Chapter 5

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I smile as I watch Dallas and Buddy play a little more and then see someone who looks familiar and then when she looks over at me I smile as she smiles back and I wave her over. She then gets to me and stands in front of me. 

???- Well you are just everywhere I am arent you 

I laugh and nod at her. 

Jake- Sure is nice to see you again Erika, you can sit down 

She smiles at me and sits down. 

Erika- So what are you doing at the park 

I look at her trying to think about what to say. 

Jake- Im here with a couple of my friends and there dog 

She nods at me nodding. 

Jake- What are you doing here 

Erika- Just hanging out exploring L.A more since im off on a break for a couple months 

I nod at her. 

Jake- Thats cool 

Erika- So where are these friends 

Jake- They left me to go check out the skate park and to go to the bathroom 

She nods at me and laughs a little.

Erika- I can relate to your position 

I smile at her and examine her a little more smiling at her feeling kind of attracted to her.... well more than kind of but you know what I mean.... right? 

Erika- Awe look at that dog and little girl there so cute 

I slightly chuckle looking over at Dallas who someone managed to sit on Buddy as he walks around being very careful. Buddy is only a year and a half year old but hes almost full grown and well like I said he cares about Dallas very much doing whatever he could to protect her. 

Jake- Yea they are pretty cute arent they 

Erika - They are so cute, and that dog is so well trained jeez 

I slightly laugh again knowing that Tristan Tessa and I trained him... I have no idea how he turned out so well.

Jake- Yea he must have a good owner 

Erika- I remember my parents tried to train our dog for like 2 years and he still was horrible 

Jake- Yea I had a dog named Apollo and he was like the worst dog ever but now he lives with my brother and his dog 

Yea Apollo lives with Logan now because he was destroying the apartment and being way to loud so we kind of moved him in with Logan. 

Erika- Awe thats a cool name 

Jake- Yea hes awesome I love him 

Erika nods as I see Buddy and Dallas start to run over here and I get worried. Oh no shes going to find out...

Buddy gets her fist and smiles putting his two front paws on the seat with me as I pat his head. 

Jake- Hey Buddy 

Buddy pants and looks at me I swear smiling. Dallas then gets over here finally and sighs. 

Dallas- Buddy slow down would ya im not as fast 

I laugh as Buddy turns around and stands next to Dallas. 

Dallas- Daddy im thirsty wheres Tessa 

And there it is... Erika looks at me and does not break her smile. 

Jake- She went to see the skate park with Tristan 

Dallas nods groaning. 

Dallas- Awe man when will they be back 

Jake- Soon hopefully 

I forgot that Tessa had the backpack with Dallas's water and some snacks for us and then some of Buddy's toys. 

Jake- You want to sit down for a little and wait for them 

She nods as Buddy sits down and Dallas sits on the grass leaning against him. 

Dallas- Daddy im thirstyyyy 

I laugh and roll my eyes at her. 

Jake- Impatient just like your mom 

She laughs and its her turn to roll her eyes at me. I remember Alissa always was so impatient but it was pretty cute seeing her try her best to get me to finish editing  faster so we could hang out... I miss those days so much. 

Dallas- When is Tessa getting back 

I look at her sighing.

Jake- Want me to call her and ask 

Dallas nods fast. 

Dallas- Put her on speaker I need to hear this 

 I laugh and sigh pulling out my phone and calling Tessa putting her on speaker also allowing Erika to hear but eh who cares. 

Tessa- Jake why are you calling me

Jake- gee love ya to

Tessa laughs. 

Jake- I can see you rolling your eyes right now 

Tessa laughs once again. 

Tessa- What do you want Paul, I literally just left 

Jake- yea, yea I know but miss princess over here is very thirsty when will you be back 

Tessa- Jake we just left we have not even gotten to the skate park yet and plus I still have to pee so at least 15 minutes 

I sigh and look at Dallas who groans. 

Jake- Well perfect 

Tessa- Sorry Paul, We will get back as soon as we can okay 

Jake- Yea okay 

Tessa- See ya soon

Jake- Bye 

I end the call and look at Dallas. 

Jake- Well looks like you have to wait 

Dallas- So what your saying is im going to die of thirst great 

I look at her and roll my eyes. 

Jake- Have I ever told you how much you are like your mom

Dallas- Every single day dad, but back to the crisis here im dying over here 

I sigh and look at her. 

Jake- You are so Alissa's kid its incredible 

Dallas smiles and look at me.

Dallas- I miss mommy 

Jake- I miss her to baby, but never forget she loves you to so much 

Dallas nods and starts to rub Buddy. 

Dallas- You think shes watching us 

Jake- I know so, and shes probably laughing at how much you are like her and laughing at me trying to deal with you 

Dallas laughs and then her eyes land on Erika who I forgot was here as well and Dallas looks at her confused. 

I wanted to throw an extra chapter out for you guys so here you go. Hope you enjoyed it and if you could vote it would mean alot. Also comment how toy are liking the book and maybe future suggestions for the book. Thanks

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