Chapter 19

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 Jake's POV: 

Im not crying im cutting onions dont worry about me. It has been about an hour and we are still watching the old vlogs. It then cuts to a scene with Alissa holding the camera vlogging herself.


Alissa- Shh guys were going to wake him up 

Alissa grabs a cookie and pushes it over to his face and puts it by his mouth and then Jake opens it up and eats the cookie as Alissa laughs.

Jake- Mhh good cookie 

Alissa laughs- Oh my god I cant prank you 

Jake- Sorry babe, I will try not to be the Prank Master for you 

Alissa- Gee thanks 

Jake then grabs Alissa pulling her down with him as she lies on him and is holding the vlog camera pointing it at them as Alissa laughs.

Alissa- Jake I have to gooooo

Jake- Whyyyy guys Alissa should stay here right 

Alissa- You realize your talking to a camera right 

Jake- You do realize my job is talking to a camera 

Alissa laughs and rolls her eyes shaking her head at the camera. 

Alissa- Alright whatever Jake I have to go now 

Jake- Noooooo 

Alissa tries to get up and Jake pulls her back down hugging her tighter.

Alissa- Jakeeeee im just going out with Tessa today I will be back soon

Jake- Butttt you guys take so long 

Alissa laughs- I will be back Paul I love you 

Alissa goes to kiss his cheek but Jake turns his head kissing her lips as Alissa pulls away laughing.

Alissa- Sneaky Paul over here

Jake-You know it 

I watch the video in sadness missing her more than anything right now. I sigh and pause the video as it was cutting to something else and I feel everyone looking at me.

Kade- Maybe we should stop watching, Im starting to get emotional as well

Tessa- Me toooooo, I remember that shopping day, Alissa and I were out for like 9 hours and Jake lost his mind when we came home you would not let go of Alissa 

I roll my eyes at Tessa.

Jake- I think we are all getting emotional, maybe thats enough for one day 

I then look to my side and see Dallas with tears.

Jake- Awe Dall are you okay- 


I look at her sad and pick her up putting her in my lap hugging her as she cries on my shoulder.


I look at everyone nervous and lift Dallas's head up a bit so shes looking at me.

Jake- Dall I promise you, If I could I would of brought Alissa back as soon as I could have 

Dallas cries- I miss her so much 

I look at my crying daughter wiping her tears. 

Jake- Me to Dall so much 

Dallas- You two really loved each other 

Jake- We did but you know who else we really love 

She looks at me.

Dallas- Who 

Jake- You Silly, mommy loved you so much and still loves you so much 

Dallas- I want to see her again 

Jake- Me to, but the best we have is these vlogs and some interviews 

Dallas sighs and cries a little more as I rub her back as she cries on me as I look around at everyone and sigh as they give me sad looks. 

Kade- Hey Dall, should Uncle Nate and I start the steak 

I feel Dallas's head lift up and look at Kade smiling.

Dallas- Yes please 

Kade- Alright girlie come on Jake where is the grill

Jake- Should be on the side of the house 

Kade- Cool we will be back with some delicious steak soon

I watch as Kade and Nate get up and smile at them mouthing thanks as they nod and leave with the steaks to start making them as Dallas's head falls back onto my shoulder. 

Jake- Want to watch Uncle Logan's vlog he made today 

Dallas looks up at me and smiles turning around so shes facing the TV and I smile handing the controller to Tessa as she goes to Logan's channel and finding the vlog as we start to watch it. 

Logan's vlog just ended and Dallas is laughing her butt off and Kade and Nate just came back inside. 

Kade- Time to feast everyone

I smile and stand up carrying Dallas over to the long table we set up and we all sit down and start to dig in.

Nathan- So Dallas what was so funny on the TV

Kade- All we heard was your laughs

Dallas giggles- Just Uncle Logan and Aunt Lydia being funny 

McKenzie- Oh my god Lydia how is her pregnancy

Jake- She is a little more than a month and a half away from due date 

Kade - Really oh my god thats awesome, Dallas you ready to have a play friend

Dallas- I cant wait for my cousin to come

Jake- Well dont forget hes going to be very young and you probably wont be able to play for a little

Dallas- Boo hoo, Daddy 

Jake- Yea

Dallas- Can I have a brother or sister 

I almost choke on my food and everyone's eyes land on me. 

Jake- Um Dall maybe one day 

I look at everyone  who is on the verge of laughing as I roll my eyes.

Dallas- How did you and mom make me 

I once again almost choke as everyone is on the verge of laughing.

Jake- Um when a guy and girl really love each other babies happen you know what you will learn more when your older

Dallas- Then why dont you and Tessa make a baby then 

This time I choke on my food and Tessa spits out her water as everyone ends up laughing.

Jake- I love Tessa like a sister I was in love with Alissa there is a difference 

Dallas - Oh okay danget 

I sigh as Dallas stops with the questions and I look at Tessa who is still almost choking and I laugh as she rolls her eyes at me.  

Kade- Well that sure was interesting 

Tristan- You could say that again

Tessa- Oh yea so much fun 

I groan and look at Tessa who rolls her eyes. 

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