Chapter 61

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Erika's POV:

Jake after he got ready scurried off to Logan's room saying he was getting ready, and I laugh and nod, as I go on Instagram waiting for him. I got a text from Tessa in all caps telling me to come to her room right now, and I laugh, getting up, and then heading to her room knocking and then walking in to see Tessa laying on her bed.

Tessa- Come here right now

I laugh getting on the bed sitting next to her.


I laugh as Tessa smiles.

Tessa- I cant believe it my bro grew balls

I laugh as I hear a door open and look over to see Chance shirtless in sweats. He waves at me as he puts a shirt on.

Chance- Who grew balls

Tessa- Jake, he asked Erika out

Chance looks at me shocked.


I laugh and nod.

Chance- Im happy for you guys

Erika- Thanks

Chance- When is it

Erika- In like 30 minutes

Chance- Damn hes not wasting time is he.

I laugh shaking my head.

Tessa- What is he planning

Erika- Hes keeping it a surprise

Chance- Awe how cute, I bet its going to be fun, his dates always are

I look at him confused as Tessa laughs.

Chance- Not that I have been on one, I just remember from Violet, her always saying omg he was so sweet, or it was so much fun and I would just ignore her existence

I look at Chance as he sighs looking at Tessa and she gives him a sad smile.

Tessa- Chance you good

Chance- I just realized how much I actually miss that girl, holy shit, she annoyed the crap out of me but damn, I miss having her around

I watch as Tessa gets up hugging Chance as he falls on her shoulder and lets a couple tears fall.

Chance- I never got to say bye, Tessa, I never said bye to her, I never got to tell her she was the most annoying person I ever met again, I never got to-

Chance breaks down crying and I look at him sad, as Tessa walks him to the bed laying him beside me and rubbing his back, as he soon falls asleep.

I glance at Tessa who has her focus on him.

Tessa- He has never talked about his emotions with Alissa before, not since like the first day we found out she died. He always tried to stay strong to help the rest of us out, he never really told us what he was feeling

I look at Tessa shocked as she looks at me sad.

Erika- Wow, I did not realize Chance and her were that close, like you said no one really talks about Chance and her that much

Tessa- Oh yea, they were such sibling goals, they would not stop argue, and make fun of each other messing around

Damn I learn more about there past more and more each day.

Erika- Dang, I had no idea, does it show in the vlogs

Tessa- Oh yea for sure, I bet there's compilations of them doing it.

I nod at her as Tessa has still a worried expression.

Tessa- Im worried about him

Erika- I bet he will be fine, I think its just hitting him hard right now

Tessa- I don't know, the initial shock hit him but then he turned into a rock not sharing emotions then we all split up, these thoughts have probably been in his head for so long, and hes finally letting them out.

I look at Tessa nodding knowing she's probably right. I then hear the door open and see Jake come in the room and look at us worried.

Jake- What's going on in here.

I watch as Jake looks at Tessa concerned.

Tessa- Chance just broke down

Jake looks at Tessa scared.

Jake- What do you mean broke down

Tessa- He started saying how he never got to tell Alissa bye, and how he never got to tell her how annoying she was again and stuff like that

I watch as Jake looks over at Chance concerned.

Jake- Is he okay

Tessa- I don't know, he fell asleep

Jake nods- Text me when he wakes up, I want to make sure hes okay

Tessa nods and Jake looks at me and smiles.

Jake- You ready Costell for the best day ever.

I smile at Jake nodding as he grabs my hand as I stand up.

Jake- See ya Tess

Tessa- Bye guys have fun

Jake- We will

I smile as we walk out of the room and get into one of the rented cars as Jake starts to drive.

Erika- So do I get a hint

Jake smirks- Nope

I groan as Jake laughs as he continues driving. During the ride Jake turns on the radio and we start jamming to music as we laugh trying to be singers. Jake soon slows down and pulls into a spot which looks like in the middle of no where. Jake smiles at me and gets out and runs to my side as I smile as he opens the door grabbing my hand as I get out of the car closing the door.

Jake- You ready, Rik

Erika- Yea, I guess so

He smiles at me as we walk hand in hand into the jungle ahead of us and get on a trail that Jake leads us on. We walk on the trail, laughing and talking about the most random things, when after about 30 minutes Jake stops and I look around shock at what is in front of me...

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