Chapter 88

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Erika's POV:

Waking up to hearing what sounds like yelling, I slowly open my eyes confused realizing I'm still in Jake's arms but Alissa is sitting on the side of the bed a mad look on her face.

"You're a fucking dick you know that!"

"It's not my fault you forgot how to use a fucking shower!"

"You broke it!"

"I did not!"

"Yes, you did!"


"Oh no look what you did you woke up Erika, good going bird brain!" Alissa yells to Jake sending me a warm smile.

"I'm so sorry he's an inconsiderate piece of shit"

"You abuse me!" Jake whines out, wrapping his arms around me more.

"No, I just tell you the truth"

Glancing up at Jake he rolls his eyes before looking down at me. "Don't listen to her, she's just a little confused after being hit with 50 gallons of cold water"

"I literally hate you!" And before I know it Alissa storms out of the room slamming the door.

"Were you guys always like this?" I ask looking up at Jake who chuckles a smile on his face.

"I told you this, we literally constantly bickered like an old married couple," He replies with a laugh. I slowly nod, all of the sudden feeling Jake's lips on mine, bringing a smile to my face.

"I'm going to be recording a lot of videos with the guys today, to get content before we go on vacation," He whispers.

I nodded pulling out of the kiss. "I was feeling a lazy day anyway"


"Erika, you okay?" Widening my eyes I quickly flush the toilet and stand up from my previous position but it's too late...

"Uh pshh yea I'm fine," I quickly say. "Jake's right you are an awful liar," Alissa says walking over to me, and sitting on the counter to the side of me in the bathroom.

"Eat something bad?"

"Probably," I mutter out. Alissa gives me a really look before jumping off the counter and starting to dig through some drawers leaving me confused when my eyes widen at what she pulled out from the drawer.

"Since when was that there? I cleaned these drawers like two weeks ago?" I ask confused. "It was buried deep, in disguise," Alissa replies walking over to me and handing me the pregnancy test.

"Alissa I'm not-"

"Not trying to be weird about this, but come on we both know Jake never fucking uses condoms"

I sigh, giving her a weak smile. "I already took one," I whisper out watching her eyes widen. "And?" She asks.

"Why have you not killed me yet?" I ask, hearing her laugh a bit. "Your my boyfriend's wife yet you seem totally chill with the idea that I possibly could be pregnant with your husband's kid?" I say. 

Alissa sighs. "We both know these next couple of weeks are going to be hell for all three of us, we might as well support each other, because at the end of the day I have a feeling no matter who Jake ends up with the other one of us will still be a very important part of his life, and plus I see the way he looks at you, he loves you, and me killing you probably would not be my smartest move"

I slowly nod, giving Alissa a smile. "So what did the test say?"

I sigh going through a different drawer and grabbing a brown paper bag from it. "It's in there, I haven't looked," I whisper out watching her eyes widen.

"How long has it been?"

"I took it the night before we found out you were alive for real," I whisper. Alissa's eyes widen. "Well fuck. Erika," She says sadly.

"Alissa if I am pregnant you can't tell him, until after Jake makes up his mind, I don't want the fact that he could possibly be having another kid interfere with his choice," I quickly say.

"You have to tell him if you are Erika," Alissa quickly says. "I might not even be," I whisper out, holding the brown bag in my hands nervously.

"If it's positive we can head down to the hospital to confirm it for real, the boys' won't even notice we are gone there to busy blowing up watermelons in the backyard," Alissa replies rolling her eyes at the last part. Laughing a bit I slowly nod reaching my hand into the bag and feeling the test that could change my life forever.

Glancing up at Alissa she sends me a warm smile. "It's going to be okay"

I nod grabbing the test, pulling it out, and quickly looking to see two lines.

Quickly looking up at Alissa she sends me a look. "And by the terrified look on your face right now I have a feeling we are going to the hospital aren't we?" She asks.

I quickly nod my head, feeling light-headed, and the last thing I hear is a squeal before I'm passed out.

Alissa's POV:

Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Why did she have to pass out!

Why me?

Why now?

"Erika!" I hear a very worried Jake voice call out.


Quickly reaching on the ground I grab the test looking around in a hurry.

"ERIKA!" Jake screams out. 

Oh god! Fuckkkkk! 

He's coming! He's coming! Jake Paul is Coming! I repeat Jake Paul the guy that I am supposed to be hiding this test from his coming! How the hell do I get myself into these situations!

I'm sorry Erika...

Quickly stuffing the test into my pant legs, just in time for Jake to come running in, worry immediately on his face looking at a passed out Erika.

"Alissa what happened!" Jake quickly says kneeling on the ground going right to Erika.

"We were just talking making fun of your bird brain when she said her stomach hurt and she just passed out," I quickly say, lying my ass off but hopefully he won't catch on.

"Should we take her to the doctor-?"

"NO!" I quickly yell out, knowing they are going to test her, and if Jake is there he will find out she's pregnant most likely before Erika wants him to know.

Jake gives me a confused look. "I mean, Tess and I can be with her you should work," I say.

"Alissa I can-"

"Jake it's fine. Erika will find it less creepy to find two girls staring at her when she wakes up than like 5 dudes"

Jake rolls his eyes but slowly nods. "I'll carry her to my bed then," He says.

I quickly nod feeling the pregnancy test start to slide down my sweat pants. 

The fucking things I have to do!

Watching Jake pick Erika up, the second he leaves the room I quickly take the test out of my pants and stuffing it in a drawer which I now realize I should have just done in the first place.

Why am I such a bird brain?

Fuck Jake! His bird brain is rubbing off on me now...



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