Chapter 25

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Jake's POV: 

It is the first official day of us living in the house I woke up today on my old bed and opened my eyes to see the fish tank and smile remembering all the old memories that were made here. I get up and get ready for the day and then head into the office to see Nathan and Erika laughing up a storm on of the love sacks with Nate's laptop on it... I wonder what could possibly be so funny. 

Jake- uh morning guys 

They both look at me and smile.

Nathan- Hey bro, so Rik and I have been working on the edits for like 2 hours now and its lit bro 

Jake- Wait  Rik

Nathan- Yea, Erika's nickname come on bro catch up

I roll my eyes and laugh walking over to them and sitting on the window behind them and look at it. 

Erika- Jake its so amazing, Nathan is such a good editor 

Nathan laughs and I see him smile.

Jake- Well that's what I pay him to as well to film but yea I hope he would be right Nate 

I slap his back and he nods. 

Nathan- So Erika and I went up to the roof and we took a ton of dope shots of her with the sunrise and then some at the pool, oh and her in the Lambo and laying on the Tacoma. 

I nod and look at all the pictures looking at how amazing Erika looks in them.

Jake- Damn bro good job, and I mean the model is pretty good too 

Erika laughs and nods.

Erika- Well I mean its what I get paid to do 

I laugh as she used what I said as well and she smiles at me. 

Nathan- Jake this is going to be probably the most dope thing we have ever put together 

Jake- I really hope so and are we going to have it done by Next Friday when we start again

Nathan- As long as everyone does there job getting their own clips and send them to Kade and I and our other editors we should be plenty on track 

Jake- Alright sick 

Nathan- Oh yea, Kade brought up are we going to include Dallas in this or not 

I look at him debating.

Jake- I mean she's a part of the team and was before the break, I don't see why not 

Nathan nods.

Nathan- Do you want me to do her since you are already doing Alissa and yourself

Jake- It's fine I got it 

Nathan- I mean I'm already done with mine and I'm almost done with Erika I can easily do her if you want 

Jake- In that case then sure 

Nathan- Alright you got it 

Jake- So are you guys going to like stay here or do you want breakfast 

Erika- We will be down in a sec right Nate 

Nathan- Yea sure be right down 

I nod and look at them one more time and get off the window leaving the room to hear them laughing like crazy again and sigh... Why do I feel weird about that, they are just friends they barely even know each other, then again none of us really know Erika that well. I mean I have only known her for like less than a month. 

I head into the kitchen to see Kenzie and Tessa up making food and smile jumping on the counter next to what Kenzie is doing as she looks at me. 

Kenzie- Sup Jake 

Jake- Hey morning guys 

Tessa- Howd you sleep 

Jake- Actually pretty good, I missed that bed 

Kenzie- Of course you did 

Jake- So do you guys know if anything is going on between Nate and Erika them seem like really close from the last time I saw them 

Tessa smirks at me and I sigh.

Tessa- I am not sure I'll ask him, awe Erika and Nathan would be cute I could see it 

Jake- I would not say that 

Tessa smirks at me again looking at me with the eyes that say "Wait do you like Erika" 

Kenzie- I think it's cute that they are getting along well, its good for Erika to develop relationships in this family since we all already know each other well

Jake- I would not call it a relationship more of a hey I know you kind of thing 

Tessa- Damn since when were you so jealous 

Jake- I'm, not I just I'm not okay, I don't care who she dates or likes or whatever 

Nathan's POV: 

Jake just left the room and Erika and I continue to laugh our heads off at the stupidest things. So I have a little secret you might be wondering how we seem so close even though we have known each other for like 2 weeks, well we actually knew each other back in Freshman and sophomore year of high school. I know right, and we actually went on a date but a week later Erika told me she had to move to Tennessee and well that was the end of that love story. I knew I recognized her and its good to know she recognizes me to.

Erika's POV: 

Jake left the room and I smile at Nathan as we continue to laugh about things that happened in High School, that's right Nate and I went on one date in High School but I ended up having to move 1 week after and we never were official boyfriend and girlfriend. I saw him on the vlogs and I knew he was so familiar with the name and everything. I wonder if Kade remembers me as well. I mean I remembered Nathan being pretty hot but now I mean come on look at him he is a total catch working for a multi-millionaire, a great personality, and of course amazing looks. I honestly would be stupid not to see if we could expand this relationship. 

Erika- Oh my god Remember when Jackson Parker jumped into the fountain right in front of the principle and he got suspended for like a week

Nathan- Yes how could I forget it was so funny the look at the Principles face when he jumped in. 

Erika- Man we shared some pretty good memories together 

Nathan- Sure did, and maybe we can share some better ones together 

I look at Nathan who is smiling at me and I smile back nodding. I feel like I want to lean in but I don't want to take it to fast so I look back at the laptop screen. 

Nathan- Well we should probably go eat I'm starving 

Erika- Me to I have not eaten in like forever 

I hear Nathan laugh as we get up and head into the kitchen after a couple tries of me getting lost... this really is a confusing and big house. 

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