Chapter 34

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NEW BOOK?!?!?!

Okay so I got hit with inspiration to write a new maybe shorter Jerika story potentially maybe only like 40-50 chapters long. But anyways the main idea would be that Jerika got drunk one night and did some 'action' but they ended up giving the baby up for adoption. What happens 10 years later when Jake and Erika see each other for the first time in 10 years, since they got into a huge fight about giving the baby up for adoption. Will they forgive each other and try to find out who there kid is, or will it go back to how it was for the past 10 years?

I don't know guys comment if you like the idea. And since it would be a shorter book, Jerika will defiantly come faster than it will in this book, and I promise no Alissa at least not as a love interest, she might come up but not as a love interest.

Anyways enjoy the story and comment if you would like to see that Jerika Story


???'s POV: 

(Continuation on Ellen Interview)

Ellen- Okay, So lets move on and talk about Team 10 

Jake and Erika nod 

Ellen- So you guys have been getting outstanding support since your comeback exactly 2 weeks ago 

Jake- Yea Its honestly crazy, I can not thank the fans enough, We disappeared for 2 years after everything went down with Alissa, and gave no one an explanation, the fact that so many stayed with us, and have come back to us is incredible we are so thankful for it

Ellen- Ya it truly is an outstanding thing, so you have all your old members back obviously minus Alissa 

I watch as Jake nods.

Jake- Yup, Nick is still sorting out his VISA to the US but he should be here within the next month we are hoping 

Ellen- And you have also introduced a new girl on the team, who just so happens to be joining you today 

Jake nods smiling looking at Erika. 

Jake- Yup, the girls apparently needed another girl so I kind of just found her on the street and put her on the team 

The crowd laughs as Erika punches him and he laughs. 

Jake- Just kidding, it did not go down like that 

Ellen- So how did you two meet 

Jake- We are not getting out of answering this are we 

Ellen- Nope 

Jake sighs- Erika want to answer 

Erika- Nope you got this bud 

Jake groans- Basically Tristan and I went to a bar to hang out after Logan forced me to go saying I was being an anti social idiot so I gave up and went to the bar long story short I saw Erika here at a table looking bored to death and I walked over and we talked for a bit and then Tristan and I left and then a couple days later, Tristan Tessa and I took Dallas to the park and we ran into Erika again and well from there we hung out more and here we are today 

The crowd awes as Jerika laughs. 

Ellen- So are you sure all you did at that bar was talk 

Jake rolls his eyes- Yup thats all we did, trust me on this 

Ellen - Alright we will pretend to trust you Jake 

The crows laughs again. 

Ellen- So Team 10 any big plans coming up 

Jake- Erika want to take this one 

Erika- Ya sure, Alright so we are currently planning a big trip to a disclosed location for somebody's 25 Birthday 

I watch as Jake smiles.

Erika- So ya we have a ton planned for that, but meanwhile before that, just normal vlog stuff that include the crazy thing the boys do 

Jake laughs - Its true, the vlog that will be up in a couple hours is lit 

Erika- Literally Lit! They almost burned the house down

Jake- That was not our fault

Erika- You put so much random poop in that microwave what do you think was going to happen 

Jake- Hopefully something bad for views and that goal was accomplished so ha I win

Erika rolls his eyes at him and look at Ellen. 

Erika- Do you see what I have to deal with, I dont know how these Team 10 members dealed with him for so many years, there miracle workers 

Jake- Oh shut it 

Ellen laughs- So Jake, my crew has been working hard thinking about this and we would love for you to come on a very special segment with us to talk about losing a loved one, obviously you went through some hard times with the death of Alissa Violet and we want you to speak in front of people of all ages talking about lost and how to deal with it 

I look at Ellen surprised and see Jake smile.

Jake- Wow that sounds amazing I would love to, it sounds like an amazing thing to do 

Ellen- Perfect also you will go on a school tour talking to schools during health class to talk about it 

Jake- Sounds incredible Im down 

Ellen- amazing and of course Team 10 is invited 

Jake smiles- I cant wait 

I watch as they finish the interview up and sigh.... I wish I could see you guys again.... but one day... when I finally get out of this hell I am in.....


With Jerika in the car on the ride home: 

Erika's POV:

Erika- Wow that was incredible 

Jake- It sure was and I cant wait to do this thing Ellen was talking about 

Erika-I know it sounds awesome your going to do great I know it 

Jake- Thanks Rik, it means a lot 

I nod smiling at him as my stomach growls and Jake laughs looking at me. 

Jake- Want to stop for wings on the way home 

I nod my head rapidly and Jake laughs and pulls onto another street heading to buffalo wild wings... oh I can taste them already. 


Jake's POV: 

Oh my god these wings are the most amazing things I have ever tasted my lord, I look at Erika who is scarfing her's down as well. I laugh as she gets her babaque all over her face, and Erika looks up and glares at me.

Jake- You got a little something well everywhere 

Erika rolls her eyes and getting a napkin wiping it off. 

Jake- Nope you missed a spot 

She rolls her eyes rubbing the napkin around her face still missing the spot. 

Jake- Oh my god give me the stupid napkin 

She laughs and hands it to me as I reach over the table and wipe it off her face as she gets a little red and I smile at her and wink. 

Jake- Good thing im here

She rolls her eyes.

Jake- If you do that one more time they are going to get stuck like that 

She sticks her tongue out at me and I laugh, as we continue to talk and eat these delicious wings. 

Jerika- Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now