hole in the floor from all that pacing," I mutter out.

"So what's the problem exactly?" I asked leaning against the wall watching her pace back and forth.


My eyes are completely widened looking at Alissa, my jaw dropped.

"I know! It's really fucking bad!" She squeals out.

"Wait let me get this straight. You and Ricky went clubbing last night, got really drunk. He didn't use a condom you didn't use birth control. And the parts that you do remember which first of all EW! I didn't need to know that but anyway the parts you do remember you enjoyed?" I question taking a long breath.

Alissa quickly nods her head. "So what's bad about it again?" I ask.

"I COULD BE FUCKING PREGNANT!" She squeals out. My eyes widen the realization coming to me.

Wow, I'm stupid. Literally, that didn't even cross my mind.

"Shit. Well then. Um. Any other bad things?" I ask.

"Uh, the fact I enjoyed it!" She squeals out. "Is your brain turned off today or something Costell! Jesus!" Alissa squeals out.

"First of all ouch, that hit right in the feels," I mumble out putting my hand to my heart. "And second of all, this could be a good thing, right? I mean obviously you and Jake breaking up would be you know heartbreaking for both of you but if you like Ricky and Jake likes me then I mean it makes sense," I mumble out a bit scared at what Alissa's reaction might be.

But I get a completely different reaction then I was thinking I was going to get. Alissa just gives me a slight nod. "You might just be right," She whispers out. "Honestly I thought things were going to be completely different but honestly I think that the over two-year break killed everything that once was there" She whispers again.

Looking at Alissa sadly I pull her into a hug hearing her let out a little sob.

And man all I can do is be here for her.

Jake's POV:

Hearing the doorbell go off I confusedly look up at Kade since we are editing right now seeing him give me a confused look as well.

Nobody ever fucking rings the doorbell except for postmates but normally if someone orders it we are waiting down there like dogs waiting for them to arrive.

"I'll check," I say to Kade who nods. Getting up I head to the door and my eyes turn confused when I see Ricky there holding a drug mart bag in his hand. Opening the front door he sends me a nervous smile. "Hey um can I talk to Alissa?" He asks nervously.

"I guess. Come in," I say opening the door up all the way as he walks in.

"Thanks do you know where she is?" He asks. I shrug. "Haven't seen her since she got all pissy with me," I replied rolling my eyes.

"Uh well thanks," Ricky says walking off. "Yup," I reply watching him head upstairs. Heading back over to Kade he gives me a confused look.

"Ricky," I reply. He nods. Sitting down next to Kade we continue to edit the vlog. "I got the snacks!" Nathan calls out coming into the room.

And after about twenty more minutes...

"And done," Kade says.

I smile. "Great! Erika and I have The Flash to watch," I excitedly say heading upstairs.

Getting into Erika and I's room I see her laying on the bed her phone in hand. Jumping onto the bed Erika smiles placing her phone down looking up at me.

"Hey," She says. "Hi," I say laying down right on top of her.

"How was the trampoline jumping in the middle of the road?" She asks. I smile. "It was fucking awesome. Tessa almost got hit by a car though"

Erika's eyes widen as she slaps me. "God Jake you got to stop putting that girl in danger" She whines out.

I laugh. "She was fine and it was great vlog content"

"You know what else would be great vlog content?" She asks.

"A baby!" I teasingly yell out watching Erika's eyes widen. "I was going to say not killing Tessa but that works too," Erika mumbles out looking a bit nervous.

"What about two babies?" Erika all of the sudden asks. "Ooo twins work to"

"No like two babies from two different girls," Erika mutters out.

"Erika are you okay?" I ask feeling her head. "I'm tired," She mumbles out laying against the pillow. "Yea obviously your acting strange," I say still laying on her before reaching over and grabbing the remote.

"Come on let's watch the Flash"

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